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Monday 17 July 2023

'To protect your bone health as you age, and reduce your risk of fractures, should you try eating more dairy products?'

This is a re-post from 2021 but (I thought) worth sharing again:

Eating Dairy Products May Protect Aging Bones

To protect your bone health as you age, and reduce your risk of fractures, should you try eating more dairy products?

Yes, that’s a logical conclusion of a fascinating new randomized controlled trial in Australia, notes Dr. Bret Scher, Medical Director of Diet Doctor.

“I really love this study. It was so well done,” explains Dr. Scher in his DD News video.

The study followed more than 7,000 elderly patients living in 60 residential care homes and found that those whose diets were supplemented with more yogurt, cheese, and milk had significantly lower risks of falls and fractures than those whose diets were the usual care-home menu.

British Medical Journal: Effect of dietary sources of calcium and protein on hip fractures and falls in older adults in residential care: cluster randomised controlled trial

“It makes such a really good control trial, in that you know what they’re eating because you’re providing them with their food,” explains Dr. Scher. “It turns out, they didn’t need much time to show some impressive benefits.”

In fact, within three months, the elderly residents randomized to the higher dairy intake were showing a reduced incidence of falls. By five months, they had a reduced incidence of fractures.

“That’s just five months of eating extra milk, cheese and yogurt,” said Dr. Scher.

It was likely the extra protein, as well as the extra calcium and other integral nutrients found in the whole food dairy products that contributed to the benefit, Dr. Scher notes.

“Why is this better than calcium supplements? Well, to me it makes total sense because it’s real food,” said Dr. Scher.

If you want to improve your bone health, check out Diet Doctor’s guide on bone health, find it here

Words above and related video can be seen on Diet Doctor site here

If you cannot tolerate dairy you may like to read these posts
Non-Dairy Substitutes for Milk - see here
Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium Rich Foods - see here

You will find a variety of articles, studies and recipe ideas are in this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team

All the best Jan


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Good information
My doctor encourages me to get my vitamins and minerals from food sources along with the pill forms. It isn't always easy. I went back to using milk.

Tom said...

...I love dairy products!

HappyK said...

I love milk so don't have any problem getting in all my calcium. :)

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Interesting read thank you for reposting.

Catarina said...

Aren’t we the only species that drink milk after infancy?
Some nutritionists and doctors are of the opinion that if we have a balanced diet, and exercise, we don’t need to consume more dairy products.
It comes to a point that we don’t know who is right and who is not. Some studies are contradictory.
I will continue to drink almond milk and eat plain Skyr yogurt or plain Greek yogurt.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

This is interesting. I really thought that after a certain age eating dairy did not help

Kay said...

Darn! I am lactose intolerant. I do drink almond milk though. I hope it works.

Angie's Recipes said...

I am trying to cut down dairy..but some cheese, like real Parmesan I just can't let go. For bone health, I eat more meat with lots of homemade bone broth :-)) The more, the merrier.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por el concejo. Te mando un beso.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for reposting. Real food is always better - and tastier too.

Margaret D said...

Good read Jan.

linda said...

I love all things diary so this is good news for me. 🙂

Fun60 said...

Fascinating article. I now feel justified in eating another portion of cheese!

Ann said...

I definitely need more dairy in my diet.

Donna said...

I love dairy! Research is beginning to show that drugs like Fosamax (which I was on for 3 years but took myself Off of) are causing more bone breaks then if you'd never taken it! It makes the bone "un-flexable"! thereby causing more bone breakage when a fall happens.
I'm now taking a D3/K2 combo supplement for my bone health.
You can find it on Amazon.
Thanks for the article!

roentare said...

Very well written article again

eileeninmd said...

Great post and information.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

Christine said...

I take vit d and k2 tablets for bone health

Snowbird said...

Oh dear, that doesn't bode well for me. I'll have to check out

Sue said...

This is great news, I love my dairy! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

Jeanie said...

Dairy is always a plus for me! (Except milk.)

Teresa said...

Siempre interesantes. Besos.

baili said...

with age i understand how important it is to keep dairy product in daily diet specially taking them as child brings better results
thanks for informative sharing dear Jan !
more blessings and hugs

William Kendall said...

I like having dairy.

Conniecrafter said...

More great news to make me feel ok about the cheese and yogurt I eat :)