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Thursday 10 November 2022

Cinnamon Tea Cake and a nice cuppa...

The kettle is on

My cup and plate ready

all I need now is a slice of low carb/keto
Cinnamon Tea Cake
which is light, fluffy and sweet on top ...delicious
more details here

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All the best Jan


Tom said...

...cinnamon is a favorite flavor.

Chatty Crone said...

Your tea pot is gorgeous! So is the cake.

William Kendall said...

Looks good!

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful tea service, that kettle is also a winner. I would love one of those. The cake looks delicious too :) Thank you Jan and all the best.

chica said...

Que boa pedida...Esse bolo e uma xícara de chá tão linda assim! beijos, chica

Fun60 said...

What a gorgeous kettle and with a bone china cup the tea is bound to taste delicious.

Catarina said...

I don't have kettles or cups or plates like that. I drink my tea in a mug... Have lots of those. Not very British, is it? : ) I know!
As for the cake... I would love to have a piece right this very moment!!
Thank you.

Elephant's Child said...

Love your cup. Like Catarina I use a mug. Cinnamon is a comfort scent and flavour for me.

HappyK said...

Sounds wonderful!!!

Lorrie said...

Such a pretty tea kettle, and cup and saucer! Perfect for a bit of cake.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por la receta, te mando un beso.

Christine said...

A lovely tea!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a lovely cup!!The cinnamon cake looks tasty too!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Angie's Recipes said...

The cake looks amazing!

Margaret D said...

Like that kettle.

Practical Parsimony said...

I love the China. What is the pattern. I never, ever drink tea, but I could drink my milk from that. I must say, the tea cake looks like cornbread. I am quite sure the tea cake is much better.

Valerie-Jael said...

Yummy cinnamon cake! Valerie

eileeninmd said...

The cinnamon cake looks yummy.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Oh, I love cinnamon. So tasty and Christmassy.

God bless.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lovely. I have the feeling this winter will be a lot of cuppas.

Jo said...

It looks a lovely treat for elevenses.

CJ Kennedy said...

mmm, this would be perfect with my cuppa for breakfast

R's Rue said...


Jeanie said...

I love cakes with cinnamon -- this looks great! And very fallish!

Dewena said...

That's the prettiest kettle I've ever seen! And your china! I had to look up what Swerve is but it looks and sounds like a delicious cake to go with tea.

Martha said...

Yummy! This looks so delicious.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Reminds me I have to buy a new kettle. Our goes on and off whenever it feels like it!

Conniecrafter said...

such pretty pictures of the tea cup and pot. The cinnamon tea cake looks good :)
Have a great weekend

Barwitzki said...

Oh how wonderful... I'm coming. I'll come for tea and cinnamon cake and I'll bring apple pie right away... that'll be nice.

Carla from The River said...

I am drinking cinnamon tea right at the moment, I just need the cake. :-)

Magaly Guerrero said...

Stunning images and mouthwatering recipe. Yum!

Lee said...

I want some! I want some! Please!!! :)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My sincere apologies for the very late visit. My internet has been offline for well over a day. Between blogger not allowing me to leave comments and the internet, I am really stressed out.

Your tea set is gorgeous and who doesn't LOVE cinnamon. I know I certainly do.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Delicious the cake and so romantic this tea time!
Greetings Elke

My name is Erika. said...

I am going to go make a cuppa right now. That is a lovely cup, and that cinnamon cake looks very good.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

That looks delicious, and I love your tea set. It was warmer than usual for about two days where I am in Connecticut, US, due to the remnants of a hurricane (tropical storm) but now it's back to the normal cold temperatures for this time of year, so tea would be great right now.

carol l mckenna said...

Tea cake and tea sound delightful ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative harbor)

It's me said...

Mmmmmmmmm…that pink kettle is amazing!!…I have a pink Smeg 🍀 lovely week from me 💗