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Thursday 1 February 2024

Welcome February 2024

Can you believe that it is now February! Whatever happened to the thirty one days of January? They certainly whizzed by!

February is the shortest month of the year, but for many people in the northern hemisphere, it remains one of the coldest. It’s that bridge between winter and spring!

Violet, one of February's birth flowers

Interestingly, February remains the second month of the year in both Gregorian and Julian calendars. It’s also the only month to have fewer than 30 days.

It’s also the only month to be affected by the ‘leap year’ – which takes effect when there are 29 days in February, and 366 days total in the year. Leap years help to synchronize calendars, and 2024 is a leap year!

February is a proper noun and its name in Latin means ‘purification’. Ancient Latin refers to the month as ‘Februum’.

The climate in February in the southern hemisphere is more or less the same as the climate you’ll experience in August in the northern hemisphere. It’s cold in the winter in the UK when it’s warm and sunny in Australia!

One of the main holidays celebrated in February is St Valentine’s Day, which takes place on the 14th.

Valentine’s Day has come to be a day when partners and married couples share gifts and cards with each other to show their love. You’ll often see plenty of red hearts and cuddly toys in February time.

There were two men called Valentine thought to have contributed to the name of the holiday. However, things didn’t end up well for them in either case! One ‘Valentine’ was put to death by the Roman Emperor Claudius after he failed to renounce his faith.

The second, however, was also executed by the same Emperor – and it was thought he had been helping soldiers to marry. This was against the rules of Christianity through which the Roman Empire followed to the letter.

February, just like all other months in the calendar, has its own flowers and they are violets and primroses.

Primrose, the second of February's birth flowers

February’s birthstone is the beautiful amethyst.

February zodiac signs are Aquarians or Pisceans, though you’re more likely to be an Aquarian due to the shortness of the month. Aquarius (January 20–February 19) and Pisces (February 20–March 20)
The above taken from article here

... and of course on February 14th Valentines Day
perhaps you may enjoy a
Raspberry Chocolate Soufflé
Sugar free : Low Carb
more details here

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


Christine said...

Welcome to February Jan!

Tom said...

...January seemed to have gone by in a flash.

Kay said...

I started my blog on February 29th 2008 which was a leap year and didn't even realize it.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Always love your monthly posts where you feature items of interest from that month.

Margaret D said...

Good old February, and yes, it's very much like your August in the northern hemisphere.

jabblog said...

Lovely February flowers - we just need the sunshine to go with them!

chica said...

Lindo fevereiro, tudo de bom! beijos, chica

eileeninmd said...

Happy February to you!
Pretty flowers and the dessert looks yummy!
Take care, have a great day!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

These colors are a welcome sight. Where did January go? It did fly by!

mxtodis123 said...

Welcome February. One month closer to spring.

Donna said...

Here's hoping February is a good month for us all!
Thanks for the recipe! Looks good...

Chatty Crone said...

I love February. I love purple. It's my birthday month - lol.

J. S. Vila said...

Welcome this good month of february. Sure It Will be a good month for everybody.

Pam said...

January seemed so long. I heard on the news today that one of the reasons it feels that way is cause it is more relaxed, not as much going and celebrating as the month before.....I JUST SEEMED WAY TOO LONG! Feb. my bday month.

HappyK said...

Hard to believe it is already February.
I love the primroses, so pretty.

Jeanie said...

I always learn so much fun stuff on your opening month posts! I hope they never stop.

Valerie-Jael said...

The souffles look very good! Hugs, Valerie

Carla from The River said...

Happy February!!

Lorrie said...

Happy February days to you, Jan.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm a February baby.

aussie aNNie said...

LOVE post here, it's just beautiful. Happy xx

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

February is lovely in South Florida. I love looking at the flowers and the soufflé looks delicious.

Conniecrafter said...

I agree that January just seemed to fly by, we are actually having some warmer than normal temps the last few days but I am sure it won't be long and we will go back to normal or below. Hope the month brings good things for you both!

R's Rue said...

Welcome February

Hilly Nicolay said...

A nice blog.

All the best to you,

Magaly Guerrero said...

I know we tend to say the same thing every time: where has the month gone!? And this time, too, it feels true. Just yesterday, I feel, it was December. said...

The dessert looks yummy, I love raspberries when they are firm.

sandy said...

February here in the mountains is cold, foggy, windy, rainy, icy and snowy. Sometimes I want to move, lol.

I love Primroses. Hope u have a great month ahead.

My name is Erika. said...

Happy February to you both!

baili said...

thanks for sharing about February ,it is month before spring here cooler than march so favorite to all in southern part .
the meaning of it's name is beautiful

poor emperor

Teresa said...

Que tengas un bonito mes de febrero. Besos.