Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Only half the message and half the truth !

Time and time again, I read posts on forums where people state they followed the eat starchy carbs advice and their diabetes control went nowhere. One very high profile forum monitor (now on 30 carbs a day) soaked up hook line and sinker, the diet of death, and followed the NHS and usual dietician advice re. carbs for over ten years. After a myriad of serious health problems, he saw the light re. carbs and starchy foods.

However, he states at every opportunity, he is also low fat. This guy has rejected, totally, his advisers re carbs. but believes what his healthcare professionals have told him re. saturated fat and cardio disease. I would like to ask him two questions.

1. Why when you readily admit your healthcare professionals led you so far astray re. carbs. do you accept their advice on saturated fat ? Surely, such bad advice in one area, would make the average thinking person, highly suspect, on accepting more advice from the same people that got it so wrong before, i.e. Healthcare Professionals !

2. If you are on a Bernstein low, carb intake, and on low fat, what do you eat ? It seems to me you must be consuming very little other than protein, or have you discovered a food group unbeknown to the rest of the human race ?

I would of course, ask the guy myself, but as with others who put him straight re. carbs, I am banned from his forum.

Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes.

The fats from meat, fish, eggs, milk, nuts and seeds have been the staple diet of man for millions of years, would any of us be here today, if man had evolved on hydrogenated fats and sugar, I think not.

When man goes against nature, he will always lose !!


1 comment:

  1. The same thought has bugged me for a while too. While some state that the the diet dictated by health professionals to diabetics includes too many carbs to gain good health and they did their own research then cut the carbs, the same people believe that a low fat diet is necessary to good heart health because their specialist "knows this is so".
    I don't do trans fats 'cos I no longer eat processed products that contain them and I believe that engineered fats are not healthy,but I have increased my intake of animal fats by design and watched my cholesterol improve out of sight!


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