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Monday 29 January 2024

Tips that may help you save money on your grocery shop

I think no matter where in the world you live food prices are quite high, and we all look more carefully at our budgets. So today I share a few tips that may help you save money on the grocery shop.

1. Keep track of what you already have
Be sure to take a good look at your cupboards before each shopping trip. We all know the value of making a list, but if you're adding to what you've already got in your cupboards, then you're going to spend money on things you don't need. There's no point in buying more bottles of extra virgin olive oil if you already have enough!

Why not keep a list of what's in your cupboard in a notebook, so you always know what you already have when you go shopping. This can help bring your weekly food shop down ... which is very welcome.

2. Head for the reduced section first
Consider changing how you shop when you walk into a store and head straight for the reduced section. If you spot something there that's on your list, you can tick that off and you've already saved some money.

After that head towards the frozen-foods section, and then the canned-produce aisle. Frozen meat, fish and vegetables will almost always be cheaper than the fresh option. If you get what you need from there before going on to the fresh produce aisles, you're likely to make some good savings.

3. Make better use of your freezer
If things are getting close to their use-by date you should always try to freeze them. Things like milk and cheese, even fruit and vegetables, can all be frozen and kept for when you need them. Think about how you could use items in puddings or in soups or in casseroles, then you're going to save money.

4. Understand packaging
A lot of what we buy in the supermarket is packaged for their convenience and not ours. For instance, how often have you bought a tray of mushrooms covered in cling film only to have them go off in their packaging? They are wrapped like that to make them easier to transport. 

Once you get them home put them in a paper bag, they will last longer. If you haven't a paper bag just by taking the plastic wrapping off will help them last longer.

There are small things we can do to make food last longer, especially fresh vegetables and salads, just putting a piece of kitchen roll into an open bag of salad to absorb moisture is going to help it last longer.

Keeping fruit in the fridge will help it last longer, but consider checking that the temperature is set to below 5°C. Many refrigerators are at least two degrees too warm! This is bad news for milk and other food items kept in the fridge, which can go off [more quickly] when not stored at the right temperature.

5. Make use of experts
If possible try to use local, smaller retailers a lot to tap into their years of experience. For instance butchers are a great resource and someone we shouldn't be afraid to talk to about saving money. If you go into your local butcher and tell them you've only got £8 (or $8) for your meat for the week, they'll be able to tell you how to stretch your money by buying the cheapest cuts. They are also the best people to advise on how to cook them and how to make them go further.

~ happy shopping ~

Do please share your thoughts about this post in the comments section. Also if you have any tips on helping fellow bloggers save money, do please share them below.

Idea/words from article here
Read more on the basics of freezing here

This blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...we have always been frugal.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Very good ideas about saving on food costs. It's quite shocking how much food has gone up just this year. I try to buy meat in bulk when the prices are lower and then package for the freezer. Buying produce in season at the farmer's market is usually better priced than the grocery store. Thanks for posting this important issue.

Linda said...

Speaking of olive oil, I only buy it when it is buy 1 get 1, bogo. Then, I lay it down in the freezer door. So, I never pay full price for extra virgin olive oil. To save money, I do buy things I don't need today because I will need it next week or next month. I suppose it is all a matter of knowing how to manage the resources you do have.

Kay said...

My biggest mistake is not keeping track of what we have so I don't end up with 4 bottles of salad dressing.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

Margaret D said...

Good tips if you need them Jan.

Mari said...

Thank you for these tips! I've never heard the paper bag one for mushrooms and I'll be using that.

peppylady (Dora) said...

We all can use tips when out buying food.

Elephant's Child said...

I have found that the prepacked fruit and vegetables are often dearer per kilo than buying them separately too. Mushrooms are a prime example.

Little Wandering Wren said...

These are great tips Jan, thank you. I have got over not trying to be spotted rummaging through the reduced section, and replace it with pride over the satisfaction of my savings! In winter all the reduced veggies are great for soups. In Australia, all the week's promotions are on the end of the aisles and I try to do a last sweep along to check out any irresistible deals!

Christine said...

Great tips! I am guilty of not checking my available supplies on some items before getting more.

jabblog said...

I would add that one should always read the 'offers' carefully. Often buying a sealed pack of 2 or 4 is more expensive than buying 2 or 4 separately.

Nas said...

Thank you so much for all the awesome tips.

roentare said...

Always good tips from you


Son unas ideas, muy razonadas. para ternerlas en cuenta.
Feliz semana.

eileeninmd said...

Great tips, we always try to be frugal.
We shop with a list, so we know exactly what we need.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I always take a list and stick to it. As for wasting food, there is no worse sin in our world.

Hena Tayeb said...

Excellent tips.

Jeanie said...

All excellent tips, Jan!Thanks!

Divers and Sundry said...

There used to be a small market close to us where we could buy veggies in smaller packaging, specifically individual mushrooms. They closed several years ago, and I still miss them.

HappyK said...

Good tips. I learned some new things about packaging!!

DVArtist said...

A great post with fabulous info. Have a great day today.

Snowbird said...

Some great tips there!xxx

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have provided a lot of good tips in this post, Jan. I do keep a list and need to remember to add to it as we use up pantry staples. Also, I have been holding off on weekly grocery shopping until all perishables are used up, so as not to be overstocked in the fridge.

Rosemary said...

Make a list before you go and stick to it unless you see any good reductions that you could use.

Sue said...

There are some really good tips here. I remember the days when we could throw whatever we wanted (within reason) into our shopping trolly. I think these are definitely gone for good! Take care and have a great week Jan & Eddie x

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Some wonderful tips for saving money in the grocery store. One to add, always make sure you eat before you go, so many times you are tempted to buy something because you're hungry. So many things we can do to cut down on excess spending in the grocery store, for sure. Many blessings to you!

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Really helpful tips for shopping. Thanks, Jan. I do try to make a list of items I need before I go shopping and check the cupboards before heading out, especially the backs of cupboards which are easy to miss.

Chatty Crone said...

Keeping track of what you have is something I need to do more of.

This N That said...

Good suggestions. I usually fly by the seat of my pants when I go to the grocery store. Actually I don't go to the grocery store anymore I shop online and let them put it in my trunk. That's the best thing that came out of Covid I find I usually get the same stuff every time I go anyway. Once in a while I do go into the grocery store to pick up one or two things that I need and find something that I haven't had for a long time. Thanks for the tips...

Conniecrafter said...

I did know most of this or do most of it but I did learn about how to keep mushrooms longer, I will be putting them in a paper bad right now :)

Teresa said...

Muy buena e interesante idea. Besos.