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Thursday 18 May 2023

British Wildlife Photography - always nice to see

From time to time we post something completely different ...
Like these photographs from the 2023 British Wildlife Photography Awards.

Stag by the Loch Side, photo credit Neil McIntyre

This stunning location, in the western Highlands of Scotland, is one that photographer Neil McIntyre visits frequently with the hope that he might get opportunities just like this. He says, "I moved into position and waited until the stag made his way along the ridge, sure enough, he walked right through the light patch." Wouldn't you agree it's a great photograph.

Helter Skelter, photo credit Matthew Cattell

Photographer Matthew Cattell says that, every night during winter, Brighton, in South England, plays host to a spectacular murmuration of starlings. As they arrived to roost, they swept across the sea, producing graceful, elegant curves across my viewfinder.’ Another great capture.

Sleeping with Dandelions, photo credit Lewis Newman

Lewis commented that 'after spending a lot of time with this particular vixen, she began to learn that he wasn’t a threat. As the dandelions began to open, there were a couple of days when she would wake up covered in them.’

Have you a favourite photograph?

Founded in 2009 by Maggie Gowan, who at that time was the manager and adviser of photography at Highgrove Garden, the home of HRH Prince Charles (now King Charles), the annual British Wildlife Photography Awards are aimed at highlighting the great wealth and diversity of Britain’s natural history. As of 2022, the competition has been directed by photographer Will Nicholls. For 2023 more than 13,000 images were submitted for this year’s competition, a small selection of the winners are above with lots more to see here

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...these are fabulous, the first one is my favorite.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I like the fox and it smile.
Coffee is on and stay safe.

My name is Erika. said...

Wow, these are amazing, especially the stag and the fox.

Christine said...

Beautiful photos

J.P. Alexander said...

Bellas fotos te mando un beso.

kathyinozarks said...

Beautiful thanks for sharing, I am on instagram now since there is so much beautiful nature photography there to view.
Happy mid week

Elephant's Child said...


Margaret D said...

All lovely photos.

roentare said...

Incredible photography!

Donna said...

The fox is my favorite! They are ALL gorgeous!

Valerie-Jael said...

They are all fabulous, but the fox is my fave! Hug, Valerie

Martha said...

Stunning images!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful wildlife images! Take care, enjoy your day!

Teresa said...

Me encantaron las fotografías son preciosas. Besos.

Conniecrafter said...

Very cool pics, I love the one with the dandelions all over the fox

Jules said...

They are all remarkable images, but the one of the vixen is my favourite. X

Jeanie said...

These are fabulous. And I adore the wolf photo.

William Kendall said...

The first is my favourite.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Top of the line talent there! All the photographs are stunning.

Bill said...

Beautiful photography, the fox ia my favourite.

Caty said...

Wowww These photographs are Amazing !! really magnifique !!
Perhaps the fox photo is my favourite.
Thanks so much for sharing with us.
I wish you a great Friday and weekend
Big hugs, Caty

HappyK said...

Amazing photos - all of them, but my favorite is the fox.

DVArtist said...

Wow! These are fabulous photos. Thank you for sharing them.

Jo said...

I always enjoy these posts. I clicked the link, some stunning photos. You have to wonder how on earth the photographers manage to capture such amazing images, I suppose it takes a lot of patience which I haven't got, haha.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have an internet friend who was in Brighton when the starlings arrived. She had some great photos of them, too. The fox is my favorite, though.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jan :=)
I have just had the best time looking at all the winners, highly recommended, runners up, and all the different categories. What fantastic photos, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful nature photographic contest.
All the best.

Shari Burke said...

All gorgeous, but the first one takes my breath away!

TheAwakenedSoul said...

I saw a fox when I stayed at Hotel 41, across from Buckingham Palace. He was in one of the parks. I love foxes. We have them here, too. They are so friendly and remind me of dogs.

baili said...

i love seeing such special skillful shots always

my fav are all but last one is really something :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Those are all so amazing! I love the fox and dandelions. I can't wait to click on the link and see more! Enjoy your weekend!

Kay said...

Oh Wow! These are gorgeous photos.