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Monday, 24 February 2025

DIABETES NEWS : 'One in five UK adults living with diabetes or pre-diabetes as diagnoses reach all-time high'

One in five UK adults living with diabetes or pre-diabetes as diagnoses reach all-time high

One in five UK adults are living with diabetes or pre-diabetes as diagnoses have reached an all-time high, new data shows... and may well be the same where you live!

Charity Diabetes UK called this a “hidden health crisis” and urged the government to act immediately. Some 4.6 million people are now diagnosed with the condition, compared to 4.4 million a year ago.

This includes about 8 per cent with type 1 diabetes, which happens when a person cannot produce insulin, a hormone that helps the body turn glucose into energy.

Some 90 per cent have type 2 diabetes, which happens when the body does not use insulin properly, while 2 per cent have different and rarer forms of the condition. A further 1.3 million are estimated to be living with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes UK estimated a further 6.3 million people are living with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia, some of whom do not know they have the condition. More commonly known as pre-diabetes, the condition causes higher than normal blood sugars and if untreated can develop into type 2 diabetes.

The chief executive of the charity, Colette Marshall, said: “These latest figures highlight the hidden health crisis we’re facing in the UK and underline why the government must act now.

“There must be better care for the millions of people living with all types of diabetes, to support them to live well and fend off the risk of developing devastating complications.

“With more people developing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes at a younger age, it’s also critical that much more is done to find the missing millions who either have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes but are completely unaware of it. The sooner we can find and get them the care they need, the more harm we can prevent.”

An open letter to the government from the charity called for those who are living with undiagnosed diabetes to be urgently identified, along with more investment in prevention programmes which promote lifestyle changes.

Separate NHS data (see here) released late last year also showed that between 2016-2017 and 2022-2023, there was a 54 per cent increase in the number of people aged up to 25 diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Dr Dulmini Kariyawasam, clinical lead for diabetes at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, said the growing rate of type 2 diabetes among young people was “alarming”, particularly given the long-term harms it could have.

She said young people with type 2 diabetes were more likely to get cardiovascular disease and other complications, and research shows those aged under 40 have a significantly shorter life expectancy than their non-diabetic peers.

Younger people were also less likely to access adequate healthcare for their condition, she said, and in interviews with those patients, her team discovered they felt a “huge stigma” with their diagnosis.

“They felt that they’ve done it to themselves, or it’s their fault, so that makes them access healthcare less,” Dr Kariyawasam said.

The trust has launched a trial programme involving eligible young people from Lambeth and Southwark, providing services better tailored to the needs of under-25s with the help of the young people affected.

“For our local population, young type 2 [diabetes] is a really growing problem. So we wanted to look at how can we do things differently,” she said.

Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Trust, in collaboration with King’s College Hospital, set up two clinics specifically for young people, working with a varied team of health specialists.

Diet and exercise are also important parts of the programme, improving patients’ relationship with food, teaching them diabetes-friendly versions of their favourite cultural dishes, and helping them build exercise into their daily lives.

“One thing we’ve tried to do is not just manage diabetes, [but] actually instigate a lifestyle change,” Dr Kariyawasam said.

Daniel Akinmade was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when he was 15. While he said his initial treatment and education around his condition was helpful, he felt he was struggling so he joined the pilot programme last year.

“I didn’t really know all the best things for me,” he said, adding before joining the programme he was scared to check his sugar levels in public.

Mr Akinmade, now 20, has been able to take back control of his condition, to the point where he has gone from needing daily injections to having them weekly.

“Just having a group to talk to about my struggles and all the lessons that we did together helped me improve my diabetes massively,” he said.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “It’s extremely concerning that there are high numbers of adults living with type 2 diabetes. That’s exactly why preventative action is crucial.

“As part of our 10-Year Health Plan, we are committed to a shift from sickness to prevention to enable everyone to live a healthy life for longer.

“We are taking action to tackle type 2 diabetes-related lifestyle factors head-on, including restricting junk food advertising on TV and online.

“We are also developing a new digital NHS health check that people can use at home to understand their risk of diabetes and how to reduce it.”
Words above from article seen here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas within this blog, something for everyone to read and enjoy...

But please note, articles within this blog are provided for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor, pharmacist or any other health care professional.

Not all recipes within this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic (more about this here) and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


Wanda said...

