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Sunday 10 July 2022

Sunday ... and a change of plan

Oh dear! Even the best laid plans sometimes have to be changed!

We had a family gathering planned for today (Sunday). However, on receiving the news that our Grandson had tested positive for Covid, our get-together has been postponed.

There have been many articles in our UK news that Covid is again on the increase, with the Office for National Statistics saying that one in every 25 Brits are now infected! What is it like where you live?

With the change of plan we now intend to spend a quiet day. I may even watch the Wimbledon tennis finals and Eddie may catch the Austrian Grand Prix 😊

Whatever your plans may be, I wish you a happy Sunday.

All the best Jan


William Kendall said...

I had a bout of Covid back in April. The cough lingered awhile.

Practical Parsimony said...

In Alabama rates are rising. We still wear a mask and do not go out to eat and avoid all crowds. The grocery store is our only "exposure" and we wear a mask.

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys were not exposed, Covid has touched every family -Christine

J.P. Alexander said...

Es pero que su nieto este bien. Te mando un beso.

Lori Miller said...

It's been going around the office again. I think I'm the only person who hasn't had it.

Jeanie said...

It's on the increase here, too but I'm so sorry it has hit your family. I hope your grandson has a mild case and you can reschedule your gathering soon.

peppylady (Dora) said...

This covid thing is getting tiring.
Coffee is on and stay safe

HappyK said...

Sorry to hear you grandson has covid. Hope it is a mild case and he is back to health quickly.
Covid is still around here and was on the increase but has leveled off again. The cases seems to be mild though. Ken and I had it and it was like a bad cold that left us tired for a while and Ken had a cough longer than I did.

Elephant's Child said...

I hope your grandson recovers quickly and completely - and that you and Eddie enjoy your 'different' Sunday.

Fun60 said...

More and more friends seem to be testing positive of late. Fortunately they have recovered quickly. I hope your grandson is not too unwell with this pesky virus.

Tom said...

...Civid changing many plans, I hope that he will be feeling well soon.

Margaret D said...

Hopefully your grandson will recover quickly. Down on the Island here the cases have increased these past two weeks. Another way..

Margaret D said... should be Jan..

It's me said...

O no!…so a lazy Sunday πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ love lazy sundays…do you have had covid? …me not…and yes more covid here in Holland right now…it never stops I am afraid…be safe…love Ria and Leaf ofcourse πŸΎπŸ’—

eileeninmd said...

Happy Sunday! It seems like Covid is making the rounds once again here too.
I hope your grandson feels better soon. Take care, enjoy your day and happy new week ahead.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Yes. Covid starts attacking. More and more countries are preparing for its arrival. Hope the grandson has a light variation of it.
Have a nice relaxing Sunday and a happy week.

chica said...

Que fique tudo bem com teu neto! Aqui no Brasil( moro no Rio Grande do Sul) a cada dia mais e mais casos! Pena! beijos,chica

roughterrain crane said...

I hope your grandson recovers soon.

J C said...

It's increasing here, too, in the lower 48. People are becoming complacent and mask wearing is less and less. Too soon.

Iris Flavia said...

We´ll have to live with this. A Perth friend, sitting by my side, just agreed with this, too. They made it to Germany all the way from Perth!

Jenn Jilks said...

Oh no! That is too bed. Good you found out, though.

Divers and Sundry said...

What a shame :( I hope you can re-schedule soon.

Alicia said...

Our cases are going up as well in Kern County, California. I believe it's because people are getting together for summer vacation and traveling more. So far we are not going to places like movie theaters or clubs or places where there will be a lot of people, but we have been going to restaurants and stores without wearing a mask and so far so good.

DMS said...

Sounds like you will at least be able to relax a bit and hopefully everyone will be well enough to get together soon. :)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Jan, I am so sorry your grandson has Covid. I pray he will soon be well. Covid is on the rise here as well. I'm not sure of the stats now but there is a rise of cases.
Stay safe, my friend.

sandy said...

Sounds like a relaxing day. And may your grandson get well soon. Luckily our grandkids have all gotten it at one time or another and for them it was like a cold, nothing more. I know others get more symptoms. I have no idea how it is in our country - i don't read the news anymore but i know up a neighbor's husband down the road test positive so they are staying in.

Lorrie said...

Cases are going up here in western Canada, too, but they are much less severe than before. Still, it's not a virus to trifle with. I hope your grandson soon mends.

Jules said...

I'm sorry to hear that. There is an increase in cases here as well.
I hope your grandson feels better soon. X

My name is Erika. said...

Around where I live people act like there is no such thing any longer. It can be scary.

Martha said...

Case are rising here, as well. My younger daughter and her boyfriend got it last week. They are doing okay. Wishing your grandson well!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I hope your grandson's case is mild. Sorry that happened, but cases are on the rise here, too.

Ananka said...

Hope he is okay and you had a good day anyway. I was working :-|

Teresa said...

Espero que tu nieto se encuentre bien. Por aquΓ­ tambiΓ©n hay muchos casos. Besos.

Linda said...

Lots of Covid here in USA. People have gotten careless.

Conniecrafter said...

sorry your grandson has got Covid, hope he is recovering well, and you all will be able to get together again soon. It does seem like even those that are very careful and are vaccinated have gotten it. We just went and got our second booster a couple days ago, so far we haven't had it.