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Monday 28 November 2022

Broccoli and Smoked Salmon Omelette

I said to Jan, "I'll cook breakfast tomorrow, what would you like?"
Her reply was "Broccoli and Smoked Salmon Omelette please"

So, this is what she will have: -
For One
1 tbsp olive oil
100g Tenderstem® Broccoli, each piece cut into 3
Half a small red onion, finely sliced
3 large free-range eggs
Knob of butter
2 tbsp cream cheese
1 tbsp chopped chives
Salt and pepper
50g smoked salmon, cut into strips

1. Heat the olive oil in a small non-stick frying pan (around 15cm diameter) and gently sauté the Broccoli and onion, until softened and onion starting to become golden. Remove from the pan and keep to one side.
2. While the onion and Broccoli are cooking, mix together the cream cheese and chopped chives. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Return the pan to the hob, increase the heat and add the butter. Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk together with a fork. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Once the butter is bubbling, add the eggs. Swirl around the pan and either using a fork or rubber spatula, stir around until the eggs are almost set. Spread to cover the surface and leave to continue cooking for a minute or so, until the top of the eggs are almost set, with just a little liquid on the surface.
5. Spoon the onion and Broccoli onto one half of the omelette. Add the cream cheese and finally lay over the salmon. Tilt the pan and carefully fold over the other half of the omelette on top of the filling. Slide onto a plate and serve with a green salad.

Tip... Fried bacon or chorizo are delicious alternatives to smoked salmon. You could also add a pinch of dried chilli flakes into the pan with the onion and Broccoli for a kick.

Original recipe idea from the ‘Tenderstem’ site here



Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

It sounds and looks spectacular!
I was thinking about salmon today. :)

Mary Kirkland said...

I do love a good omelette.

Tom said...

...this looks delicious!

My name is Erika. said...

That looks so delicious!

HappyK said...

That looks really good!!!

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por la receta, te mando un beso.

Catarina said...

I like smoked salmon and buy it often.
Tomorrow I will buy more to make this omelette.
A very fine suggestion!

Angie's Recipes said...

That looks so appetizing!

Margaret D said...

Tasty Jan.

Elephant's Child said...

I do love omelettes but had never considered adding broccoli. Which is obviously a mistake.

aussie aNNie said...

Happy meal made at home x

Jutta Kupke said...

Was für ein leckeres Rezept.
alle Zutaten sind ganz nach meinem Geschmack und jetzt habe ich wieder eine neue Idee für ein Abendessen ohne Kohlenhydrate, für mich als Diabetikerin 2 ideal.
Danke fürs vorstellen.
♥lichst Jutta

Penghuni 60 said...

I like broccoli. Very healthy.
Greetings from Indonesia.
I follow your blog

Catherine said...

It’s a good idea and I love all the ingredients

Aritha V. said...

Ooooh lekker (delicious). What a good idea. I think I can make it too...

Jo said...

No salmon for me but I do love an omelette.

Jenn Jilks said...

That looks amazing!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That looks very good and filling too. I'm going to make the chocolate chip cookies today that you shared the recipe. I need something special to eat...and sweet! Thanks so much for your words of comfort on my post. They mean so much to me. If you were here, I would share my cookies with you! Hugs, Diane

CJ Kennedy said...


Christine said...


The Happy Whisk said...

I love the add of the chives. Yum.


Después de un tiempo de ausencia, regreso a informarme de tus buenas entradas en el blog.

Divers and Sundry said...

I've never used smoked salmon, not really knowing how. This looks doable, thanks!

Carla from The River said...


P-and-P said...

It looks so tasty. :)

Lowcarb team member said...


J.P. Alexander said...
Gracias por la receta, te mando un beso.

Thanks for the recipe, I send you a kiss.

Jutta Kupke said...
Was für ein leckeres Rezept.
alle Zutaten sind ganz nach meinem Geschmack und jetzt habe ich wieder eine neue Idee für ein Abendessen ohne Kohlenhydrate, für mich als Diabetikerin 2 ideal.
Danke fürs vorstellen.
♥lichst Jutta

What a delicious recipe.
all ingredients are to my taste and now I have a new idea for a dinner without carbohydrates, ideal for me as a diabetic 2.
Thanks for introducing.

Después de un tiempo de ausencia, regreso a informarme de tus buenas entradas en el blog

After a while of absence, I return to inform myself of your good blog entries

Teresa said...

Seguro que está muy buena. Besos.

DVArtist said...

This is something I would like to try. Thank you.

Conniecrafter said...

can't see me eating that for breakfast but I do not like fish

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

The omelette looks lovely and I'll bet tastes delicious.

It's me said...

Sounds good …but broccoli and onion as breakfast? I don’tknow it sounds more lunch by me…or without that as breakfast…..mmmmmm…..have a nice day love from me and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

William Kendall said...

As I do not eat seafood, I would swap some other meat for the salmon.

Martha said...

I would really enjoy this!

Phil Slade said...

It's such a such a shame that smoked salmon has become prohibitively expensive. But it's good to discover ways of making a slice or two go further. I tend to use smoked salmon as sandwich treat so the meal becomes fairly expensive.