Thursday 3 March 2011

Featured great food of the week

Red Bell Pepper
Check out the vitamin c in a bell pepper. One of the many myths regarding low carbing is we can be vit c low when we drop potatoes. A red pepper has around twelve times the vit c content per hundred grams as potato. Available all year round, great when added to a roast vegetable mix, or eaten cold and raw with a salad.

For atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, peppers also contain vitamin B6 and folic acid. These two B vitamins are very important for reducing high levels of homocysteine, a substance produced during the methylation cycle (an essential biochemical process in virtually every cell in the body). High homocysteine levels have been shown to cause damage to blood vessels and are associated with a greatly increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

1 comment:

  1. I do like your items on food and look forward to reading them. Are there others like me who didn't realise the goodness in a red pepper. Out of interest how does a green or yellow one compare?


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