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Sunday 9 October 2022

A Pleasant Afternoon Stroll

In our part of the UK, we have been enjoying cooler Autumnal mornings, turning into sunny days, simply perfect for getting our walking boots on and enjoying a pleasant afternoon stroll. Out recently we spotted some mallards on the lake and walking a little further came across some lovely Autumnal trees, such beautiful colours. I do like this time of year.

Mallards on the lake

Mallard Ducks on the bank - don't you just love their colours

The mallard is a dabbling duck that breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa and has been introduced to New Zealand, Australia, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Falkland Islands, and South Africa.

Yes, we were pleased to once again take a little time out for a pleasant afternoon's stroll.
Have you enjoyed a walk recently? I know many readers do.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...the cooler temperatures are welcomed.

Jo said...

It's a lovely time of year for walking, there's so much interest in nature at the moment with the trees changing colour and plenty of fungi to spot.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you so much for taking us on this delightful walk.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful photos, the forrest looks magical! The green of the male mallard duck is stunning.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I haven't enjoyed many walks lately--my back and left hip have been acting up--but I've had the pleasure of appreciating acres and acres of parkland from very high up. The temperatures are cooling, but the sun feels great. And the leaves have begun to change...

Pam said...

Been the same here with the cool, cool mornings and the warmer (than the morns) days, turning back to cool again in the evenings.... I LOVE IT.

Jeanie said...

Oh, what a beautiful walk and lovely sightings. And yes, in fact I took a walk early this afternoon and it was just lovely, all fallish!

Kay said...

As a matter of fact, we did go out for a stroll here in Hawaii, but it's nothing like our Illinois walks where we were able to enjoy the change of seasons. We're looking forward to seeing spring in London next year.

William Kendall said...

Lots of quaking.

eileeninmd said...

Nice walks, I love seeing all the ducks.
Take care, enjoy your day, have a great new week!

HappyK said...

Wonderful weather for walks.
So nice to see all the ducks.

Lee said...

I love the ducks and I never duck for cover when I see the wood ducks...mum and dad, and their offspring as they waddle up and down this property, nibbling all the way. A joy to behold! :

J.P. Alexander said...

Lindos patos. Te mando un beso.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Glad you had lovely walk, such wonderful weather.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Lorrie said...

Ducks are always fun to see when we are out walking. I like to walk every day, and now with the cool mornings and hot afternoons, the earlier the better. It's such an unusual start to October here on the west coast of Canada.

Jules said...

A beautiful carpet of leaves. Xx

Margaret D said...

The ducks are looking wonderful and the last photo is nice with the light the way it is..

OLga said...

Adoro l'autunno!Buona giornata.

linda said...

It's a lovely time of the year for walks and to find a pond full of ducks makes it all the more special.

Shari Burke said...

Beautiful walk! Don't you just love the term 'dabbling duck?'

roughterrain crane said...

The air is cool and fresh!

My name is Erika. said...

THat looks like a wonderful stroll. And there is nothing better to do on a nice day than take a walk. Happy new week to you both!

It's me said...

Every day I walk with Leaf…I love nature…especially in autumn….have a nice week love from me and Leaf 🍀🐾💗🍀

Teresa said...

Un lugar precioso para disfrutar. Besos.

Divers and Sundry said...

The emphasis seems to be on walking faster and faster these days, but there's a lot to be said for a leisurely stroll.

Snowbird said...

Oh, lovely photos. Yes, you can't beat an afternoon stroll in the autumn on a fine

DMS said...

Love these pictures. Always fun to see mallards= and I love sunlight streaming through trees. I went for a lovely walk on Saturday. So beautiful this fall. :)

Carla from The River said...

We enjoy watching ducks as well. My favorite duck is the Woodduck, they are so lovely. Thank you for sharing your walk with us. :-)

Lori Miller said...

Went to the 1812 festival in northern Indiana yesterday. The fall colors were beautiful.

Bill said...

A beautiful walk and some nice friendly ducks, sounds great to me.

Sally said...

The same here in Florida. Cool mornings! Halleluiah!

Love your photos and how nice to be able to walk in nice weather. I need to start also.


Martha said...

How lovely! I adore this time of year.

Ananka said...

I love ducks so much and Mallards are amazing. I love seeing the boys in the sunshine, it really shows off their wonderful colours :-D

DVArtist said...

A very nice post.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wonderful photos, especially that last, somewhat spooky looking woods photo. I finally got out for a walk last week. It was quite enjoyable. Fall and Spring are my favorite times of year. (Summer is too hot, Winter is too cold. :-)

Conniecrafter said...

we have certainly been enjoying the lovely Autumn walks, we just got back from a trip to Michigan and really enjoyed it

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Mallards are seriously under-rated due to their familiarity. They are very handsome ducks and worthy of our attention.