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Sunday 24 April 2022

Can a keto / low carb diet improve knee pain?

Sharing an article from Diet Doctor site that may be of interest to readers who suffer with knee pain.

"If you have aching knees, can a keto diet help? And if it does, is it simply because the keto diet helps you lose weight, taking stress off your joints, or is something more happening, such as reduced inflammation?

Diet Doctor medical director Dr. Bret Scher, in this DDNewsvideo, examines the findings of two studies, one from 2022 and the other from 2019. Both suggest that knee pain does indeed improve on a keto diet.

And the reason for the improvement is likely both weight loss and reduced markers of inflammation.

“Any weight loss is going to be beneficial for lower body arthritis symptoms,” says Dr. Scher. “But if you can eat in a way that also helps lower systemic inflammation, that’s probably beneficial as well.”

The 2022 study is from researchers at Virta Health. It is part of their ongoing series of research studies that have followed 262 patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing intensive online coaching and support to eat a low-carb ketogenic diet.

Virta compares these patients to 87 patients receiving the usual care for type 2 diabetes. (The Virta study is a registered clinical trial, but participants were not randomized into the intervention and control arms. You can find more of our reports about Virta’s ongoing findings here.)

Publishing in March 2022 in the journal BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, the Virta researchers report that they collected data from patients about knee pain and function as part of their two-year trial.

Compared to the group getting the usual care for type 2 diabetes, those on the keto diet had statistically significant improvement in knee pain and function, likely due to weight loss from their abdomen and reduced markers of inflammation.

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: Continuous care intervention with carbohydrate restriction improves physical function of the knees among patients with type 2 diabetes: a non-randomized study

Diet Doctor wrote about an earlier study in 2019, which was a small trial that randomized 21 adults with knee pain to one of three diets for 12 weeks: low carb, low fat, or a control (no change) diet.

While participants on both the low carb and low fat diets lost similar amounts of weight, only those on low carb experienced improvements in knee pain and function. The researchers hypothesized that this was likely due to the low carb diet reducing inflammation.

While both studies are preliminary and more research is needed, it is an encouraging finding for the millions of people with sore, aching knees, Dr. Scher notes.

“Of course, it is not going to work for everyone. It is not going to be one miracle cure. But what’s the downside of trying if you’re suffering from arthritis? There’s data that suggests it’s beneficial,” he says."
Words above and more can be seen here

You will find a variety of articles, studies and recipes within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Christine said...


William Kendall said...

Proverbial food for thought.

Tom said...

...I broke my right knee years ago in a car accident, now I can forecast the weather!

J.P. Alexander said...

Siempre ahy que comer sano te mando un beso.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Weight lost help lot of things.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Elephant's Child said...

A healthy diet can improve a myriad of things.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lets hope it helps some people. Have a great Sunday, Valerie

Jo said...

It's all about eating a healthy and balanced diet. I'm sure this would improve many conditions.

eileeninmd said...

Interesting post, a healthy diet is important.
Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

Pam said...

Been seriously thinking of trying a version of Keto Diet to see if it helps me. My issue, I love sugar, sweets and doing that it would help me to get my protein in also. Jan, I loved being a granny or Nana is what I am called when Caleb was young. I was healthier then and was so able to enjoy him. When the other two came along, 8 yrs and 9 yrs later, the Fibro had taken over and getting down and rolling around, running and chasing and things like that became really hard. Being a Great Nana now is going to be even rougher since my muscle are weak and I drop so much...Hold babe will take place as I sit. I hate this chronic pain stuff.

DVArtist said...

Great post. Have a nice day today.

DeniseinVA said...

A great article Jan and one I am bookmarking. Thank you!

HappyK said...

Thankfully I can take my morning walk free of knee pain!!

CJ Kennedy said...

That's very interesting

My name is Erika. said...

This article makes a lot of sense. I'm glad you shared it.

Conniecrafter said...

I have cut way back but I think I need to do more, anything that can help

Teresa said...

Me parece un artículo interesante, para mí dolor de rodillas. Gracias y besos.

Jeanie said...

I find this really interesting, given that I am beginning to have knee issues. Thanks for sharing it.

bread&salt said...

WoW very interesting. Kene issues are really big problem. Thanks for the informative post. Greetings.

baili said...

what an excellent post my friend ,thank goodness i have started to reduce carb consumption gradually dear Jan my recent step is a lighter tortilla s we eat it thrice a day ,i just began and i can feel it is working thankfully said...

Interesting. My knees are not too bad at the moment, I can't say the same for my fingers.

Rose said...

This is really interesting. I really need to cut back on carbs. Sounds like it would be so feneficial.