Wednesday 13 April 2011

Drug Companies: Rats leaving a sinking ship ?

With the drug black list reported in the Pulse magazine yesterday, and huge cutbacks being planned, it appears big Pharma knew the writing was on the wall some time ago. The reports below were reported in the media months ago. What is the message from big Pharma, if we can’t rip the NHS off on drug pricing, or you want proper safety tests and trials, we are off ?

With most of the type two diabetes drugs on the black list having minimal benefits, and side effects including Black Box cancer warnings, this may well turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Low carb is of course the answer, it was a hundred years ago and it is today. With the money saved from black listed drugs, maybe the money could be spent on re-educating dietitions and others involved with diabetic dietary advice.

“The pharmaceutical firms Novartis and Roche have threatened to pull out of Britain and relocate thousands of jobs abroad, in an ongoing row over pricing for the NHS and rules surrounding safety trials.”

“The government's plans to rebuild the economy around key hi-tech industries suffered a blow after the drugs maker Pfizer closed its only research and development facility in the UK .The factory in Sandwich, which developed the impotence drug Viagra, will close with the loss of 2,400 jobs, leaving an area of deprivation on the Kent coast with few remaining private sector jobs.”

“The Swiss drug companies made their threats known in personal meetings with a government minister, according to Whitehall documents seen by the Guardian.”

“The documents also make clear that cabinet ministers have been conducting a vigorous charm offensive to prevent multinational drug companies leaving Britain. Novartis employs 3,500 people in Britain at nine sites while Roche has 1,500 workers in this country.”
Source The Guardian

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