Monday 2 May 2011

The Doctor patient relationship part 2.

Six months later.

Good morning Fred take a seat, how are you doing ? Well to be honest Doc I am a bit worried, I still feel ill, my eyesight is still a bit blurred and I’m knackered out most of the time, even my old todger ain’t working so good these days. Well that’s par for the course Fred, diabetes is not much fun is it. Tell me Doc, I have been hearing about BG meters and test strips and that they can tell me a what my BG levels are, any chance of one on my prescription ? No Fred, for type two’s they are complete waste of time. Why is that Doc ? Well if you tested your BGs, and realised how high they were running, you would become very worried, you might even get severely depressed, and then I would have to treat your mental condition. Take it from me Fred, severe depression, is the last thing you want.

Doc. I joined a diabetes forum, and a couple of geezers on there called Fergus and fasteddie, reckon cutting back on the grub, you and the dietition told me to eat, would help me no end, what do you think ? Um, I have heard of this fasteddie, he his a total menace to the forum community, he is costing commercially lead forums and pharma companies a small fortune, he has no respect for most forum moderators and he’s a complete nutter, keep well away from him Fred, he’s trouble.

So this low carb lark he pushes is a no,no. Fred, what can some jumped up nobody, know about controlling type two diabetes ? Well Doc he is always going on about a bloke called Bernstein and he reckons Bernstein is the man when it come to controlling blood sugar levels, have you heard of Bernstein Doc ? Bernstein…….. Bernstein……., didn’t he write West Side Story ?
To be continued.


1 comment:

  1. Part 1 and Part 2

    Even worse when after initial 3 month, patient may be put on Byetta without any appropriate educational programme. Once on Byetta comes the chance of hypos and instead of reducing dosage GP recommends increasing starchy foods.

    Byetta approximately £65 per month compared with a cost to the NHS of almost £0 per month for metformin plus appropriate diet



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