Wednesday 1 June 2011

The Misinformation Mobs part 1.

Being confirmed a diabetic is a day you will probably remember for the rest of your life. Most people go through nearly every emotion, almost everyone is frightened. Fear of complications, fear of the unknown. There is no shortage of information regarding diabetic complications and the complications are very real. Diabetic complications are brought about by elevated blood glucose levels. There is no argument starchy carbohydrate foods raise blood glucose levels the fastest and for most diabetics the highest. If you follow the standard NHS and DUK advice you will base your meals on starchy carbohydrates, thus guaranteeing elevated and dangerous blood glucose levels.

To counteract the recommended diet a multi-medication regime is usually required to bring down dangerous blood glucose levels. It clearly does not work for many, and that fact is confirmed by the NHS official HbA1c statistics. Multi medication regimes were used in the ACCORD trial and led to so many deaths the trial was abandoned early. All powerful medications come with side effects. Side effects range from stomach upsets for many using Metformin to death for people using Avandia.

Large pharmaceutical companies will use any tactics including fraudulent trials, off approved list selling and withholding information, to keep pushing dangerous medications. This is evidenced by the billions £/$ paid in fines and massive compensation paid to damaged patients.

Clearly the NHS, DUK and the majority of dietitions dietary advice is deeply flawed. If their dietary information and the new medications and more accurate at home BG testing was working, the published NHS HbA1c data would be showing improved control and a reduced level of complications. Improvements are not taking place and the number of diabetics requiring kidney dialysis is going up steeply. I can see no reason why this lamentable trend will not continue. Moreover, with the NICE guidelines for HbA1c relaxed, patient outcomes will worsen. It is a medical fact with each percentage point reduction in HbA1c complication risks drop dramatically.

Many healthcare professionals believe diabetes is always progressive, as with their dietary advice, they are wrong, very wrong. Only this week we have heard about an American type one Bob Krause, the first American known to live 85 years with the disease. Check this man out and you will not be surprised to learn, his diet does not follow the lines of the NHS, DUK or ADA.

Only in such a corrupt world, would diabetics be told to base their diet on starchy carbohydrates. Only in a corrupt world, would companies sell drugs to people when they know that many will suffer serious side effects and death. Only in a corrupt world, would large multi-national food companies spend billions to suppress accurate nutritional information regarding their products being included on the packaging. Welcome to the crazy world of diabetes.

To be continued.


1 comment:

  1. It's impossible to believe what you are saying but it's the truth! And how a drug company could foist Avandia on us when you have an effective and safe drug like Metformin which is off patent. That's the problem I guess. Off patent and cheap. And the constant lie about low carb eating by supposed experts. My glucometer does NOT lie and it JUMPS when I eat high carb! Thanks for this wonderful blog AND I tried your cauliflower casserole last nite and it was delicious. I'm a 61 year old guy and I am having a hard time with some of the elaborate low carb recipes out there. YOURS are easy for me and actually taste great! THANK YOU!!


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