Monday 25 April 2011

Words fail me, almost !

They say if a man lives long enough, he gets to see it all. Well, over the weekend I’ve got to see it all, well, as far as diabetes forums go that is. Those who are familiar with the forum of flog, are no strangers to the ridiculing, thread locking, thread deleting, post deleting and post alteration etc. etc. conducted by the arch buffoon and moderator Cugila, aka, Ken, aka the spooky and foul mouthed troll WRUNKELT. Assisted by his Moll, Sugarless Sue, another mole, both known and outed as trolls on the forum

Over the weekend, they and their small gang of full time forum vultures, bit off more than they could chew. A new member called Canuck, was clearly in a different league, to the usual combatants the miscreants take on. The new guy shredded them, with science, experience, and plain old common sense.

As was swiftly predicted by our team, he was banned and called a troll. He joined the ever growing ranks of banned members who dare to question the ludicrous ravings of King Canute. I have a feeling, we will be hearing  more from this guy, and as you would expect, you will be hearing a lot more from me and the team.

Money can’t buy this sort of entertainment, but the big question is, how much is old Kenny boy and his misfits adding to the misinformation industry. Time will tell, but god help the newbie’s and the confused and the misinformed.


  1. I didn't see where you said you were aware of the true identity of Canuck so fyi:
    That's Dr Jay Wortman of

  2. I agree wholeheartily with your last sentence. It is the newly diagnosed that are frightened and confused. Please keep up your excellent work here, it does make a difference.


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