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Monday 29 November 2021

Why You Should Rest Your Chopped Garlic for 5 Minutes Before Cooking

Researchers at the American Institute for Cancer Research found that chopping or crushing garlic activates its natural cancer-fighting components. But you should let the chopped garlic sit for about 5 - 15 minutes before you cook it, or most of the cancer-fighting substances are deactivated.

Garlic is a recipe-changing flavour, and I do enjoy using it in recipes. The best part about garlic is it doesn’t just add a mouth-watering taste, it’s packed with delicious benefits.

Acillin is the 'magic' compound
So what is acillin? We know that it’s a compound, but what does it do? Research has shown that this compound may help ease swelling and block free radicals that harm cells and tissues within your body and lead to disease. The compound is one of the main active components of garlic and what gives it its distinct taste and scent.

And where do we find it? The chemical is found in fresh garlic. An enzyme called alliinase is activated when the clove is chopped or crushed. This enzyme converts alliin into allicin.

Why You Should Chop Your Garlic And Let It Rest
Pure allicin only remains stable in freshly crushed or cut garlic for a short time. But letting garlic sit for 5-10 minutes after crushing or cutting it may help boost levels. So before you start cooking your garlic straight away, remember, 'Chop, then stop' is the health mantra for garlic lovers, or even 'Crush don't rush', and for those who like to use a garlic press it's 'Press, then rest'. 😀
Words above from here and here

Do you like to use garlic in your recipes and menu plans?
If you would like some recipe suggestions that include garlic, here are some.

Pork Stroganoff
more details here

Mustard and Sage Chicken with Celeriac Mash
more details here

Baked Garlic Parmesan Salmon
more details here

Smoky aubergine/eggplant timbales
more details here

Dear reader, this blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Christine said...

Very interesting.

DVArtist said...

Oh that is very good to know. Thank you.

Tom said...

...this is something that we rarely use.

Elephant's Child said...

I am a big garlic fan. I didn't know it was better rested though. Thank you.

Margaret D said...

Interesting and those dishes of food look good.

The Happy Whisk said...

Love me some garlic. Have you ever tried growing your own? Crazy fun.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Brussel sprouts look good.
Coffee is on and stay safe

J.P. Alexander said...

Uy no lo sabia gracias por el consejo. Te mando un beso

HappyK said...

We use garlic a lot when cooking but never knew to let it rest first!

Jyoti said...

I didn't know about this. Its very helpful. Lovely Post dear! xoxo

Elderberry-Rob said...

Thanks Jan that's very interesting, we use garlic a lot in our cooking so will make sure to let it rest in future so we get the best from it healthwise :)

Angie's Recipes said...

Good to know!

Fun60 said...

I have never heard of resting garlic before using it. An interesting fact.

Valerie-Jael said...

Thanks for the good advice! Have a great week, Valerie

Jo said...

We don't use garlic very often but those recipes look delicious.

eileeninmd said...

I did not know this, thanks for sharing!
Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

My name is Erika. said...

It's amazing all the little tricks and tips you find. When I chop my garlic tonight, I will let it sit. Thanks for sharing!

CJ Kennedy said...

Sadly, garlic is an IBS trigger. Onions, too.

Yvonne said...

Interesting information. I'm glad I use my garlic correctly, although not because I knew any better. Vic chops it up and it does sit a bit before I get to adding it to my cooking.

Caroline said...

hi Jan, thank you for visiting my blog and your comment. Your recipes are looking delicious.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Good info
Garlic powder fan here. I put it on my eggs all the time.

Jeanie said...

I love garlic and use it often but I'd never heard this before. Thanks so much for the info -- it's very helpful!

Sue said...

Oooh what lovely recipes, and I didn't know this about garlic, so thanks for the info! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

Ananka said...

I will need to remember this. I do love garlic and put it in everything :-D

carol l mckenna said...

Oh wonderful healthy information here and delicious looking recipes ~ Xo

Happy Holidays to you,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Lowcarb team member said...

The Happy Whisk said...
Love me some garlic. Have you ever tried growing your own? Crazy fun.

Hello Ivy, many thanks for your comment and question.
No, I haven't tried growing garlic ... I just go and pick a few bulbs from the local supermarket.
Love garlic in recipes :)

Take care.

All the best Jan

Debbie said...

i did not know that about garlic and it is certainly good to know!! i love garlic and beef stroganoff is one of our favorites dishes, i have never tried it with pork!!

William Kendall said...

I wouldn't have known that.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I cook with a lot of garlic. I used to chop and let it rest but since a friend gave me a garlic crush, I crush the garlic straight into the pot. I'll need to change that!

Conniecrafter said...

Oh good to know I will be doing that from now on! said...

I didn't know that, I shall try and remember next time I use some.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I was aware of the benefits of garlic and the necessity to allow it to sit for a while before cooking. However, I still wondered If the heat from cooking might destroy the benefits. Great post. Thanks

Teresa said...

Me gusta mucho el ajo y en la carne lo dejo reposar. Besos.

Kezzie said...

Ah...I usually put the pressed garlic from my press straight into the meal I want to use it for or it makes a mess somewhere. Hmmm, might need to try this at some point.
Hope you are well. I haven't been to visit for a while, I apologise as things seem to have got very busy and I seem to spend less times on computers. I blame online teaching during lockdown !

Barwitzki said...

Last Saturday's clementine and almond cake was great ... delicious. Thank you, Jan.
I also frozen half a cake :-)) I'll definitely bake it again, I ate it with some whipped cream on top :-)
The vegetable recipe is great ... yes, I can eat every day - vegetables :-)))
But, I also love cookies :-)
Hug Viola