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Tuesday 5 October 2021

Walking ... can be a miracle cure!

You may have already seen this older article from last year, it is an interesting read, and I share these words from article in Diabetes Diet Blog:

"Adapted from BMJ Sept 19 Promoting physical activity to patients by Christine Haseler et al.

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has described walking as a miracle cure. Despite this many of us are not as active as we should be and inactivity is thought to result in as many deaths as smoking. More than a quarter of UK adults do less than 30 minutes physical activity a week.

Quantified, these are the benefits of just plain walking:

30% lower all cause mortality, even 10 minutes a day is worthwhile.

20-30% lower risk of dementia.

Better relief from back pain than back exercises

30% lower risk of colon cancer

30% reduction in falls for older adults

22-83% reduction in osteoarthritis

even lower body fat than playing sports

20-35% lower risk of cardiovascular disease

20% lower risk of breast cancer

30-40% lower risk of metabolic syndrome or type two diabetes

The people who need to see their GP before undertaking exercise are few but include people with unstable angina, aortic stenosis or uncontrolled severe hypertension.

In pregnancy the sort of activities that need to stop are: impact activities, lying on the back for long periods, high altitude activities and underwater activities."
Words above from here

Related Post
Why not take a walk - read it here

After a nice walk why not enjoy a mug or bowl of
Spiced Parsnip Soup with Coriander and Chilli Pesto
There aren't many things more comforting than a warming mug of creamy soup, and this recipe suggestion is perfect for Autumn, for Halloween, even for the 5th November Bonfire Night!
see recipe details here

Dear reader, a variety of articles, and recipe ideas, are within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


aussie aNNie said...

We love our walks and take pup Bella with us who can be a pain with pulling but at the end of the long walk around the lake, the pleasure and contentment sets in. xx

Christine said...

Great advice and the soup looks delicious!

Conniecrafter said...

Very good reasons to get out there and walk every day!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Walking has always been my favorite form of exercise. It's quite habit forming!

My name is Erika. said...

My grandmother was a walker and she got me walking as a kid. Now I love a good walk. This is really interesting because I didn't know walking had so many good effects. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

Elephant's Child said...

Walking is wonderful - and a stress relief for me. I am slow and I wobble but it is still good.

Margaret D said...

Lovely to be able to walk about, now getting unsteady in walking so neither my husband or myself walk very far, or can walk very far. Used to walk quite a distance once.

Hilly Nicolay said...

Walking is definitely good for body and mind.

Then a nice cup of soup when you get home, delicious.

All the best to you.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes. And our politicians at some point advised people to "stay home"!!! They took the "ad" off the program quickly...

At Home In New Zealand said...

Who could tell that a simple walk could bring so many benefits? I would add PLEASURE to the list as well, especially if walking in an area of natural beauty.

Little Wandering Wren said...

I love my twice-daily walks and feel blessed to have the time in my life for our beach walks. In the morning we set the timer for 11, 12, or 13 minutes out and back and it always seems manageable and sets me up well for the day. That soup looks marvelous!

Jo said...

I'd say that walking is my main form of exercise and even when I feel I can't be bothered, I always feel better once I've got out there, which I have to do as I have a dog to walk. I think it benefits me and it benefits Archie too.

Angie's Recipes said...

So true! I enjoy my walk too.

eileeninmd said...


Hubby and I do enjoy our walks. Great post!
Have a happy day!

Tom said...

...just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

R's Rue said...

I love walking.

Caroline said...

I walk a short distance with the dogs. Have a beautiful evening.

HappyK said...

I already took my walk today. :)

Divers and Sundry said...

I think of myself as liking walking, and yet do I walk regularly? No :(

Inger said...

That's a lot of information inspiring one to walk. I love to walk, I love that it's now autumn and cooler so I can now walk again any time during the day. But as I have aged, I find that I'm getting lazier and that my good intentions don't always result
in a walk.

Lorrie said...

I love to walk, and it's accessible for almost everyone.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Jan, walking is the best exercise. It seems that everyone can benefit by it..Hope you are enjoying the fall weather and all the good food. Soup weather is the best..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

Susan Zarzycki said...

Thanks for reminding me about the benefits of walking. I needed the encouragement today. Soup recipe sounds good too!❤️ said...

I do enjoy a nice walk but probably not as often as I should.

Snowbird said...

Thank goodness I have dogs. Who knew how good walking actually

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Your soup mugs photo is fabulous. I try to walk daily. It's the only activity I don't hurt myself. Nursing a 6 week injury from pickle ball.

Carla from The River said...

We love our daily walk. We get crabby if we miss it. Hee Hee!

Maria Rodrigues said...

Hi Jan, I love walking, I didn't know the amount of benefits it brought to health. It must be really nice to eat this delicious soup at the end of the walk.
A big hug and all the best

Sue said...

Wow all those benefits just from taking a walk! I don't know about the one that says less risk of falling as I can trip over ANYTHING! Have a great week, Sue xx

baili said...

common words but in wiser and accurate manner
thank you for such nice post dear Jan ,i think despite of walking in restricted area i am so happy i do so as i feel the difference when i quit it for while for certain reason like during holidays or else ,i feel heavy and sick .walk is refreshing activity .

DVArtist said...

We do a lot of walking in the house. Inside on the tread mill when it rains and outside every day.

Teresa said...

Caminé bastante y ahora no puedo andar mucho. Besos.

Jeanie said...

Those are really powerful and motivating stats!

Thanks for your visits, Jan. I've been offline and will be again but it's good to catch up!

Magic Love Crow said...

Excellent post! Big Hugs!

susan q said...

Yes I agree with your facts. I keep reading many articles regarding walking and its benefits. My husband and I just enjoy/love it! I pinned the article to my pinterest wellness board♥