“Hyperglycemia is the term for expressing high blood sugar is accepted as being when blood glucose levels are higher than 10 mmol/L. Although blood sugar levels exceeding 7 mmol/L can damage internal organs, symptoms may not develop until blood glucose levels exceed 15 mmol/L.” See link to DCUK below.
The dangers of blood sugar levels that exceed 7 mmol/L have been shown in many clinical studies, in fact some put the figure at lower than 7 mmol/L.
Whilst it's good to see DCUK are highlighting this information on the main website, it's a different story on the Forum where NICE guidelines of 8.5 mmol/L for 2 hour post prandial are being cited, not only is this 1.5 mmol/L above the levels, that according to DCUK can damage internal organs, it also increases the odds of seeing sugar levels higher than 10 mmol/L at 1hour PP, if a high carb meal was consumed. If a meal containing a high fat and carb content was consumed, a BG spike could appear later than two hours. 8.5 is not a number, a well controlled diabetic wants to see on their BG meter, and should not be considered a safe target.
"Elevated 1hPG in NGT and pre-DM subjects is associated to subclinical inflammation, high lipid ratios and insulin resistance," the study authors write. "Therefore, 1hPG >155 mg/dl could be considered a new 'marker' for cardiovascular risk."