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Sunday 12 September 2021

Take time to enjoy ...

September in the UK often brings warm and sunny late summer days. We have been fortunate to experience some of those recently and both Eddie and I thought we really must take advantage of them. So the other day we decided to visit Hatchet Pond and take time to enjoy nature ...

Hatchet Pond is the largest area of fresh water in the New Forest, and is located just outside the quaint village of Beaulieu. It is very beautiful and can be enjoyed walking on one of two easy trails, either the longer or shorter route. 

This body of fresh water is home to some of the rarest wetland plants and freshwater animals long since lost from many other parts of the UK. As one of the most wildlife rich water bodies remaining in lowland England, it has the highest possible conservation status as both a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area for Conservation.

Of course after our lovely visit and walk we returned to enjoy a most welcome and delicious plate of ... 

Parma Ham, Walnut and Roquefort Salad
see more details here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe suggestions within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Azka Kamil said...

Like your post ;)

Christine said...

The salad looks delicious! Glad you got out and enjoyed.

Tom said...

...that salad looks delicious.

My name is Erika. said...

Enjoy your autumn days also.

Pam said...

I do recommend that everyone take time to enjoy life and whats around them. Great topic to blog about.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por la receta y por el consejo . Siempre hay que tener tiempo para uno mismo te mando un beso

Lowcarb team member said...

J.P. Alexander said...
Gracias por la receta y por el consejo . Siempre hay que tener tiempo para uno mismo te mando un beso

Google Translate...
Thanks for the recipe and for the advice. You always have to have time for yourself I send you a kiss

Haddock said...

Like that dash of yellow in the salad (I love yolk)

Kay said...

That's a lovely walk and a delicious looking salad.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I enjoyed reading about Hatchet Pond and their conservation efforts, too. Lovely salad.

Elephant's Child said...

That looks like a beautiful place. I am glad that you could get out and enjoy it.

Margaret D said...

Lovely pond there.

Linda said...

Beautiful pond! The salad looks good too.

Jules said...

I love these late summer days. It looks very peaceful there by the pond. X

Sussi said...

Beautiful place!

Valerie-Jael said...

It's always good to spend time in nature, and your meal looks wonderful, yummy! Valerie

Jo said...

That looks like a lovely place for a walk. We certainly have to make the most of the fine days at this time of year, we never know how many are left before autumn and then winter really sets in.

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a lovely day to take a walk, beautiful scene.
The salad looks delicious.
Have a great new week!

bread&salt said...

Sight seeing photo you shared is really beautiful! This salad really matches the Autumn season, looks great. Have a wonderful Sunday.

Phil Slade said...

Sorry Eddie and Jan but you didn't say what birds you saw around Hatchet! I'll bet there was a Hobby or two chasing Dragons? But I will let you off for that salad.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovely place to enjoy Nature

HappyK said...

A beautiful place to walk and enjoy.

Conniecrafter said...

Oh it sounds like a lovely day out and we need to enjoy them so much since it won't be long and we will be in winter season. Yummy meal to come back to :)

Breathtaking said...

Hello,:=) Lovely place to visit, and the Salad looks so appetising, and is one of my and my daughter's all time favourites.

Królowa Karo said...

And beautiful views and delicious food :)

Fun60 said...

Looks a beautiful place to visit especially on a warm September day.

Luiz Gomes said...

Bom dia. Nos últimos dias aproveitei bastante. Olha como eu gostaria de provar essa maravilhosa salada. Bom início de semana.

Lowcarb team member said...

Luiz Gomes said...
Bom dia. Nos últimos dias aproveitei bastante. Olha como eu gostaria de provar essa maravilhosa salada. Bom início de semana.

Google translate...
Good morning. The last few days I've enjoyed it a lot. Look how I'd like to try this wonderful salad. Good start to the week.

William Kendall said...

A lovely view.

Ananka said...

Lovely pond. I have been out a few walks recently and noticed a lot of the insects biting me! Yikes! I am hoping to get out this weeks for a few walks and see the ducks and coots with my daughter and feed them!

Jenn Jilks said...


NatureFootstep said...

beautiful scenery :) Love the reflection.

baili said...

gorgeous lake !

i am glad you walked through such lovely area Jan looks heavenly indeed
nice to learn about rare species

Sue said...

What a lovely day out, and the salad looks good too! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely water photo ~ so idyllic ~ Xo

Living in the moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Debbie said...

here at the jersey shore we call september "locals summer"!! all of the vacationers have gone home and we have the beaches all to ourselves. it is such a special time here!! that salad looks very good!!

Jeanie said...

I can see why you took the time to enjoy this gorgeous spot. I would have done exactly the same. Isn't September a lovely month?

Divers and Sundry said...

What a beautiful setting! The salad looks tasty :)

Snowbird said...

What a fantastic day out, such a beautiful place and stretch of

Teresa said...

Se ve bonito y la ensalada muy buena. Besos.