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Saturday 10 February 2024

Chilli Con Carne : Supper With Family or Friends

Looking back I guess I was in my late teens / early twenties when I first discovered Chilli Con Carne, now-a-days even some of the grandchildren love it! Times through the decades have certainly changed as new foods - herbs, spices etc have been introduced.

You may already have a favourite recipe for Chilli, and there are plenty on the internet, but the one I share today may be made a day or two ahead to allow the flavours to develop, and goes down well at a supper party with family or friends. Why not serve it with a green salad, and perhaps some sliced spring onions and soured cream and chives.

Serves 8 (amend recipe as needed)
3 tbsp olive oil
1.25 kg good-quality beef mince*
2 large onions, chopped
1 red or green pepper, deseeded and chopped
2 tbsp Mexican spice blend
1 tbsp hot paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp crushed dried chilli flakes (optional)
1 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
250 ml of your favourite beer
400 g tin chopped tomatoes
2 tbsp tomato purée
230 g tub fresh tomato salsa
410 g tin red kidney beans in water, drained and rinsed
soured cream and chives or sliced spring onions, to serve

1. Heat a little of the oil in a large pan. Brown the mince in batches, moving it to a bowl as you go; set aside. Heat the remaining oil in the pan, add the onions and pepper and cook, uncovered, until the onions are soft and translucent.
2. Add the spices, the black pepper and a teaspoon of salt and cook for another minute or two, stirring.
3. Return the mince to the pan and add the beer, 300ml water, the tomatoes, tomato purée and salsa; bring to a boil.
4. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for about 2 hours, stirring now and then. Add a little more beer or water if it looks dry. Add the kidney beans for the final 15 minutes. Check the seasoning. You can cook it in the oven, too – simply cover the chili and pop it in the oven at 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4 and follow the cooking times above. To make this in a slow cooker, leave out the added water and cook on low for 8-10 hours.
5. May be served with a green salad, perhaps some sliced spring onions and soured cream and chives.

Get ahead
Why not make this up to 3 days ahead – it freezes well too.

You can make this in a slow cooker too - just leave out the added water and cook on low for 8-10 hours.

Each Serving Provides
Fat 31g Carbs 14g Protein 35g Fibre 5g Salt 0.9g
From an original idea here

* a vegetarian mince may be substituted but the nutritional values will change.

Enjoy - with family, with friends - Bon Appetit

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...we make ours with ground turkey.

snobe casamang said...

Nice recipe thank you.

Mari said...

Looks like a good one! I like the addition of the peppers. I made chili today for tomorrows meal. It will simmer in the crockpot for about 4 hours and should be tasty!

Christine said...


kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

I love chili! Thank you for the recipe, Jan.

Anonymous said...

I always have to take the beans out. Not a fan!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I usually make chili in the slow cooker as it is easier.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh yummy ~ chili ~ thanks for the recipe ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Angie's Recipes said...

That's one of my husband's favourite meals.

Margaret D said...

Very nice Jan.

roughterrain crane said...

I love many kinds of beans. They are good to keep health.

Caroline said...

Chili con carne is delicious. Have a nice sunday !

Linda said...

No beans for me. I prefer chili on a hotdog, like Sonic serves them with grated cheese on top. There is a brand in the can that I love, so this is one thing I have not made. I should.

jabblog said...

I like the contrast between the shilli, the green salad and the dressing.

José Antonio Sánchez Rumí said...

That food has to be very good, always collecting your ideas.
Thanks for sharing.
Best regards

eileeninmd said...

I just love chili, yum! Thanks for sharing!
Take care, have a wonderful week!

Donna said...

I live in Texas and have only had it once. Good stuff!

linda said...

I love chilli con carne but can't eat chilli anymore so I still make it but omit the chilli.

mxtodis123 said...

I made a pot of chili last night. I love it, but can't eat much of it. My tummy is not the same as it was in my youth.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Definitely one of my winter favourites, I will need something hearty as will be returning back to the UK soon! Thanks for sharing this recipe.
Wren x

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jan :=)

I love Chilli Con Carne! My daughter makes a good one, and we eat it at least once a week and because it freezes well I like knowing it's in the freezer so I can eat it whenever I want.
Thank you for the recipe, it's very similar to the one my daughter makes.
All the best

John's Island said...

Hello Jan, You won’t believe this, but chili con carne is one of my favorite dishes. 😊 As I’ve done before (with excellent results) I’m going to print out your recipe and give it a try. Re “Get Ahead” … I do wish I’d made it up a couple of days ago … I would love it today! It’s rainy and cold in Seattle … a perfect day for chili! Now, I sure appreciated your kind comment on my blog and sorry you encountered an issue with Blogger moderation. Thank goodness for your persistence! Very best regards to you and Eddie! John

Maria Rodrigues said...

Hum! Hum! Must be delicious, I love chilli.
Thanks for sharing

Jenn Jilks said...

Oh yum!

Giorgio said...

Great recipe! I love Mexican dishes.

HappyK said...

We like chili!!
I have a recipe I got from a friend many years ago.
I'm making some tomorrow!!

My name is Erika. said...

Thanks for reminding me that I haven't made any chili this winter. This looks very yummy!

Fun60 said...

Great idea. I'm all for preparing it well in advance.

CJ Kennedy said...

So good

Crafty Green Poet said...

That looks like a good recipe, though as a vegetarian I'd leave out the meat

Jeanie said...

Chili is the best winter food -- and this looks like a terrific recipe. Thanks, Jan!

Conniecrafter said...

That looks so good I have not had that in quite some time :)

baili said...

this is delicious recipe :)))
though we don't eat beef can be served to guests
thanks for sharing

Teresa said...

Muy buena receta. Besos.