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Tuesday 14 November 2023

World Diabetes Day and the Alternative 'Rice Pudding'

~ Today 14 November 2023 is World Diabetes Day ~

Did you know that "one in ten adults worldwide have diabetes. Over 90% have type 2 diabetes. Close to half are not yet diagnosed. In many cases, type 2 diabetes and its complications can be delayed or prevented by adopting and maintaining healthy habits. Knowing your risk and what to do is important to support prevention, early diagnosis and timely treatment." 
please read more here 

Did you know that in a fairly typical 'old fashioned rice pudding' there are over 40g carbohydrate (carbs) per serving. If you are a diabetic, eating this amount of carbs, many would find their blood sugar readings going 'high' ... as your meter would show! Many Type 2 (and Type 1) diabetics exclude rice from their menu plans because of this reason ... elevated blood sugar readings are the last thing a well controlled diabetic would want. So if you are diabetic, or indeed like me a non-diabetic but choose to live the LCHF lifestyle - what do you do?

Well, for many of the higher carb foods there are excellent alternatives, and you can swap many foods e.g. pasta for courgette, tacos for lettuce etc. Now, if you may be looking for a low carb (alternative) version of 'rice pudding' then 
look no further. Diet Doctor site has this super 'creamy low carb "rice" pudding, pictured above. With just a few ingredients, it makes an amazing low carb version of the classic rice pudding. Make serve and enjoy it all year round!

Serves Six
just 6g carb per serving

300 g cottage cheese
300 ml heavy (double) whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
60 g fresh raspberries or other berries of your liking

Delicious served with red berries of your choice, or why not try a few wedges of a clementine ...

Please see original recipe and instructions here

A reminder
Just look at the difference in carb count:
6g per serving in the low carb version
40g per serving in the 'old fashioned' version

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

If you would like to read more about eating lower carb foods, and the LCHF lifestyle, why not see our posts 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' here and 'What is LCHF' here

Please be aware that articles / studies within this blog are provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, including medication, you should contact your Doctor/local health care provider.

All the best Jan


Christine said...

Happy World Diabetes Day!

My name is Erika. said...

Does it really taste like rice pudding? It's a great idea, and wow, but I shouldn't be surprised how many carbs in rice pudding. Happy new week.

Elephant's Child said...

I have so many complete blood tests I know I do not have diabetes. Which is a plus and I hope to stay that way.
Love this recipe, and may make it some time.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I must give the low carb rice pudding recipe a try. It sounds really nice. Thank you!

Tom said...

...this pudding looks great.

J.P. Alexander said...

Siempre hay que cuidarse. Amo el arroz con leche provare esa versiĆ³n. Te mando un beso

roentare said...

This is so good. Low carb is great.

Lorrie said...

I am very glad that neither of us has diabetes, and we watch our diets so as not to provoke it. However, I do make original rice pudding from time to time and we enjoy a small bowl of it. The cottage cheese version sounds delicious, too.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

I think I am going to have to start addressing my carbohydrate intake Carbohydrates and I seem to have become best friends, especially during the pandemic. They're not going to be easy for me to give But recently, I had a diagnosis of high blood sugar levels.

aussie aNNie said...

Great post thank you x

Fun60 said...

I had no idea it was World Diabetes Day. I wonder if there will be something on the news about it. Research seems to be all about the technical advances in managing type 1 but no advances in a cure.

Margaret D said...

Love rice pudding, but rarely do I make it...must do so.

eileeninmd said...

I love rice pudding but I have not made it in a long time.
Thanks for sharing this low carb version.
Take care, have a great day!

Valerie-Jael said...

Thanks for the rice pudding recipe, this is something I like very muc h! Valerie

R's Rue said...

Looks good

Rain said...

Oh cottage cheese! That sounds like a great substitute!

Bill said...

The rice pudding looks great.

Debbie said...

rice pudding is my husbands favorite. i have never made it for him (i am a bad wife) probably because i don't like it. he always orders it when we eat out!!

Caty said...

I like very much rice pudding Jan ! I think that I have to do it more frequently, but mine is different, shall try your recipe, thanks so much for sharing.
i wish you a great Wednesday,
Big hugs, Caty

Divers and Sundry said...

Diabetes treatment/management has changed a lot over the years from my grandmother back in the early 60s until my husband now. So many advances! But diet is still the key. It can be so hard :(

sandy said...

Hi Jan - Hope you and Eddie are doing well. Stopping by to take a quick peek today.

Lowcarb team member said...

My name is Erika. who said...
Does it really taste like rice pudding? It's a great idea, and wow, but I shouldn't be surprised how many carbs in rice pudding. Happy new week.

Hello Erika
It obviously isn't rice pudding so no, not quite the same. However, it is more like real rice pudding than you'd expect. It's not as hearty, and is lighter, but you may find that a good thing. Nice with the addition of a few raspberries :)

As with any recipe, I'm sure you find there are those you like and those that you would not repeat! I hope you try this, I'd be interested in reading/hearing what you think.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Wow that is a lot of people!!
My father loved rice pudding.

Conniecrafter said...

my hubby likes rice pudding but hasn't had it in years, I will have to tell him about this

baili said...

rice pudding is favorite dish here for all whether adults or children .post reminds me how my mom would make for us ,so delicious and sweet :)

William Kendall said...

Sounds good.

Teresa said...

Me encanta el arroz con leche y puedo comerlo alguna vez. Besos.