Friday 27 May 2011

Why healthy low carb eating is so good.

"The basis of low carb diets is about insulin secretion by the pancreas.  Insulin is released into the bloodstream whenever carbs are ingested, in the form of sugar or starchy foods.  Even vegetables contain carbs (although green leafy vegetables tend to have the lowest carb content and are therefore included on most low carb diets).  Insulin enables the energy from carbohydrate to be stored – unfortunately as fat.  Insulin is the engine of fat storage, and without excess insulin, body fat can be lost as the body releases the contents of its fat cells to be used as fuel.  Ergo most low-carb diets encourage fat burning and are ketogenic.  Ketones are produced as a bi-product of fat burning and the body learns to use this as its primary fuel rather than glucose."

"Cholesterol levels tend to improve in the low-carb eater and blood sugars can be normalised in diabetics, protecting them from complications and thereby effecting what is not technically a “cure” but a remission of the symptoms and complications of diabetes, as long as the diabetic does not give up low carb eating and lapse back into his old high-carb ways."


  1. Like most on here I low carb. I was introduced to it by a friend at my local diabetes help group. It is a good crowd and we exchange views, ideas etc. The only way for me now is low carbing I experimented with various foods to see what kept my bg low or more importantly those that I need to avoid even a slice of bread made my bg rise. I do try and pass on the good news about my newly found diet. We need to keep talking and spreading the good news. Well done all on this blog that do this.


  2. Healthy low carbing is so good and easy to do. Have a look at the food pyramid article, posted earlier, if you're not sure. Start with a variety of vegetables and add meat, fish etc. Always keep a look out at your supermarket for good deals of the week as these do help keep the ever spiralling food costs down.


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The best of health to you and yours.
