Sunday, 26 June 2011

The Clique go into overdrive !

The Clique aka Kenny’s crew or more accurately ex Kenny’s crew. After loosing his mod’s job and unable to ban or delete any post or poster who contradicted his lamentable dietary advice and bizarre logic, i.e. no logic, Kenny has stated he is off, off the forum or off his rocker? I’m still trying to work it out.

Back to the Clique. This bunch of know it all, know nothing blowhards are giving Dr. Jay a hard time, why. Could it be after the abysmal treatment that he received the first time of joining, which lead to Kenny being booted off his mods throne, still sticks in their throats. The Clique were not slow to realise without their demented leader, they were very vulnerable to some commonsense, and very useful and informative posts. The clique doesn’t do sensible, it’s not there to educate or really help anyone, they are wreckers. Hanging on to outdated methods that are doomed to faluire, they push the dogma and the sort of misinformation that leads to the woeful figures published by the NHS. I often wonder if they have any other life other than ‘there’ forum, do any of them work for a living ? If they do, I’m glad they don’t work for me, good grief, some of them appear to be on the forum from dawn to dusk.

When are the people that run going to wise up, do they really want a forum that helps all diabetics get to a safer place, or is the forum a place to gather a mailshot list ? I notice the marketing to members is being ratcheted up with a new forum format, how long before there are more adverts than posts ?



  1. As usual you're spot on Eddie.

    The clique are in their element when pumping out their garbage to newcomers (they call it helping). Many do seem to find the advice "helpful". Again, in the land of the blind...

    As soon as someone with real knowledge, for example Dr Jay posts, their egos are bruised and the ganging up starts. They see themselves as "senior" members who have a right to post what they like.

    Rule number one: They are not to be contradicted.

    Rule two: You must agree with them and post to say so, or, SHUT UP!!

    Rule three: Anyone who questions the clique is a troll and shall be shouted down.

    Rule four: Anyone introducing themselves - however good their BG control may be - has to be "helped" with a copy of "our friends Sue and Kens" notes!

    An interesting aspect of this comes to light if you look through the "Introductions" forum. The sheer volume of newcomers who join, introduce themselves and vanish after only one or more posts is indicative of the situation.

    I know this happens a lot on forums but I'm sure it's worse on DCUK.

    No doubt they're wondering what sort of nuthouse they've joined!

    A number of egos have crash landed recently and they just can't handle it.


  2. Do you actually read what you write - there is only one method for you low carb!

  3. Yes I do and as you say there is only one method that works for me. Tell me, how do I keep none diabetic numbers other than lowcarb ?

    I would love to know.


  4. Yes I do and as you say there is only one method that works for me. Tell me, how do I keep none diabetic numbers other than lowcarb ?

    I would love to know.


    Have you actually looked at the people that use alternative control methods A1c's? Quite a few are better than yours Eddie and others are the same.
    As you quite rightly state so often, we are all individuals.


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The best of health to you and yours.
