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Sunday 4 December 2022

Did you see those goats!

Bournemouth is a coastal town in Dorset, (England), UK. It is a popular seaside resort and also offers all year-round fun, activities and entertainment. During the Christmas Holiday season 'Christmas Tree Wonderland' is very popular, so too the Christmas market. 

There are also some special critters to see because the "Bournemouth clifftop goat herd is set to double" ... yes ...

"A herd of 50 goats that graze steep cliffs of a seaside resort is set to double in size.

Ten goats were first brought in as an alternative to manage the vast area of cliffside vegetation in Bournemouth by Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council in 2009. Now a breeding project is under way to expand the herd to 100 to graze the area between West Cliff to Southbourne. Funding has come from a government agreement with Natural England.

The council and volunteer grazier, Mark Jackson, look after the herd, which includes several different breeds - Kashmir, Boer a South African breed, and feral goats. He said: "Yes it's a lot of goats but with the amount of grazing they've got to do it's a fair number - we're going to breed at a nice slow steady pace." The mums-to-be are taken off the clifftop about a month before they are due to birth and taken to a nearby small holding.

Tom Bennet, council ranger, said: "It's moved away from people just wanting to come to the coast and see the amazing beaches and views. "The goats are now a real tourist attraction in this area, which is really good."

The herd live on a seven-mile (11km) stretch of cliffs year-round, and they are placed in groups to graze within 11 two or three hectare fenced off areas.

"The goats are doing a really good job for us, managing vegetation that's almost impossible to do by hand," Mr Bennett said. "Without the goats, we really struggled to look after this area."

This year's new arrivals are expected to join the herd on the cliffs in the spring."
See the above story here

Talking goats! Have you tried goats' cheese?
Read facts about Goats Cheese and see a recipe for 'Jewelled Mushroom Salad & Goat Cheese' here

You will find a variety of recipes and articles within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


Jenn Jilks said...

I love goat cheese!
What a great idea. I hope it works.

Christine said...

I heard they use goats for this purpose in California, a few tech companies have them on their property to trim the lawns

chica said...

Interessante ver as cabras nas montanhas e ainda ajudando no trabalho de pastagem... Muito legal! A salada é ótima! e o queijo de cabra dá um toque especial! beijos, chica

Jo said...

I remember seeing goats on the cliffs when we visited Norfolk a few years ago and I believe they have them in Llandudno too. It must be catching on that they can keep the vegetation down in hard to mow places. I do love goats cheese.

eileeninmd said...

Interesting story about the goats, they are cute critters.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

My name is Erika. said...

What a great idea. And those babies are adorable. I love goat cheese. I was out for dinner and splurged the other night by having a grilled cheese sandwich that had American cheese (which I really don't like) with goat cheese. The 2 together are just yummy though. Happy new week.

Tom said...

...they look like a great asset to the area.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Adorable kids, baby goats cuddling in blankets. The large pointed horns are scary.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely to see the herd of goats. I love goat's cheese, too! Have a great week, Valerie

Divers and Sundry said...

All the goats around here are domestic, kept on farms, but I always watch for them when I'm on outings. I don't often pick up goat cheese, but I do like it.

Bill said...

The goats are glad to lend their services and the kids are so cute.

Elephant's Child said...

What a brilliant idea. We are starting (in a small way) to use goats in some areas here too. I hope it takes off.

Practical Parsimony said...

We both love goat cheese with add-ins--blueberry, sundried tomatoes, herbs, cranberries, and two others that are in the refrigerator. We buy it year-round, but at Christmas the selection is wider, so we buy it to have it well after the New Year, although chances are it will all be opened and sampled soon.

Practical Parsimony said...

Oh, I meant to say that I saw a special about companies that rent goats for rough parts of properties. The company brings a load of goats and electric fences and an attendant that sleeps in a nice camper overnight with the goats. This commercial venture is very popular in California. I believe that goats keep the area around the Hollywood sign clear of brush. We love to see goats. Have you ever seen fainting goats? If not, google them.

William Kendall said...

That is a good idea.

It's me said...

Owww so sweet goats… them cheese mmmmmmm….happy week love Ria and Leaf 🍀❤️🎄🐾

Bob Bushell said...

I love the Goats cheese, beautiful. Thanks Jan.

HappyK said...

Their horns are amazing.

J.P. Alexander said...

uy que lindas cabras, te mando un beso.

Kay said...

I've never tried goat cheese. I am lactose intolerant. I wonder if it would be true of goat cheese too.

Pam said...

Love goats, but they can be mean and butt you.

Hena Tayeb said...

Wow look at the horns on those guys.

Chatty Crone said...

The way the goats the way they can stand on those mountains are amazing!

Margaret D said...

That's a great idea to keep the grass mowed and so on, suppose these types of goats were put on earth to do this type of thing - keeping the place fairly tidy.

aussie aNNie said...

Absolutely gorgeous! x

Hilly Nicolay said...

What a beautiful face those goats.
I haven't tasted goat cheese yet.

Beautiful days this week!

All the best,

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a great idea. I need some goats to help mow the lawn.

God bless.

roughterrain crane said...

I haven't had goat chiese. I will try it.

Jeanie said...

Oh, look at those sweet goats! I love goats and would love to see them there. Those babies are adorable. (And yes, goat cheese rocks -- and no goats are killed in its production!)

Mor Düşler Kitaplığı said...

Thanks for sharing. Have a good week :)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

So cute and serve a fabulous purpose too. Goat cheese is far better than goat meat.

Creations By Cindy said...

My husband's cousin has goats and the kids all love to go see them and pat them. I might to consider in getting some one day to keep our lawn moved. Happy Decemember. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Jeff said...

I wouldn't mind having a few goats to manage my land :). I am surprised they use them on the dunes. In the SE USA coast they tend not to want anything on the dunes to allow the growth to help keep the dunes in place.

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome goat shots and yummy recipe ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Debbie said...

they are just too cute, i love all animals!! i love most cheeses, but i don't care for goats cheese!!

This N That said...

Those horns look like a lot to carry on a hillside..I remember the smaller goats in Alaska on Cliffs..What is it with goats and hillsides?
I love cheese but not goat cheese..

The Happy Whisk said...

I always hear good things about goats and how they help with the land. That's very cool.

NatureFootstep said...

hm, I think I have seen a white goat like this one, but don´t remember where of when,

Carla from The River said...

I have never tried goat anything. ;-)

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I've never seen goats with horns. Fascinating post. Thanks

Teresa said...

Me encantaron las cabras, son muy bonitas. En España, hay muy buenos quesos de cabra, a mí me gusta mucho. Besos.

Ananka said...

Lovely photos :-D

Conniecrafter said...

that is so neat to use them to do a job that would be too hard for humans. the little ones are too cute. I have not tried goat cheese.

baili said...

A delightful story of goats who help management to maintain vegetation in the area: )