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Friday 11 February 2022

How to eat fish sustainably : Plus a fish omelette recipe

"Carbon footprint, fishing quotas, farmed fish – how can we trust that what’s on the fish counter is safe to eat and not exhausting the planet?

Buying sustainable fish
CJ Jackson, principal of the Seafood School at Billingsgate in London, explains how to make sustainable choices when it comes to buying fish.

1. Buy in season
Buy locally sourced if possible.
Choose different fish, not just your usual favourites.
Trust your fishmonger – they should have all the knowledge about their product and be able to give information about the seafood they are selling.

2. Stay informed
The Marine Conservation Society uses scientific research to gather information. Their excellent yearly Good Fish Guide traffic light system helps the consumer make sustainable seasonal choices. The website is much more detailed and one to keep an eye on each time you shop.

3. 'Go ahead' choices
European hake (landed in Cornwall and Scotland) is an excellent alternative to cod and haddock. Coley is related to cod, but less expensive. Mackerel (look for hand-line caught from the South West). Good-to-eat shellfish include mussels and cold water prawns.

4. MSC
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) will certify seafood stocks considered to be fished at sustainable levels. These are updated regularly. Many species have the familiar blue tick logo. If you can’t see these, ask the fishmonger – small fisheries can’t necessarily afford the certification but do fish in a responsible way.

5. Farmed fish
Currently more than 50% of the seafood we consume is farmed. To enjoy seafood into the future, aquaculture has an important role to play. Many concerns about farmed practices have been addressed in some areas including the use of antibiotics, feeds and stocking density. There are over 30 different certification standards promoted by retailers, including Fairtrade, Ethical Trading Initiative and RSPCA Assured.

6. G.A.P
GlobalG.A.P. is an organisation that certifies standards in aquaculture, as well as crops and livestock, and can be seen in some of the major retailers.

7. Fishing for litter
Many fishermen are concerned about waste, litter, improving their fishing gear and other important environmental issues. New initiatives include recycling fishing equipment and sending it to third world countries for re-use. ‘Fishing for Litter’ is a scheme where fishermen are given large bags to gather debris collected in nets during fishing. They are also improving gear efficiency to lessen by-catch (unwanted species) and minimise damage to the seabed. Trials are on-going.

8. Seafish UK
Sea Fish UK are the authority advising across the industry from sea to plate. They cover everything from promoting the consumption of seafood, to improving the health of the consumer and ensuring fishermen are safe at sea."
Please see original article with all research and information links here

How about enjoying this tasty
Fish Omelette
for lunch, tea or supper, it's healthy, nutritious and great tasting

Serves Two
300ml milk
300ml water
3 bay leaves
1 onion, sliced
6 black peppercorns
275g white fish fillet
6 eggs
20g unsalted butter
50ml cream
2 tablespoon dill chopped
2 tablespoon grated parmesan cheese
100g Persian feta, crumbled
Instructions, more details here

Dear reader, a variety of articles and recipe ideas are found within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Christine said...

Sounds good!

Tom said...

...I rarely eat fish.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Fish omelet sound interesting.
Coffee is on and stay safe

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por el consejo y la receta. Te mando un beso.

Debbie said...

fresh ...the only way to enjoy fish!!

Elephant's Child said...

Fish omelette is an idea that has never crossed my mind.

Jo said...

An interesting post. Now that's something I've never tried, a fish omelette.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Sou um grande consumidor de peixe.
Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Interesting article.

roughterrain crane said...

Your recipe is great. love to eat a variety of fishes. This week I had a sea bream grilled with salt. It tastes better in the spring.

Valerie-Jael said...

Good advice as always! Valerie

eileeninmd said...

I like fish but not in my omelet.
Have a happy day and a great weekend.

linda said...

I love fish but I'm not sure that I would enjoy it in an omelette. Have a lovely weekend.

CJ Kennedy said...

I don't think I've ever heard of a fish omelet. Sounds good!

mamasmercantile said...

We eat a lot of fish but I must admit never in an omelette. Thank you for your concern and your condolences.

baili said...

How informative is your post dear Jan.

Our season to eat fish is about to end and it makes me sad :(

Giorgio said...

I agree! I have fish at dinner at least twice a week. But I don't buy fish that has been shipped from Norway (salmon) or Greece (sea bass).

Bill said...

Sounds good and I love fish.

Caty said...

It is a very interesting publication, thank you very much for all that information, which I have to read slowly. It is true that we must be increasingly aware of the damage we cause to nature, and take measures to prevent it.
You see, I've never eaten a fish omelette, but peas, mushrooms, prawns, cheese... but not fish, and it really looks good. I ´ll have to try to do one. I wish you a very happy weekend, take care of yourselves, and big hugs

Teresa said...

El pescado me gusta. Besos.

DVArtist said...

Good post. I am not sure I could eat a fish omelet though.


Prefiero el pescado a la carne, aunque como de ambas cosas.

Feliz fin de semana.

sandy said...

That omelette looks good. I like Tilapia but do wonder sometimes about how it is farmed.

J C said...

Fish is definitely on my menu!

HappyK said...

Very informative and great advice.

William Kendall said...

Seafood is not for me.

My name is Erika. said...

It really bothers me to think of the oceans running out of fish. But fish tastes so good. This is such an important article, so thanks for sharing it. Happy start to your weekend. hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

I love fish -- and this issue has so many levels, I really appreciate your sharing the best and most sustainable ways to enjoy it.

Divers and Sundry said...

I've never heard of fish omelet and admit I'd rather have my fish another way. I do like fish but don't have a dedicated fishmonger. Kroger. That's what I've got lol