Saturday 7 May 2011

From an old friend

"Just realised you have to approve my post before you publish it, I suppose I have wasted my time writing it because knowing you, you will never allow what I wrote to be read by others......just like you hated being critised on DUK so much so that it lead to you and your "sock-puppets" all being kicked off the forum. If I ever meet that guy who played the most part in getting rid of you, the drinks for the whole night are on me."

"Common sense is a must but to try and force people to accept you and your ways of controlling your diabetes by intimidation, threats, warnings and taking the mickey out of them is by no means using common sense.

I agree that every diabetic has to use common sense and reduce their carb intake but I hope no one will ever be loose their common sense and follow the dangerous route of extreme low-carb route you have taken which in reality doesn't seem to have helped your clogged up arteries whereby you had no choice but to go through an angio-plasty. Common sense is that if you eat loads of fat, it will clog up your arteries and if people follow your advice they too will end up on the operation table just like you did and probably die of an heart attack just like your overweight hero Atkins did."

"It's about time you used your own advice and see (common) sense that the advice you are giving people is very dangerous and the way you go about it is nothing but bullying, almost like a dictator."

AN old "friend". ;-)


  1. This blog exists to do what it says on the tin

    "Shining a spotlight on the exploitation, misinformation, and ludicrous dietary advice that leads to diabetic complications, and the early and unnecessary death of thousands of diabetics every year. The mainstream advice is plainly wrong and is at last being recognised as such by at least some of the more enlightened medical professionals. Please check out our website"

    A typical example is your use of the old chestnut regarding Atkins death. Atkins died from head injuries resulting from a fall on ice.

    Your posting exemplifies the need for this site.


  2. Regarding dietary fat and coronary events, please scroll down to the typical informative post we like provide.

    Heart Surgeon Admits Huge Mistake !
    By Dwight Lundell, MD

    Events are a little more nuanced than a simple restriction on all dietary fats.

    Of course we also like to prick the empty gesturing and pomposity offered by King Canute and all his trollish mannerisms.


  3. Wasn't ya man Atkins over 250lb around 18 stone when he slipped on his ice ;-)

    That sounds like a great diet LOL

  4. No - ya man Atkins was 195lbs when he was admitted to hospital - according to the Medical Records, and gained 60lbs between then and his death due to extreme fluid retention.

    At 6ft tall, 195lbs = just under 14 stone. Not excessive for that height.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
