Thursday, 10 March 2011

Diabetes for life, has been miraculously resurrected.

After three months lying in a mortuary, the diabetes forum Diabetes for life, has been miraculously resurrected. Well sort of.

The moderator known as SueM, aka SarahQ, aka “I fill my face with carbs” signature "a balenced diet is a cake in each hand" posted this on Monday.

 “The intensive use of therapy to chase aggressive blood sugar targets in patients with type 2 diabetes results in increased five-year mortality, a new analysis of the ACCORD study shows”

Old Sue was never slow in dredging up old chestnuts and myths surrounding low carbing, clearly nothing has changed ! If you have hung around some diabetes forums over the last few years, you could not have failed to notice, the people most against low carbing, are type ones, very often on an Insulin  pump. Now, if they had shown good control, I would have had some respect for them, but although I admire their honesty, their idea of good control is pitiful. From diabetic partners being saved by hypo sensing dogs, to retinopathy and other complications, add to that the sad and untimely death of one high profile pump user, get my point !

Why do highly medicated type one diabetics, very often with poor control, feel they have the answers for diet controlled type two’s ?

Maybe Diabetes for Life should have stayed dead !


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