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Thursday 23 May 2024

What to eat for osteoporosis

Over three and a half million people in the UK are living with osteoporosis and it’s never too early to start looking after your bones. Today I'm sharing an article by Jo Williams a Registered nutritionist:-

What to eat for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis occurs when your bones become weak, fragile and more porous; this may lead to fractures. The risk of developing osteoporosis increases steadily as we age. After the age of 35, we naturally lose bone density, making it increasingly important to eat the right foods and implement lifestyle changes to help maintain bone density and strength.
  • Calcium and vitamin D vitamin D are key nutrients for bone health. Calcium-rich foods include dairy products (milk, cheese and yogurt), calcium-set tofu, green leafy vegetables, almonds, canned salmon and sardines*, and sesame and sunflower seeds. Vitamin D is vital for the absorption of calcium, but sadly it's found in very few foods – oily fish, egg yolks and liver all provide useful amounts.
  • Magnesium may have an important role to play in helping keep bones healthy. Good sources include brazil nuts, sunflower and sesame seeds, almonds, bananas and dark green, leafy vegetables, such as spinach.
  • Studies have found that a good intake of vitamin K may result in denser bones and fewer hip fractures; kale, broccoli and other green leafy veg are useful additions to your diet.
  • Eat less salt and consume less alcohol and fizzy drinks. A high salt intake may lead to calcium being leached from the bones and excreted by the body. Excessive alcohol intake may damage the cells that make new bone.
  • Taking too much vitamin A in supplemental form is thought to weaken bones over time – studies suggest that an average of 1500mcg a day over many years may affect the density of your bones and make them more likely to fracture.
Do this:

1. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, which contain the minerals potassium and magnesium – these may encourage bones to absorb key minerals, such as calcium. Fruit and vegetables also contain vitamin C and zinc, which are required for bone health.

2. Take regular weight-bearing exercise and quit smoking. Smoking leaches calcium directly from bones.

3. Stick to government guidelines on alcohol consumption and enjoy at least two alcohol-free days each week. Visit the Drinkaware website for more information.

4. Make sure you get plenty of natural sunlight, particularly in the winter months. Vitamin D, which is vital for bone health, is synthesised in sun-exposed skin.

*Have a look at some sardine recipes on this post here

You can see Jo Williams original article here
Helpful link to the Royal Osteoporosis Society UK here

Please note articles within this blog are provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your GP or local health care team/provider.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...a serious problem as we age.

Lee said...

A very interesting, helpful post....thank you. :)

Rose said...

My friend and I were just talking about the way we have worked, there was a lot of lifting involved...and it was probably good for our bone density...and then here you have this about what is good to eat, etc.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

Granny Marigold said...

It's always good to be reminded of these health hints.

Angie's Recipes said...

Lots of meat and bone broth!

Lorrie said...

I was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. My doctor has advised taking Vitamin D daily, and getting my calcium through food rather than supplements. It's actually quite hard to do.

Margaret D said...

That's a good read Jan.

jabblog said...

The trouble with sardines is that they like to revisit :-)

Teresa said...

Muy buen reportaje y muy interesante. Gracias y besos.

Elephant's Child said...

Good advice. Bone fractures in later life can be literally crippling.

roentare said...

Doing these just slows down the calcium loss.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you Jan for all your research and articles on this Blog.

God bless always.

eileeninmd said...

Great advice and info.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Jenn Jilks said...

My JB has to take calcium supplements. His cancer treatments (Lupron) are giving him bone density issues. It is a challenge.

Christine said...

I take vit K and vit D supplements as I am at the borderline for osteoporosis.

Donna said...

I take vitamin D3 + K2 for bone health. I was on Fosamax (every week for 3 years) until I found out the bones become ridged and if you fall, there's a greater chance of bones breaking because they have no flexibility! The D3 + K2 work so much better!

HappyK said...

Happily I don't have that problem. I've always drank a lot of milk and walking every day sure helps.

This N That said...

good advice!!

Valerie-Jael said...

As always, very sound advice! Thanks!

Divers and Sundry said...

I didn't know that about magnesium. I eat prunes every day for none health, and I use a weight vest and fo yoga.

DVArtist said...

Fabulous information. Thank you again.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Another post with good information in it. Thank you for sharing this.

Conniecrafter said...

Nice to know I am taking all the measures I can to prevent it

carol l mckenna said...

Another great post with info about Osteoporosis ~ thanks,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)