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Tuesday 5 July 2022

Fruit - is it part of a low carb diet/lifestyle?

Yes, good news! 
You can eat fruit on a low-carb diet - you just have to be careful with how much you eat.

This guide to carbs in fruit answers your questions! It's an easy to use photo grid. 
Take a look below but read much more at Libby's Ditch The Carbs site here

Guide To Carbs in Fruit

Have you a favourite fruit or two?
Raspberries are nice and I like blackberries too.

All the best Jan


Practical Parsimony said...

I like all fruit, but bananas and Red Delicious Apples are the ones I eat the most. White/green grapes, and raspberries and strawberries in season are ones I do love.

Tom said... apple a day keeps the doctor away!

Christine said...

A good chart thanks

J.P. Alexander said...

La fruta siempre es buena gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

Lorrie said...

Summer fruits come around for such a short time and I love to eat them in season, in moderation. There's nothing like fresh cherries and then peaches. YUM!

Margaret D said...

For someone who doesn't have to watch what I eat, this chart is interesting.

Elephant's Child said...

I like fruit. A lot. Mangoes and raspberries are probably my favourites.

eileeninmd said...

Oh wow, I like the high carb fruit. Bananas and cherries.
Have a great day and happy week ahead.

CJ Kennedy said...

I like Granny Smith apples, bananas, berries. And no surprise that the dried cranberries take the carb prize. Those are my favorites, too.

Jeanie said...

Since I've been out of commission I've missed so many posts that I'll never catch up. This is interesting -- I love fresh fruit and summer is just the best for it!

Bill said...

Bananas, blueberries, raisins and apples for me. I like most fruit but in porridge is apples and blueberries, nuts and raisins.

Divers and Sundry said...

I like fruit and eat several servings a day. I don't see prunes and dried apricots on this chart, but I like them, too, even though the carb count with those is super high. I also like avocado.

Debbie said...

this is a great chart, i do enjoy fruit, especially during the summer!!

DUTA said...

During summer, watermelon takes first place, and according to your chart, it's low carb. Well, good news for us, those who are used to eat this fruit during the hot days of summer!

HappyK said...

My favorite are strawberries and watermelon.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I love fruit, Jan. But right now I think my favorite are the beautiful strawberries we are getting!

Lowcarb team member said...

Gooseberries-a Low Carb Fruit
I've just read an interesting post by Lori, read it here

I'd completely forgotten about Gooseberries, and yes, they are a low carb fruit. They are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, Potassium and Magnesium.
In the UK these tangy berries are only available for a short time.
Green, are the early season gooseberries and have a tart flavour and are usually used for cooking, while later, red-tinged fruits are sweeter and milder.

I can remember growing up my dear mum used to made wonderful gooseberry pies and crumbles ... happy memories :)

Now, when baking I would use a lower carb flour alternative to make a crumble/cobbler.

All the best Jan said...

Good to know. My favourites at the moment are cherries and grapes.

Mary Kirkland said...

I love all kinds of fruit.

Martha said...

I love fruit! I eat a lot of eat. I can't imagine life without it!

Sue said...

For the first time in years our blackbird has left the cherries on the tree this year! Neil made a wonderful cherry pie using almond flour and it was absolutely delicious! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

Ananka said...

Dried fruit - jeez really high! Better off with the fresh! I like this list, it is good to see it and realise what is higher and lower.

Teresa said...

Creo que me gusta toda la fruta, unas de las que más me gusta es naranjas, melocoton, cereza, plátano, etc. Besos.

Snowbird said...

That was informative!xxx

William Kendall said...

Blueberries and cherries would be my favourite.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

I have some wild pricker bushes that I'm letting grow this year, in my yard. I think they might have blackberry or raspberry fruit once the flowers bloom and get pollinated. Time will tell...

My name is Erika. said...

This is really helpful. My wild blackberries are forming, and I am glad they are low in carbs But it is sad so much dried fruit is so much higher. Is it from the drying process or what is added to it before drying?

Lowcarb team member said...

My name is Erika. said...
This is really helpful. My wild blackberries are forming, and I am glad they are low in carbs But it is sad so much dried fruit is so much higher. Is it from the drying process or what is added to it before drying?

Hello there, and many thanks for your comment and question.
Dried fruit is much higher in carbs because the water has been removed from dried fruit, and this concentrates all the sugar and calories in a much smaller package. For this reason, dried fruit is very high in calories and sugar, including both glucose and fructose.

Enjoy your wild blackberries :)

All the best Jan