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Tuesday 14 December 2021

Calming Foods to Reduce Anxiety and Stress These Holidays

"In this article, you are going to discover nine foods proven to help boost your feel-good hormones, lower your blood pressure, and reduce cortisol levels, which will help you balance your moods and feel calmer.

1. Capsicum (Peppers)
Why it works: When we’re stressed, our body releases a chemical called cortisol. Capsicum reduces the amount of cortisol in the bloodstream which helps to manage stress, plus it contains vitamin C that boosts immunity.
How to eat it: Chop up some raw sticks to have at your desk at work and munch on them on their own or with a nice hummus when you’re feeling stressed. The crunchiness will also help to relieve your tense jaw.

2. Cooked Tomato
Why it works: Like capsicum, this too helps to reduce your cortisol levels but is also a major source of lycopene; which has been linked to a reduction of depressive symptoms, and helps prevent inflammation and blood clots. Studies have found cooking tomatoes can increase the potency of lycopene, far great than any other fruit or vegetable.
How to eat it: Try adding cooked tomatoes to your breakfast routine or make some delicious tomato soup for lunch or dinner.

3. Spinach
Why it works: Spinach, and other dark leafy greens are rich in folate which helps your body produce serotonin and dopamine, regulating your mood. Spinach is also high in magnesium which helps to lower high blood pressure. The body becomes depleted of magnesium when under stress, so getting plenty of magnesium through spinach is a great way to bring your body back to balance.
How to eat it: Add a cup of spinach leaves to your morning smoothie or create a healthy bed of baby spinach leaves to eat with a couple of poached eggs for breakfast.

4. Avocado
Why it works: Avocados contain 20 essential health-boosting nutrients, including potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins, and folate. According to research published in the Nutrition Journal, avocados keep you satiated throughout the day and are helpful for regulating blood sugar levels, which helps to keep your mood steady even in times of stress.
How to eat it: Avocado is so versatile you can add it to almost anything or eat it on its own for a pick-me-up snack. Add avocado to your morning smoothies, chop it up and put it in your salad, whip it up in your blender to make a guacamole dip or even use it in a dessert to curb those sweet cravings!

5. Salmon
Why it works: Salmon is an excellent source of healthy Omega 3 fatty acids which help regulate your hormones and brighten your mood. Salmon also contains zinc, which is often depleted in the body in times of stress.
How to eat it: Breakfast, lunch or dinner! This delicious protein is great with eggs for breakfast, pan-fried in coconut oil and partnered with a side salad for lunch, or why not try it with a coconut and macadamia crust for an easy but impressive dinner. For a quick and easy bite to eat when you’re busy, have a salmon nori roll to get the added benefit of the seaweed’s vitamins and minerals.

6. Dark Chocolate
Why it works: With magnesium deficiency linked to anxiety and stress, you don’t have to feel guilty about a few bites of chocolate when you’re stressed. Good quality dark chocolate contains magnesium and zinc to give you a healthy boost.
How to eat it: Have a few pieces of high-quality dark chocolate as a snack when you’re stressed.

7. Walnuts
Why it works: Walnuts contain a plant form of Omega- 3 fatty acid that the body converts into docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to lower norepinephrine, a hormone which can make you feel anxious and irritable.
How to eat it: Add a sprinkling of walnuts to your salad at lunch.

8. L-Tryptophan
Why it works: L-tryptophan is an amino acid that your body converts to the ‘happy chemical’ serotonin. Do you get cranky when you’re stressed? Research has shown that people who consume tryptophan become significantly more agreeable and less quarrelsome.
How to eat it: Foods rich in L-tryptophan include oats, yogurt, nuts, seeds or organic pasture fed animal products.

9. Sesame Seeds
Why it works: Stress and anxiety tend to deplete your body of zinc, and our bodies need zinc for both the immune and nervous systems. Sesame seeds hold around 10 mg of zinc per 100 g serving, whether you eat them raw, toasted or ground.
How to eat it: Sesame seeds ground into butter, known as tahini, is delicious with salads or as a dip with a few veggie sticks for a quick and easy snack. Tahini is also a core ingredient for hummus!

