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Monday 1 March 2021

March is here !

I'm always pleased when the 1st of March is here because it's nice to think that Spring is just around the corner. The daffodils are springing up well and many are showing their lovely colourful, cheerful heads - here are some for you, and by the way Happy St David's Day too.

daffodils, so cheerful

Stained glass depiction of Saint David, designed by William Burges, at Castell Coch, Cardiff

Did you know?
March was known as Hlyda, or Lide in Old English, which means ‘loud. This was referring to the March winds, which were considered very noisy.
The Anglo-Saxons called March “Hlyd monath” meaning “Stormy month” or “Hraed monath” meaning “Rugged month.”

The flower of March is the daffodil.

March babies are spoiled with two birthstones: aquamarine, and bloodstone which symbolize courage.

March was originally the first month of the Roman calendar and was named after the Roman god of war, Mars.

The phrase ‘mad as a March hare’ comes from the view that a hare will behave oddly during the breeding season, which is in March.

There are two zodiac signs in March. Pisces, which is until March 20th, and Aries which is from the 21st.

Every year, March and June finish on the same day of the week.

Special Days of March
March is the only month with three consecutive consonants in its English name, its fair to say that March is a pretty unique month. And its also a month full of pretty unique days. For instance ...

March 1st is World Compliment Day. This day is a day about being positive and sowing the seeds of happiness.

March 6th is White Chocolate Cheesecake Day. (Low Carb recipe here). Some find that a white chocolate cheesecake is the most heavenly desert that could possibly grace your taste-buds. Bake one or buy one, it doesn’t matter. So long as you eat one today - all is balanced in the universe! LOL!

March 11th is World Plumbing Day, Plumbing spans back in time to civilisations like Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, and it’s often something we take for granted. However, without plumbing we’d have no running water and sewage in the streets. Eww!

March 12th is plant a flower day. Floral arrangements date back to as early as 2,500 BC in Egypt, where they were used as decoration and to honour both the dead and the living. After thousands of years people still pick flowers, so instead of picking one today plant one!

March 13th is all about challenging superstitions, Open An Umbrella Indoors Day! Invented in 2003 by Thomas Nibb, this is a day about breaking old superstitions and seeing how nothing bad comes of them. So open your umbrella indoors today – just make sure you don’t break anything!

March 20th is Snowman Burning Day! This was first celebrated in 1971 at Lake Superior State University, this is a holiday all about welcoming the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Lake Superior is one of the coldest places in the US, so there’s always enough snow for a snowman!

March 30th is Take A Walk In The Park Day - A great day to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. If the weather holds up why not even go out and have a picnic, Covid restrictions permitting.
The above taken from here and here and here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas within this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy ... but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Christine said...

So excited to be in March, the sun is shining in the afternoons lately.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love how you found so many things completely unique to March. I also think you definitely deserve the World Compliment Day award, Jan!

John M said...

Very interesting. I love the last photo in a park.

Tom said...

...I love Snowman Burning Day!

Lee said...

That it is! March arrived here yesterday for us mob down this way! :)

DVArtist said...

Ohhh Eddie this is a fabulous post! So much information here. My daughter's birthday is March 6, my partner Mr. M. is March 18, and my landlord who is like my brother is March 26. So I will add those dates to the ones you shared. LOL Have a great evening.

HappyK said...

Thanks for all the March facts. Yes, nice to know spring is just around the corner.

J.P. Alexander said...

Ten un lindo mes y una buena semana. Te mando un beso

Lowcarb team member said...

J.P. Alexander said...
Ten un lindo mes y una buena semana. Te mando un beso

Google translate ...
Have a nice month and a good week. I'll send you a kiss.

William Kendall said...

White chocolate cheesecake?

Kay said...

Thank you for all the interesting facts about March. I didn’t know most of it. They started the year off with Mars? War? Oh my!

aussie aNNie said...

Beautiful post and gorgeous way to start March off....hugs.xx

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you.

Practical Parsimony said...

I never knew all these March facts.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you Jan. This is very informative.

God bless.

Nadezda said...

Dear Jan,
happy month of March to you too.
It's a pleasure to see daffodils in bloom.
Here snow is still on the ground, no any greenness.
Sure, White Chocolate Cheesecake is tasty!

Sue said...

Gosh every day is a treat in March isn't it! It's the month my families birthdays all kick off, so it's back to the craft room for me. Have a fab month Jan and Eddie, take care xx

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for sharing the March facts.
I will find a nice place for a walk on March 30th.
I wish you a happy month of March.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning I enjoyed the history of March and snowman burning day that had me smiling Happy March

Ananka said...

I cannot believe it is March! This year has been pretty fast I think!

Bill said...

Thanks for these interesting March facts.

Snowbird said...

I love the monthly facts. So interesting and

My name is Erika. said...

Th Anglo-Saxons sure had the name correct for March! Thanks for sharing it was a fun post tor read.

Teresa said...

Muy interesante todos los días de marzo. Feliz mes para ti.

Lowcarb team member said...

Teresa said...
Muy interesante todos los días de marzo. Feliz mes para ti

Google translate ...
Very interesting every day of March. Happy month for you.

Magic Love Crow said...

Great post Jan! Happy March! Big Hugs!

Jenn Jilks said...

Gosh we were -19 C. this morning!!!

Jeanie said...

I always look forward to your first of the month posts! Who knew about World Plumbing Day?! Happy March!

Sami said...

Here is the start of Autumn, and right on cue we got a huge amount of rain in a single day, higher than the average for the whole month of March!
Our family has lots of celebrations in March - my birthday on 2nd, my daughter's on 8th, my Dad's on 11th, my sister in law's on 13th and many friends too.
Happy March Jan

Conniecrafter said...

neat to learn more about the month I was born in. Yes it is very cold and snowy up by lake superior, I was raised in Michigan but it is beautiful in the summertime :)

Debbie said...

my mom and favorite niece were born in march, i had no idea about the birthstone. if fact, i did not really know any of this...

i'm glad their flower is the daffodil!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is still cold here. This morning when I went out it was minus nine degrees, but the sun is noticeably warmer, and as the month progresses green shoots will start to push their way above ground. I can hardly wait!

Carla from The River said...

Daffodils are my favorite!
Happy March to you my friend.