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Wednesday 30 November 2022

Ya gotta larf


The bubble bursts.



Elephant's Child said...

True. And a change from the very recent times when it was going to be much more expensive tomorrow. Sadly renters here are not experiencing that same relief. Yet.

Kim said...

Yes, we've seen some very crazy prices lately.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Same here as well, unfortunately.

Sue said...

We live in very strange times. Saying that we have no intentions of moving. Take care Jan and Eddie xx

It's me said...

I hope I get a good price for my house….I need a lot money to rent one …😔🙈🙏🍀 love Ria and Leaf 🐾

The Happy Whisk said...

That would be good. Some houses to me, crazy high. Even trailers with nutso price tags. Just no.

HappyK said...

That's a good one.

peppylady (Dora) said...

So glad my house is paid for.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

We/ve seen a slight drop in prices where I live in the states, but home prices are still high here. Thankfully I own my own home, or I would probably be a homeless person now.

Chatty Crone said...

Good one!

J.P. Alexander said...

Genial te mando un beso.

Christine said...


Margaret D said...

Oh I like that, made me laugh and smile :)

magiceye said...


eileeninmd said...

Good one, it is so true.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy weekend ahead.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Clever one, lol

William Kendall said...

So it seems, again.

DeniseinVA said...

Very true, here too.

Ananka said...

Jeez! Sad but true.

Sondra said...

cant believe the prices theses days.

Conniecrafter said...

so crazy how things just flip flop

Snowbird said...

How true!xxx

Phil Slade said...

Nice one Eddie.