If you know you’re a ‘comfort eater’ when you’re stressed, stock up on these healthy, calming foods to help you balance your emotions and keep your calm."
Words above and all relevant links can be seen here

Thanks for reading. A cuppa and square of dark chocolate works for me … how about you?

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Susan Kane said...

Thanks you for this info. Husband is a reluctant diabetic. He knows what he must do, but isn't faithful.

William Kendall said...

Good suggestions.

Tom said...


Carla from The River said...

I have been adding sesame seeds to my meals. I like to toast them in a hot iron skillet. I toss them on top my veggies. YUM!

Christine said...

Thanks for the suggestions.

My name is Erika. said...

Nice list. Its perfect for this stressful time of year.

stardust said...

The name L-Tryptophan was new to me and checked to learn that it is contained in abundance in soy-bean-based foods like miso, tofu, soy-sauce, and natto. Cheers for healthy diet!


Margaret D said...

Nice read Jan.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you. A big of calm NEVER goes astray.

Iris Flavia said...

Good tips, I have some of the food right here!

linda said...

Spinach, walnuts and dark chocolate are my most favourite things to eat it's good to know they are helping to reduce my stress levels as well as tasting good.

Jo said...

I wonder if you can actually feel the benefits of eating these foods. I suffer terribly with stress and anxiety, worth a go I should think.

shirleysimplerecipe said...

Good health tips!I like salmon 😃!

Ananka said...

Apart from salmon and number 8 I like the rest. Good to know.

CJ Kennedy said...

I like the chocolate the best.

Giorgio said...

Great post! I sometimes have walnuts or almond at breakfast.
I love dark chocolate!

Enjoy the rest of this week :-)

Jeanie said...

So far, I'm batting about 90 percent on all of those. Still stressed but at least I feel better about it!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I eat 1/2 an avocado every day, so I am glad to read it's yet another reason I eat this fabulous food. I also eat walnuts and sesame seeds in my fatouch salads, too. Thanks for this great article, Jan.

Sami said...

I had no idea all these food were "calming" foods. I remember many years ago eating a lot of lettuce every day and somehow I felt calmer, never investigated that, I just thought of that now after reading this post.
Thanks Jan

Elderberry-Rob said...

How interesting :) I suffer stress/anxiety at times and have noticed I crave avocado, spinach, walnuts (plus cottage cheese and watercress) all things on your list of goodies :)

Inger said...

I'm usually calm these days. Looking at your post, I find that I eat most of the things you list on an almost daily basis. Except the dark chocolate, which is so deadly for dogs, should they get ahold of a piece by mistake. So a very limited amount of milk chocolate instead. It doesn't do too much harm to my diabetes management.

Debbie said...

these are wonderful things to know. i try to like salmon...but i just don't. the rest i enjoy!!

Fun60 said...

Actually for once that is a good list for me as I regularly eat all of the suggested foods. said...

I eat quite a few of those so I must be very calm.

HappyK said...

I'm a pretty calm person but nice to know about the calming foods.

NatureFootstep said...

Love the Sign! It is beautiful!

CherryPie said...

Many of those foods feature in my meals.

pam nash said...

Thank you! Think I'll have oatmeal this morning and add spinach to the dinner menu!

Teresa said...

Todo muy interesante. Besos.

Conniecrafter said...

good to know, always good to get our goodness from our foods!

baili said...

thank you so much for excellent read dear Jan .

it is always god to learn how can we add good to our living indeed.

blessings to you and loved ones!

Snowbird said...

How interesting! I'm pleased to find many foods I enjoy on this

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Hummus is one of the greatest foods ever invented!

Magic Love Crow said...

I love all these foods! I'm going to eat them all the time! Big Hugs!