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Tuesday 9 August 2022

Level three heat health alert : Perhaps time to enjoy 'an evening hour'

Like many countries around the world the UK has also been experiencing high temperatures. Many areas have a level three heat health alert issued for the rest of this week. Eddie and I will do our best to stay as cool as possible and avoid going out in the heat of the day. The early morning or later in the day is often that little bit cooler. Sometimes it can be so enjoyable to make the most of an evening hour ... which links nicely to this poem, which I hope you will enjoy reading 😊

An Evening Hour

It was a sunny bright evening, an evening so calm,
The kind of evening that was inviting me with an outstretched arm.
So I decided to spend an hour doing almost nothing,
Sitting and enjoying the best of what nature could bring.

Getting up from my chair, I thought I'd take a stride
Then there was a bumble bee that suddenly came by my side.
There was a kind of music as the bee flapped its wing,
Music so perfect that no one could ever sing.

Walking little further, I spotted a butterfly
Which was hovering over the flowers and then soaring high
And I came to the conclusion as I was on my knees,
Not the richest of queens was dressed like one of these.

My evening hour in the garden was very well spent
And now I know what beauty and music really meant!!

By Pearlyn

images from google

and at the end of the day I always enjoy a refreshing cup of tea
remember in the heat it is important to stay hydrated
~Wishing you a happy day~

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...Saturday it was over 30C here, it was a tough day.

Christine said...

Lovely poem!

Conniecrafter said...

We are having high heat also, had to do some of yard work this morning and then again this evening. I think I sweat enough to loose a whole pound of water so I am trying to make up for what I loss, hope you all stay cool

J.P. Alexander said...

Bella tarde me alegra que hayas visto la mariposa y cuidensen del calor. Te mando un beso.

Jeanie said...

That's a lovely poem. Yes, the evening hour is a lovely one, isn't it, as the light changes, the sky takes on different colors and the day quiets down. This is such a lovely break in what I know are very warm times.

Elephant's Child said...

Stay cool, stay safe.

Margaret D said...

Be cool.

Giorgio said...

I enjoyed reading the poem, Jan. Thank you for sharing! I also like tea in the afternoon.

Have a nice Tuesday :-)

Stefania said...

E? proprio vero, una bella passeggiata alla sera dopo cena è molto rilassante e poi aiuta anche la digestione.

Grazie per la bella poesia.

Jo said...

It's a scorcher here in Yorkshire today and we're forecast higher temperatures for the rest of the week.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely poem and images. Stay cool!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Valerie-Jael said...

Very hot here, too, but at least there's a breeze today!

HappyK said...

We don't get those real hot days here. Our summers are very pleasant.

Lowcarb team member said...

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J.P. Alexander said...
Bella tarde me alegra que hayas visto la mariposa y cuidensen del calor. Te mando un beso.

Beautiful afternoon I'm glad you saw the butterfly and took care of the heat. I send you a kiss.

Stefania said...
E? proprio vero, una bella passeggiata alla sera dopo cena è molto rilassante e poi aiuta anche la digestione.

Grazie per la bella poesia.

And? really true, a nice walk in the evening after dinner is very relaxing and then also helps digestion.

Thank you for the beautiful poem.

Carla from The River said...

Our heat wave broke Monday morning for a few days anyhow. ;-) I enjoyed the poem.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Very warm here in Edinburgh too, though thankfully there's a cooling breeze most of the time

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It has also been a hot summer where I live, with 40 days over 90 degrees F, or 32.2 C
Because we are at high elevation it does cool down a bit at night and we have low humidity so it is tolerable. My tomatoes and peppers are loving growing in this weather, so as it says in the beautiful poem you shared the garden has been a refuge and delight!

Laura. M said...

Una preciosa y tranquila tarde.
Me encantan las fotos.
Un abrazo.

DUTA said...

It's the humidity that 'kills' me, the heat is as usual in our summers.
Beautiful poem , describing a beautiful evening hour in the garden with the music of the bee and the hovering of the butterfly.

Ananka said...

I was reading England and Wales are to get it bad, but we aren't meant to get it so bad! I hope! Drink plenty and stay cool :-D

baili said...

i am wondering this summer if i felt such heat ever again dear Jan i wonder and check temps which seems familiar but heat seems far more than numbers appearing on screen .

best wishes for evening hour oh i so enjoyed the beautiful poem thanks for sharing

Lowcarb team member said...

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Laura. M said...
Una preciosa y tranquila tarde.
Me encantan las fotos.
Un abrazo.

A beautiful and quiet afternoon.
I love photos.
A hug.

William Kendall said...

We had heat here too. Thunderstorms came in on Sunday and by Monday it was considerably cooler.

Teresa said...

Bonito el poema. Besos.