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Monday 2 October 2023

'Five foods high in Vitamin K that could keep lungs healthy and reduce the risk of asthma'

'Five foods high in Vitamin K that could keep lungs healthy and reduce the risk of asthma.

People with higher levels of vitamin K could have healthier lungs than those with lower levels, according to a new study.

Researchers found that people with higher levels of vitamin K – which the body needs for blood clotting, helping wounds to heal – were less likely to have asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or have a wheeze. They were also more likely to perform better on lung health checks.

The researchers said their study is not enough to recommend that people should use vitamin K supplements for lung health but they have called for further research into the topic.

Researcher Dr Torkil Jespersen said: “We already know that vitamin K has an important role in the blood and research is beginning to show that it’s also important in heart and bone health, but there’s been very little research looking at vitamin K and the lungs.

“To our knowledge, this is the first study on vitamin K and lung function in a large general population. Our results suggest that vitamin K could play a part in keeping our lungs healthy.

“On their own, our findings do not alter current recommendations for vitamin K intake, but they do suggest that we need more research on whether some people, such as those with lung disease, could benefit from vitamin K supplementation.”

Vitamin K is found in leafy greens as well as in other foods.
Foods high in Vitamin K, according to the NHS, are:
  • green leafy vegetables such as Broccoli and Spinach
  • Vegetable oils
  • Cereal grains 
Small amounts can also be found in meat and dairy foods. 

Adults need approximately 1 microgram a day of vitamin K for each kilogram of their body weight and the NHS says you should be able to get all the vitamin K you need by eating a varied and balanced diet.

Dr Samantha Walker, director of research and innovation at Asthma and Lung UK, said: “This interesting research looks at the link between vitamin K and having a lung condition, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

“We’d be interested to see further research in this area so we can better understand if levels of vitamin K are directly associated with lung function, which could help us better understand the impact of diet on people with lung conditions.

“Research such as this is important, because lung conditions are the third biggest killer in the UK, but only 2% of public funding is spent on research into lung conditions that would help diagnose, treat and manage them much more effectively.”

The study, published in the journal ERJ Open Research, saw a team of Danish researchers from Copenhagen University Hospital and the University of Copenhagen examine more than 4,000 people living in Copenhagen aged 24 to 77. People involved in the study took part in lung function testing, called spirometry, gave blood samples and answered questionnaires on their health and lifestyle.

The blood tests showed whether or not people had low levels of vitamin K. Meanwhile the spirometry test measured the amount of air a person can breathe out in one second and the total volume of air they can breathe in one forced breath.

Researchers found that people with low levels of vitamin K performed worse on these tests. Meanwhile people with low levels of vitamin K were twice as likely to report that they had COPD, 81% more likely to report that they have a wheeze and 44% more likely to report having asthma.'
Words above taken from article here

image from post here
The 14 Healthiest Leafy Green Vegetables

Please be aware
People taking blood thinners, such as warfarin, should not take vitamin K supplements without consulting a doctor first, and should be wary of eating too many foods containing vitamin K, as it can stop the medication working properly.

Articles within this blog are provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, including medication, you should contact your local health care provider.

All the best Jan


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Very interesting and most informative. I was surprised that Vit K improves lung health. It was news to me.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

Margaret D said...

Interesting read Jan.

Elephant's Child said...

Eating well is definitely a life saver.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Thank you for this informative article. I remember well the caution we had to take over my father who loved purple sprouting broccoli but was on warfarin.

eileeninmd said...

I do not hear much about vitamin K.
Thanks for sharing.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It seems that whatever we eat there is a caveat about how that food might affect something else!

roentare said...

Thanks for your blog. I am slowly changing my diet

My name is Erika. said...

Vitamin K is one of those vitamins you don't hear that much about, but I love the idea that it might help asthma. This is a really informative post. Happy new month to you also.

José Antonio Sánchez Rumí said...

Very interesting as always, I was allergic and the background always remains but one of the symptoms was asthma, I had a very bad time, peo the vaccine and medical care fixed that disease although I reiterate the background always remains.
Happy week.
Best regards.

Donna said...

I really should eat more greenery...!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Vitamin K is too little appreciated, I think

R's Rue said...

Thank you for sharing. Very informative.

Tom said...

...thanks for the info.

Jeff said...

Good for me as this is leafy green time, as the lettuce is back (It gets too hot in summer. I also grow several varieties) along with turnip greens and Swiss chard that's grown throughout the summer.

Hena Tayeb said...

Brilliant. Thanks for sharing.

Divers and Sundry said...

I should eat more leafy greens. I buy them, eat them a couple of times, then forget about them :(

Creations By Cindy said...

What wonderful information you share. Love it and thanks so much for the time that you put into gaining such great info. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

J. S. Vila said...

A good article, so good for to have more knowledgement about nutrition and increase the health of the body.

HappyK said...

Thanks for the info!!!

Linda said...

Interesting. I’ll have to ask Siri which vegetable oils are high in vitamin K.

baili said...

this is very informative sharing dear Jan

thanks for notes as well
best wishes for you and family!

Snowbird said...

This is useful information! I must eat more leafy greens!xxx

Jeanie said...

The good thing about Eliquis as a blood thinner is that you can still eat vitamin K things!

Conniecrafter said...

I had not heard of that, my brother is the only one in our family dealing with that and he doesn't eat the foods listed in the article very much, very interesting, thanks for sharing.

Teresa said...

En casa comemos de todo, especialmente lechuga. Besos.

William Kendall said...

Thanks for the information!