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Saturday 11 March 2023

'Reducing social media use by as little as 15 minutes a day improves health, study finds'


New research from Swansea University shows that reducing social media use by 15 minutes a day can significantly improve general health and immune function and reduce levels of loneliness and depression.

The study, published in the Journal of Technology in Behavior Science, was conducted by Professor Phil Reed, Tegan Fowkes, and Mariam Khela from Swansea University’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Over three months, the team examined the effects on physical health and psychological functioning of getting people to reduce their social media usage by 15 minutes a day.

The outcomes were compared to groups that were not asked to reduce their usage or were explicitly asked to do something other than social media during those 15 minutes.

50 participants (33 female and 17 male), aged 20-25, answered monthly questions about their health and psychological function and also provided weekly reports on their social media usage.

The results showed that the group asked to reduce their social media use had an average 15% improvement in immune function, including fewer colds, flu, warts, and verrucae, a 50% improvement in sleep quality, and 30% fewer depressive symptoms. These improvements were significantly greater than that experienced by the other two groups, neither of which showed any changes in those measures.

Those instructed to reduce their usage ended up doing so by about 40 minutes a day, rather than the 15 minutes requested, whereas there was a daily 10-minute increase for the group asked not to do anything. Strikingly, the group specifically asked to do something other than social media increased their usage by around 25 minutes a day.

Whilst previous studies have noted a correlation between reduced social media usage and improvements in psychological well-being, this new report is important in that it shows an experimentally-controlled relationship, which suggests a causal relationship between social media reduction and improved physical health.

Professor Phil Reed, from Swansea University’s School of Psychology, said: “These data demonstrate that, when people reduce their social media use, their lives can improve in many ways – including benefits for their physical health and psychological well-being.”

“It remains to be established whether the relationship between social media use and health factors is a direct one, or whether changes in well-being variables, such as depression, or other factors, such as an increase in physical activity, mediate it.”

Professor Reed added: “That the group asked to reduce their usage and do something different did not show these benefits suggests that campaigns to make people healthier could avoid telling people how to use their time. They can resent it. Instead, give them the facts, and let them deal with how they make the reduction, rather than telling them to do something more useful – it may not be effective.”"
Above image and words taken from article here

~ xxx ooo xxx ~

My thoughts:
The world has certainly changed in recent years, and no matter our age many of us are guilty of spending too much time on our computer screens, phones, social media etc. it just makes sense to try and limit the time spent on them.
Do please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

All the best Jan


roentare said...

It is a small study where any conclusion from the study of this size is of little significance. There is a selection bias from the get go in the study design. It all comes down to common sense and doing things in moderation.

HappyK said...

The only social media I do is blogging.

Tom said...

...I don't use social media, perhaps I'm not sociable.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays you see so many walk around with phones permanently in their hands.
Taking time out from social media makes sense.


J.P. Alexander said...

Es un buen consejo algunas redes sociales son muy adictivas. Te mando un beso.

Lee said...

That certainly makes sense to me...

Christine said...


peppylady (Dora) said...

We all need bounds when comes to our computer device.
Coffee is on and stay safe

roughterrain crane said...

Dependence on virtual reality can easily catch us.

Breathtaking said...

Hello :=)
Everything in moderation, that is my opinion, it's just common sense, but social media for some people is like an addiction, and like any addiction it's hard to wean off,even for 15 mins.

Donna said...

I get up early in the mornings and read blogs...comments, etc. That's about all. I do follow my kids and grandkids on FB but don't really like posting much there.

My name is Erika. said...

Social media and electronic use has certainly changed the world BIG time. I am guilty of using it too, but I would much rather do something else during the day, but when I'm having my breakfast shake or at night when I'm half watching something not so great on tv, I'm guilty of using it. Happy new week.

Pam said...

I agree about the change over the last 10 actually 20 yrs due to the internet, then came social media. Some are not good, others I am for. Social media started for me in the way of a website called Club Mom (no longer around), where you posted a pic of your kids, grands, landscapes, hobbie, etc. You could only leave one pic a day and other women on the site commented. It was so much fun and I met via of the internet several women that I am still in contact with today. Now, facebook helps me to stay on touch and stay on top of things on the bad days that my fibromyalgia is kicking up. But there is also the bad parts, too much time spent surfing FB or blogging. Kids spending more time on it playing games when they need to be outside playing or hanging with and downs, what our world is made of.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Important information.
I haven't thought of blogging as social media. I suppose swearing at stupid TV commercials isn't included in social media. Instead of reducing blogging, I can increase my exercise.

CJ Kennedy said...

For me, social media has helped me keep in contact with friends from around the world. It's offered me a chance to study with some amazing artists from the comfort of my home that I wouldn't have had the opportunity because of distance. especially during the pandemic. I agree with those who say moderation is key.

Debbie said...

social media can be a great tool, especially for people our age. we are more mature and i feel most adults are using it to keep in touch with family, living further away.
it's a great way to gather information as well!!

i am glad there was no facebook when i grew up...there is no record of all the stupid things we did!!!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

I can believe reducing it improves one's mental well being.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I don't own a cell phone, so you won't find me on that platform. I DO blog, but nothing else. I find the size of these groups to be quite small especially in the conclusion that the researcher has taken the study from a correlation to a causation in one fell swoop. It certainly shows there is grounds for more reliable studies, however. I would like to see long term with doctor visits included in one of these studies.

Viagens pelo Rio de Janeiro e Brasil. said...

Boa tarde de domingo e bom início de semana.
Apreciação com moderação faz bem em tudo.
Luiz Gomes.

Giorgio said...

Great post, Tom! Completely agree on this. I am so happy there was no facebook, tik tok, instagram, twitter, etc. when I was a 1st grade boy.
Now I saw many mothers who don't look in the eyes while talking to their kids ... their eyes are on the mobile phone's screen (facebook, tik tok, instagram, twitter, etc.).

Lady Caer Morganna said...

Doesn't surprise me one single bit!

Jeanie said...

I would believe that1

Teresa said...

Me parece muy bien reducir el tiempo en las redes sociales. Besos.

William Kendall said...

Not surprising.

Conniecrafter said...

I do know I have days that I spend more time on Social Media than other days, I don't know if I feel worse about being on more, I live far from family so to see what is going on with them does make me happy and that I am not so detached from them.