Saturday, 11 June 2011

Thanks for reading the blog and taking the time to post comments.

We are receiving over ten thousand page views per month from all over the world. This is very encouraging. Almost all the comments are positive, some are not, as you have seen. In future any anonymous comments falling into the raving and ranting category will not be published. We are not afraid of constructive criticism, but giving a voice to the unhinged is not what we are about. It’s time to move on.

Keep checking out the blog for lowcarb recipes, lowcarb good news and what’s new in the sometimes crazy world of diabetes. We welcome any suggestions, or good news stories, you feel will be beneficial to people looking to control their weight and improve their diabetes control.

Good luck and health to all.



  1. Hear, hear. It's a good thing to leave the slanging match behind and move on to the real point of having this blog, Ed.

    Everything that has been happening at Ddotco and LCD etc., etc., has been depressing and discouraging. Many of us have been cut off from good friends we have made over the past few years and had our LC lifeline taken away without any explanation or by-your-leave, which is upsetting. We have been harangued and 'smacked' by those that think they know better, and those of us who have gone off to find other support need it to be encouraging and upbuilding.

    So well done for letting it go now. Enough is enough.

    Let's keep moving onward and upward on the extremely successful alternative to Diabetic degeneration and 'complications'........the Low-carb lifestyle.

  2. I enjoy this blog and always have a look to see what's going on. I sometimes share a few words and post a comment, it gives a nice sense of belonging. I especially like the recipes, I think my favorites are the cakes, strawberry sponge and the chocolate cake was delicious too. Thanks to everyone.


  3. I read this blog regularly as I really miss the LCD forum and the friends I made there. Any chance of getting another forum up and running Eddie?

  4. "Any chance of getting another forum up and running Eddie?"

    How much grief can I take. I hope David starts his forum again soon. seems ok at the moment. Post lowcarb good news anywhere you can.


  5. Just one question. What happened to freedom of speech?

  6. Freedom of speech is fine, when it becomes no more than noise we will bin it.


  7. Ah OK, so freedom of speech has it's limitations? Not as easy as it looks, is it Eddie?

  8. I post what I beleive is the truth. That's all I can do.


  9. I always seem to catch up on my reading later in the evening. We each have our own thoughts and views, mine is I like this blog. I agree it is time to move on and you certainly have with another great range of articles, news, recipes.
    The only way is onwards and upwards.
    Keep on trucking



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
