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Saturday 31 July 2021

Anyone for Strawberries

Strawberries are a firm favourite in our house, but did you know! They are 91% water, and can be a great contributor to your water intake for the day! They also deliver the most vitamin C of all berries, plus folate, fibre and antioxidants. You can eat them as a little snack (so enjoyable) or with some yogurt, or double cream ... even in a salad, it's a great summer fruit.

Strawberry Cheesecake - so hard to resist
more details here

Triple Berry Summer Salad - so delicious
more details here

Strawberries and Cream
so simple and so delicious

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...local strawberries are past season here, but we enjoyed while we could,

My name is Erika. said...

Yes please. Any of those strawberry dishes look yummy!

J.P. Alexander said...

Adoro las fresas, recién acabo de comer un tazón yogur con ellas. Te mando un beso

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'll take that fresh salad. It looks so refreshing.

Christine said...

The recipes look delicious!

Angie's Recipes said...

We love all sorts of berries!

Lorrie said...

Fresh local strawberries are so sweet and delicious!

Margaret D said...

Yum, Yum on strawberries still eating them here in winter.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Yes please, they are delicious and nutritious. :) We have greatly enjoyed our own strawberries. Unfortunately, the season was very short, due to the unusually hot weather.
Happy weekend! Stay safe and well!

Jo said...

Yum, I love strawberries. That strawberry cheesecake looks delicious.

Valerie-Jael said...

Strawberries are always wonderful! Have a great weekend, Valerie

Laura. M said...

Me encantan.Delicioso postre nos dejas hoy.
Buen fin de semana. Cuidaros.
Un abrazo.

eileeninmd said...

I love strawberries! The triple berry salad looks delicious!
Have a great weekend!

CJ Kennedy said...

Strawberries are a big hit in my household, too.

DUTA said...

Season is short, pleasure is great! I believe all the berry fruit are healthy and tasty; we just don't have them growing here. Imported, are quite expensive.

Ygraine said...

Oh how I adore strawberries!
And you cheesecake looks delightfully dreamy...and as I am cooking a meal for my son's birthday tonight, I will just have time to rush to the shops and buy the ingredients! Yay!
Oh thank you so, so much for this fantastic post!!😊😊

I do hope you are having a great weekend.

Hugs xxx

Miss Val's Creations said...

One of my favorite fruits! We grow them however this year the yield has been sadly low. We always have froze strawberries in the freezer to enjoy with yogurt.

pam nash said...

I love fresh strawberries. Unfortunately, the ones we can buy at the store are tasteless.

DVArtist said...

I am always for strawberries.

Sami said...

Love strawberries, but never thought of putting them in a salad. Will have to try that one.
Have a lovely weekend :) said...

I've got some for today.


Siempre las comro cuando están en buena producción. Hay una provincia, dentro de Andalucía, que es donde vivo yo y tiene una buena producción y excelente calidad, en este rico fruto. Está en la provincia de Huelva y las suelo comprar en cajas de 2 kg.


Mary Kirkland said...

I love strawberries.

HappyK said...

Oh yes, we love strawberries here!!!

Ananka said...

Yup they are popular in our house too! :-D

Teresa said...

Me encanta la ensalada. Un beso.

William Kendall said...

I do like them.

NatureFootstep said...

yes. love them! I had the last ones for the season yesterday. At least locally grown. :)

Martha said...

Strawberries...yes, please! So yummy!

Rajani Rehana said...

So yummy ����

carol l mckenna said...

Ah yes ~ yummy strawberries ~ delish! Xo

Living in the Moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jeanie said...

We're pretty much back to bad grocery store strawberries, which is a shame because I really love them and you have some wonderful ideas here that I'll save for another year!