Thursday, 27 January 2011

Comments received in the last week.

Thank you to all the people who have sent us some very encouraging news re. lowcarbing. Very good news included great progress being made in the fight against poor kidney function and a non retinopathy, but very serious eye condition. These posts will be going on our website as a permanent feature. As you would imagine, not all comments were positive. Most of the negative stuff gets deleted, but the comment below was kept, and I feel warrants a serious reply.

“So ediot, what was the cause of you needing stents?” I reported some time ago, on a diabetes forum, a serious heart defect had been found, while under going some standard tests involving my type two diabetes. Two arteries had very severe blockages. Fortunately for me the blockages were very small in length, and although probably life threatening and certainly life changing, were repaired with stents. This has caused great amusement among the low carb antis and other low life’s I take on, on a regular basis. To be fair to the anonymous poster who posted the comment in bold ( there always anonymous, never even a forum name) I feel an explanation is required.

Around twenty years ago, my work meant I had to stay away from home, living in Hotels for weeks on end with fellow workers. One morning a colleague joined me for breakfast, and looking down at my full English breakfast made the following comment “still eating that heart attack on a plate Eddie” that remark struck a chord. My friend was eating the “healthy option“, 3 or 4 slices of toast with margarine, a big bowl of cornflakes with skimmed milk and a couple of glasses of fresh orange juice. From that day on, I went for the “healthy option” and only had my much loved grease up on Saturday mornings as a treat.

My heart problem was picked up around nine month after I started low carbing, less than a year after my diabetes diagnosis. While laying on an operating table in the Southampton University Hospital, I asked the Consultant Cardiologist treating me, did he feel that my condition had come about in less than a year, he did not, and stated this condition builds up slowly over time, and until it manifests itself, often in the form of “in my case angina” it goes undetected for many, for a long time. I had been unknowingly suffering angina for years, and had dismissed it as acute heart burn.

I know it was the high carb/sugar food that lead to my obesity, heart disease and type two diabetes. Imagine starting the day with around 150 carbs, all turning to sugar in no time at all. Then for the rest of the day, eating foods such as chips, rice, more bread and pasta, the mind boggles. I was living on sugar, low fat and paying little attention to the crap I was eating. It’s high carb/sugar that kills, not saturated fat.


Apologies for the poor grammar and spelling, the antis like to refer to this on a regular basis. Still, if they can’t put up an argument against low carb, they have got to talk about something.

1 comment:

  1. What you seem to fail to realise, highly processed foods actually contain a combination of high fats and your carb consumption was well over the top. So the fat you ate on your unhealthy diet caused your problems.
    You have no knowledge what so ever about diet.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
