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Tuesday 2 April 2024

Goodness! 1600 Clocks - that's a lot!

This past weekend saw our UK clocks "spring forward" to mark the beginning of British Summer Time, and it resulted in losing one hour of sleep! In the UK, the custom of changing the clocks twice a year has been around for more than a century, and some like it where others don't!

For those who have digital devices everything happened automatically but of course manual clocks had to be wound forward. Not really a problem, or hassle, if like Eddie and myself there are only a handful that needed to be changed manually. It's a different case if you are King Charles III because there are "more than 1,600 clocks at the King’s official residences that needed to be changed last weekend, as British Summer Time began.

image from here

Thankfully, he has a team of three horological conservators who worked through the weekend to change the timepieces in the Royal Collection.

They include 450 at Windsor Castle, 350 at Buckingham Palace and St James’s Palace in London, and 50 at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.

The Royal Collection Trust said the timepieces in the collection are some of the finest and most historic items at the palaces.

They include musical clocks, astronomical clocks and miniature clocks.

The trust released images (link below) showing horologists returning clocks to the Yellow Drawing Room and Centre Room in the east wing of Buckingham Palace, as works of art are reinstalled after the completion of five years of improvement works.

The oldest in the collection is the Anne Boleyn Clock, which is said to have been given by Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn on the morning of their marriage in 1532.

The collection also includes Queen Charlotte’s watch, which was the first to have a lever escapement and is considered to be a forerunner of modern wrist and pocket watches."

The above words, and pictures of some of the clocks, in articles 
here and here
It was very nice to see King Charles at the Easter Weekend Service, which was his first major public appearance since being diagnosed with cancer, read more here

~ xxx ooo xxx ~

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Finally just a reminder to keep checking your spam folder as many bloggers are finding comments are going incorrectly into spam

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...we sprang forward a few weeks ago.

My name is Erika. said...

That's really fascinating about all the clock in the castles of the KIng. I like how you call it British Summer Time also. It is clear, whereas here in the states. We call it daylight savings time, which really is kind of confusing.


Wow, 1600 clocks! That's quite a task, even for a team of horological conservators. It's fascinating to learn about the intricacies of maintaining such a vast collection of timepieces, each with its own unique history and significance. The dedication to preserving these treasures is truly admirable. Thank you for sharing this glimpse into the world of royal timekeeping. Read my new blog post:

DUTA said...

Clocks are one of my all time favorite items. They both interest me and fascinate me.

DVArtist said...

Wow, that's a lot of clocks for sure.

peppylady (Dora) said...

i wish they would leave the clock alone.

Sami said...

Wow, that is a lot of clocks. I bet nobody runs late at the palace, there should be clocks on every wall!!
It was nice to see Kings Charles at the Easter event. Happy April Jan.

Anonymous said...

So interesting about these hundreds of clocks needing to be changed by the horologists, a new word for me! -Christine

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

The clocks are beautiful, and what an amazing collection to take care of! Nice to hear that King Charles is feeling well enough to attend the Easter service, too. I always look forward to the spring forward time change and that extra hour of daylight once again, but it does take some adjusting to. Hope you are enjoying all the gorgeous flowers this time of year. x K

roentare said...

Our daylight saving ends this Sunday. Less sleep again.

DrumMajor said...

That's a lot of clocks! I didn't know the royalty was so worried about what time it was. They need to have reliable wrist watches. What do those royal clock-changers get when they retire?: a clock or a gold watch. Just had to ask. Linda in Kansas

Anonymous said...

There are times I love listening to the ticking of a clock, when all else is quiet.

My wife and I have quite a few in our home.

Margaret D said...

That's a mighty big job changing all those clocks.
Thanks for the links...and good to see the King out and about once again, he looks rather well.
Our clocks go back next Sunday.

Elephant's Child said...

I cant wait to turn our clocks back. Really can't wait.
The Royal Family have a LOT of clocks. Unsurprising really.

Linda said...

I don't feel so foolish now for considering getting a second clock for my bedroom. Tommy thought it was foolish to get a clock for the kitchen since there is a clock on his coffeemaker. Clocks are good, but 1600? I wonder if they chime or click. Three horologists? At least he does not have to do it himself.

jabblog said...

If I had room I'd have more clocks. They are beautiful pieces of workmanship.

chica said...

Inreressante post. Eu não gosto do horário de verãoQ! E os comentários andam mesmo indo para o spam. Estranho,não é? beijos, chica

eileeninmd said...

That is a lot of clocks to change.
We only have the oven and microwave.
The rest all change automatically.
Take care, enjoy your day!

midorilinea said...

Interesting read about the clocks in England! We recently put our clocks forward as well, it's officially spring! Hope you have an amazing spring season!

xoxo, Midori

Donna said...

Too many clocks!lol We here in America changed time a few weeks ago.

Jenn Jilks said...

That seems a bit ridiculous!
Our times changed with the US. Such a pain.

R's Rue said...

Very interesting

Fun60 said...

What an interesting post. I thought I was hard done by as I had 6 to change.

The Furry Gnome said...

Glad he's got those horologists!

Mary Kirkland said...

That's a lot of clocks.

HappyK said...

Wow that sure is a lot of clocks to have to change.

J.P. Alexander said...

Uy son muchos relojes. Te mando un beso.

Lorrie said...

That's a LOT of clocks! And what fascinating history some of them hold.

Angie said...

Jan - since my hubby is from the UK, I found this article about the clocks fascinating! Thanks for sharing! Happy April to you! (We head to the UK in about 4 weeks - yay!)

Carla from The River said...

Oh my!!! That is a lot of clocks!
Has the UK ever had a discussion about ending changing the time? Here in the USA, we have had discussion, but noting happened as of yet. Possibly staying on Daylight Savings is the proposal.

Lowcarb team member said...

Carla from The River who said...
Oh my!!! That is a lot of clocks!
Has the UK ever had a discussion about ending changing the time? Here in the USA, we have had discussion, but noting happened as of yet. Possibly staying on Daylight Savings is the proposal.

Hello Carla
Yes, indeed that is a lot of clocks :)

The ending of British Sumer time is quite regularly talked about but as far as I'm aware there are no plans to change things.
More to read here

Wishing you a happy new month of April

All the best Jan

Jeanie said...

No wonder they have clock winders! I always worry that today's kids will never know how to tell time if the grid goes down and all the digital clocks stop!

baili said...

time change isn't exciting for me yet it is done automatically on devices
though we have six clocks on different rooms that need help
1600 clocks is really lot :)

Conniecrafter said...

Oh wow I never thought of them having that many clocks but I imagine in such a huge place they would need clocks everywhere, we have one clock in our house that automatically changes time for us so that is nice but other than that we only have 6 to change :)

Teresa said...

Me encantaría ver esa colección de relojes, tiene que ser preciosa. Besos.