Tuesday 31 May 2011

More dross from Christine Cashin aka ally 5555.

From the healthcare professional posted today on the fun forum.

“Now I have a question for you - low carbers often say - I eat tons of meat and tons of fat. I can never get an answer out of them - how much? I am just curious!
If you are eating loads of fat how are you eating it?
I cannot bring myself to try coconut oil - now this may sound a daft question but if you cook with it what does the food taste of!?”

I’ll give you an answer ally. Low carbers do not eat tons of meat and tons of fat. Most of the lowcarbers I know base their meals on a very wide range of non starchy vegetables. To this they add adequate protein such as lean meat, chicken, eggs and fish. We consume fats such as found in avocado, extra virgin olive oil, cheese, cream, butter and flax. We also eat a wide variety of nuts and seeds. Low carb fruits such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. There you have an answer.

Now I have a question for you. When are you going to start behaving in a way that befits a true healthcare professional. It is my opinion you are a total and utter disgrace, and many of your colleague’s must shudder should they have the misfortune, to stumble on to the dross you post on various forums, under a variety of names. You have been asked countless questions over the last three years, has anyone ever received  a straight or useful answer ? Looking at the epidemics of obesity and type two diabetes in this country, and the abysmal NHS statistics regarding HbA1c control, improvement is a long way off with people like you advising diabetics.



  1. Quoted from Ally's posts on DCUK.

    “Anything less than 50% carbs could be considered low carb”

    “I feel that if you consume less than 20% of your energy intake from carbs then that is low carb.”

    Depends which way the winds blowing does it Ally!

    Another quote

    “I use around 40% with alot of my pts and it works”

    I see you never mention the meds your pts use Ally, most T2s could not handle anywhere near that amount without resorting to ever increasing medications.

    Lastly (for now)

    “What do you miss from carbs - fibre ( that seems to be why constipation is a problem) folic acid and vit C ( pots) or and seratonin which increase from carb consumption and makes you happy - that might account for the loss of a sense of humour in alot of low carbers or is it the hangover from all the alcohol they seem to consume !”

    Quotes from the BDA website that you appear unfamiliar with.

    Folic Acid

    “Dark green leafy vegetables provide a rich source of

    folic acid in food.”


  2. Serotonin
    “However, once blood glucose is in the normal range there does not seem to be any improvement in mood or ability to concentrate with further increases in glucose, that is with eating more or different types of carbohydrate.”

    Vitamin C and Folic Acid

    Brussels Sprouts - An average serving (9 sprouts) provides half of our daily needs for folic acid and all of our vitamin C.



  3. TBH I thought you guys were going over the top until I saw this post. If the quotes from the dietitian are a true then I agree with your stance.
    Anyone with a basic knowledge of nutrition will know that potatoes are far from the best source of vitamin c and folic acid, as for fiber again there are far better foods more suitable for a diabetic that will have far less impact on glucose levels.


  4. You are 100% correct Scott. There are far better foods more suitable for a diabetic that will have far less impact on glucose levels. Check out the bumped posting.


  5. Hi Scott you don't have to take my word for it the links will show you the actual posts, those are only two of the many she has posted over the last three years mostly making similar ludicrous claims re low carb diets.



  6. I could not get the second link to work but I saw enough in the first one to convince me, I can now see were your coming from.

    I found your blog after reading Dr Jay's account of the events at diabetes.co.uk, it says a lot of the moderators that the dietitian can freely post such utter nonsense and yet Dr Jay a diabetic himself is banned.



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