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Sunday, 23 February 2025

Words For Sunday : Sit Quietly ...


I saw this here

These words are not just for Sunday ...
I do this every day ... do you?

All the best Jan


Christine said...

I love this Wanda!

Tom said...

...I will do that this evening as I watch the BBC show, Father Brown!

Mari said...

That's great advice! I do this most every day.

J.P. Alexander said...

Buena reflexión. Te mando un beso.

Kay G. said...

Yes indeed, I am thankful every single day!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Yes, sometimes we can take all the good things in life for granted if we don't stop and reflect. Thank you for the reminder! Grateful for you x

Katerinas Blog said...

We should definitely be thankful for all that we have and not forget that every day!!
Have a beautiful Sunday!

roentare said...

Thanks for the wisdom

Jules said...

Beautiful words, of which I often need reminding. I hope you're having a lovely weekend, Jan. X

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Amen Jan. Words to ponder.

God bless.

Stefania said...

Hai proprio trovato una frase stupenda.

Sami said...

I know it's important too sit quietly and do nothing and just relax and clear your mind, but I have trouble not being busy all the time. Will have to make an effort. Thanks Jan, enjoy the rest of the week.

Iris Flavia said...

That´s very good advise.

eileeninmd said...

Wise words indeed, I am thankful for all I have.
Take care, have a great week!

Donna said...

And SO true...

Flighty said...

Lovely post. I certainly do that most, if not all, days. xx

Alexandra said...

More and more lately, I give thanks for everything I have! I enjoy quiet times every day!

Margaret D said...

Yes that's a good idea, I've been busy today, Sunday went shopping this morning and visitors for the afternoon till just before dinner time.

My name is Erika. said...

I try to do this every day, but sometimes life doesn't let you. Thanks for the reminder. It's a good point and really is good for your health too. I wonder if anyone has done a study on that. Happy rest of the weekend to you Jan.

Chris said...

Words I sometime need Thank you.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

it is good to spend a few moments in our busy lives to just sit quietly and enjoy and be thankful for all that we have. Happy Sunday to you, Jan.

Lowcarb team member said...

My name is Erika... who said
I try to do this every day, but sometimes life doesn't let you. Thanks for the reminder. It's a good point and really is good for your health too. I wonder if anyone has done a study on that. Happy rest of the weekend to you Jan

Hello Erika ... many thanks for your comment.
There is an article titled 'People Underestimate The Joys Of Sitting And Thinking, Study Suggests' which you can read using this link:-

I know not everybody likes to sit and feel they are doing nothing but speaking personally I find it helpful and rewarding.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

All the best Jan

Ananka said...

So very true Jan. I am a wee bitty under the weather today, had to leave work early last night. Not sure if it was flu but my muscles and body ached all over. I am feeling a bit better after a long sleep.

Christine said...

Apologies for calling you Wanda Jan! I had just left her blog previous to visiting yours.

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde de Domingo e bom início de semana. Maravilhoso conselho.

Carla from The River said...

I try to do this everyday. But I did not always, last year in 2024 I started to make it a habit to do it, and I did my best to get it in each day of the year!!! And I am off to a good start for 2025. Thank you so much for this reminder.
Love, Carla

ashok said...

Yes !

HappyK said...

I sit quietly every day and thank God for my many blessings.

Mary Kirkland said...

Yes, I like this.

The Furry Gnome said...

Thanks for the reminder.

Dianna said...

I do this every night before falling asleep.

Creations By Cindy said...

Amen and amen! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I confess that I have never ritualized it in this manner.

Wanda said...

I treasure silence. My quiet time in the mornings, with my Bible, Prayer Journal and Hymn book, My special time and place on the corner of my couch!!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Lovely post!!!

Jeanie said...

Lovely. And I'm trying so hard to do just that.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful!! Being grateful for the good in life is good for our minds and souls

Conniecrafter said...

IT is a very good thing to do each day, I use to right them down in my grateful journal but haven't done that in some time, I need to start that again.

Teresa said...

Es un buen consejo que me gusta. Besos.

sandy said...

This is sweet.