Jan, thanks for visiting my blog. It was nice to come and see what you are posting. Very interesting and some excellent recipes. I'm sure I will be back again. Wanda from Got a Minute or Two.

Tom said...

...a huge problem.

roentare said...

Sedentary lifestyle is to blame

Anonymous said...

Bad news -Christine

Margaret D said...

Very interesting to read this, Jan.

Jules said...

Those figures are very worrying.

Giorgio said...

Interesting figures and infomation about people living with diabetes and pre-diabetes in the UK. I think also in my country there are about 1 million people who live with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.

As mentioned by Dr Kariyawas, health care departments should instigate a lifestyle change. Patients have to learn the importance of diet physical exercise into their daily lives.

Great post, Jan!
Have a nice new week :-)

eileeninmd said...

It is sad to hear there are so many people with Diabetes.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you for this article. God bless you.

Jeff said...

Wow, the increase in type-2 of those under 25 is frightening. Have you posted information on the third type of diabetes?

Bijoux said...

There definitely seems to be a link between diabetes and dementia. Most people are unaware of how much sugar (and salt) is in processed foods.

CJ Kennedy said...

The same problem here

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

The statistics are scary. Lifestyle changes are definitely needed.

Carla from The River said...

Thank you for sharing, we know several people who are struggling with this problem.

Dianna said...

Diabetes is such a horrible disease. My mother-in-law was a diabetic. I have friends who are diabetics. It is really rampant here in the US, but especially here in our state of West Virginia. Thank you for sharing this information, Jan.

Ananka said...

It really is scary. All we need to do is change our diet and exercise.

Manuel said...

Son cifras preocupante, de las que el gobierno tenía que tomárselo en serio, y dedicarles los medios necesarios para detectar esa diabetis 2 y prestarles las atenciones y medicinas correspondientes y necesaria.
Desconozco cuales son las cifras de diabéticos en España, pero lo que si estoy seguro es que tenemos una medicina, hospitales, etc. pública, de las mejores del mundo, y dotadas de grandes y reconocidos profesionales que velan por nuestra salud.
Un cordial saludo, y espero que el próximo año mejoren esas cifras.

Bill said...

Thanks for sharing, Jan.

HappyK said...

Wow that is a lot of people!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Jeff who said ...
Wow, the increase in type-2 of those under 25 is frightening. Have you posted information on the third type of diabetes?

Hello Jeff
Many thanks for your comment and question.
There are quite a few posts within the blog about Type 3 Diabetes and the link with Alzheimer's and diet.
Back in 2017 I posted an interesting article about it.
Type 3 Diabetes: The Alarming Link Between Alzheimer’s and Diet
It can be read using this link here:-

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...


Son cifras preocupante, de las que el gobierno tenía que tomárselo en serio, y dedicarles los medios necesarios para detectar esa diabetis 2 y prestarles las atenciones y medicinas correspondientes y necesaria.
Desconozco cuales son las cifras de diabéticos en España, pero lo que si estoy seguro es que tenemos una medicina, hospitales, etc. pública, de las mejores del mundo, y dotadas de grandes y reconocidos profesionales que velan por nuestra salud.
Un cordial saludo, y espero que el próximo año mejoren esas cifras.

These are worrying figures, of which the government had to take seriously, and dedicate the necessary means to detect this diabetis 2 and provide them with the corresponding and necessary care and medicines.
I do not know what the numbers of diabetics are in Spain, but what I am sure of is that we have a public medicine, hospitals, etc., one of the best in the world, and equipped with great and recognized professionals who look after our health.
A cordial greeting, and I hope that next year these figures will improve.

DVArtist said...

Very informative read. Thank you.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Prediabetes and diabetes deros certinly seem to be on the rise in many countriies. Part of the cause is our ultra processed diets and sedetasry lifestyles. The GLp-1 drugs are helping but we all have to make an effort to eat healthier and get exercise.

My name is Erika. said...

That's a giant problem. Wow. And scary too.

Hena Tayeb said...

That is so sad to hear.

Debbie said...

this is a lot of GREAT information!! being in the hospital several times recently, i was surprised at how many of my roommates were diabetic.

Conniecrafter said...

I wonder if computer games and social media contributes to that since kids these days do those things a lot more then when we were kids.

Teresa said...

Gracias por tan buen reportaje. Besos.