Sunday 29 May 2011

Who are they STILL trying to kid ?

While Sid bonkers, the cherub, ally and noblehead et al bleat for the return of their deposed leader who are they trying to kid ? Calling for the return of two moderators/monitors who’s knowledge of diabetes was usually a cut and paste job (especially for newbie’s) arguably the most vulnerable and in need of sound information, the farce reaches a new high. Let us not forget Kens Diabetic Observer Magazine article stating.

“If it wasn't for the help and advice I found on that Forum. There were many good people there who give up their time freely to help and advise people. I have to mention the Moderators, Sugarless Sue, Dennis, Fergus, Totsy and many others such as Eddie, Trinkwasser and so many others whose advice I gratefully took on board. They all helped me in one way or another. All unpaid and unbiased.” (copywrite Ken Pritchard)

Ken had struggled for ten years to control his weight and control his diabetes, we quickly and easily put him on the road to good control. So why did he once sitting in the mods chair quickly side with the most vocal and active anti-lowcarbers ? As with diabetes, the mysteries are many.

Over the last two years deletion of low carbers posts has run to many thousands, banning of any opposition to Kens ridiculous dietary advice was the norm. With Dr.Jay’s exposé of the lowcarb, low fat, 1000 calories a day diet, impossible to sustain for long for almost all, drastic action was required. Ken took the usual action, a pathetic attempt to justify his dietary beliefs. The more it went on the more ridiculous he looked. For whatever reason he must have realised his position was completely untenable and reverted to form. Dr. Jay was banned, labelled a troll and his postings deleted. But for Jimmy Moore one of the worlds highest profile low carbers nothing would have happened.

Those who have been around a while will remember the last big clearout of forum mods. They will remember the one and only SarahQ who liked to quote “ I will burn my Bernstein books to supplement my winter fuel bill” and “ I fill my face with carbs” or Jopar’s turn at the helm “ if I followed Fergus’ or Eddies diet I would be dead” two of the most active anti lowcarbers ever to post on the forum. Their reward, to be made forum mod’s.

Let’s hope the forums management do not repeat the mistakes of the past. The largest diabetes forum in the UK must be a place where all methods of diabetes control and sound dietary advice is freely available. The fact that Benedict is a lowcarber gives me hope. I am sure he will not be swayed by the let’s get Ken and Sue back brigade and will be very careful in his selection of new forum moderators. The forum has close to 30,000 members, it will never return to greatness while it is controlled by a dozen members, whatever their persuasion or method of diabetes control.



  1. Sid wrote:

    "It is interesting that almost every regularly posting member on this forum has publicly posted their praise for Sue and Ken."

    Ray Wrote

    "By this you be referring to the rallying round of cronies. I've little doubt others are waiting to see if the deposed tyrants are going to behave themselves before raising their heads above the parapet. Many, like myself, found it so unpleasant and timewasting to deal with such bigotry; we gave up.

    By the way it's not because of the demise of LCD that I've posted here. I've always felt saddened this otherwise great forum was moderated in such a totalitarian manner.

    I wish Benedict and his appointees the best of luck and sincerely hope they don't include those tainted by their sycophantic allegiances to either side of past disputes."


    KC Wrote

    "Says the man who used to use the now defunct LC forum and still does use a blog to ridicule member' posts here.

    Your description of some here was, "jumped up little twerps" I could go on and quote you but what is the point."

    It's strange, I thought "jumped up little twerps" was quite polite in the circumstances! Especially in view of the comments about Eddie and co. made there.

    Anyway the thread is locked now.


  2. beautiful bernard29 May 2011 at 12:09

    I trust the new management at enough to say with some certainty that the Kenster and his moll won't be back any time soon.

    Good luck Benedict, josie38 and all.

    The only way is up.

  3. Thank God Ken has gone! A horrible, nasty, petty individual!


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