Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Two Threats of Legal Action !!

What a night last night eh, not one, but two threats of legal action against me in less than an hour. It nigh near put me off my evening cocoa (low carb of course). I am used to all sorts of threats by anonymous low carb antis, but when I am feared so much that Solicitors want to hide in the shadows, I must be tougher than I thought.

Evidently the people I call the clique are mortified, they feel I have maligned them and they are really a bunch of very nice people. They have via a Solicitor ordered me to remove references to them on this blog, and issue an apology. Not content with railroading members of “their forum” and rubbishing the sensible dietary methods used by countless people to control their diabetes and weight, they want to control this blog. Well they have about as much chance of controlling this blog as the weather, it ain’t gonna happen. No amount of threats, ridicule elsewhere, or legal action will change the way I operate, full stop.

I have said before it is my opinion the resident dietition is a total disgrace to the professional healthcare community, I have seen nothing in recent weeks to change that opinion. It is also my opinion Ken was the worst forum moderator I have ever come across. Furthermore, I believe the clique operate in a pack, this is evidenced by all the locked threads over the last few weeks. And the lunacy they displayed over last weekend.

When someone takes them on at their own game, they bleat like sheep. The only people they convince are the newcomers and confused. Ken weeps I’m a good guy and have been badly treated, get a life mate. It is the eighth wonder of the world how you kept the mods job for so long. But for the almost unbelievable tolerance and loyalty of the new moderators, you would be history as a member.

Forum moderation is often a thankless task, but it is my opinion, and I have seen evidence, the old days of deletion and banning are over. I am seeing freedom of speech (within the forum rules) returning. Back the new mods, report your good news. The most important thing anyone can do is help the newly diagnosed. Help them get to safe BG numbers. Don’t be drawn in to the anti lowcarbers trap. Post good news, help the newbie’s and never never never get involved with the fulltime low carb anti mob, do not respond to them. As you can see, some of them have 18 hours a day to post dross and act like morons. Don’t respond on the forum, don’t fall into their trap ! Stick to the forum rules, don’t let the idiots win ! If you see something you don’t like, tell us about it, we will not be slow to respond.



  1. Oh legal action now? My word they must be a scared helpless bunch of weaselpissers. Incapable to defend themselves they threaten with the lawyers. The twits will be laughed out of court!
    Eddie you have our full support, financially as well.

  2. As Eddie says keep posting all your good news but I'd just add stick to the low carb forum.

    "Low-carb diabetes diet forum
    A forum for those that low-carb, and those that wish to learn more about low-carbing. Please do not come into this forum to debate the validity of low-carbing - this forum is for those that wish to learn more and exchange ideas. If you do not low-carb, please use the relevant forum. Use this forum low-carb diets, how low-carbing affects people with diabetes, low-carb diet tips and more."


  3. Hi Eddie, as a member of this so called 'clique' you are so fond of bloging about I thought I might try to put the record straight one last time on who and what I am.

    I low carb, yes shock horror I am a low carber and I would guess that every well controlled T2 diabetic is as well, the only point on which we seem to differ is that I dont eat as low a carb diet as you so I dont need to consume high fat, why is that so bad that you have to constantly snipe at myself and others all the time. I care not what you do or dont eat and if your control is good then great, you must be doing something right, why cant you have the grace to accept that I might just be doing something right also?



  4. They havent got a leg to stand on, their nasty, cruel posts speak for themselves. Members being frightened of posting for fear of being flamed, newbies coming in with 'newly diagnosed, please be gentle with me', no doubt having witnessed the furore caused by members of the clique!
    Ka-Mon, cugila, catherinecherub a particularly nasty crowd.
    Happy to contribute to any legal fees Eddie.

  5. Sid Bonkers probably not a member of the clique.
    However the true clique, Ka-mon, sugarless sue, cugila, noblehead, catherinecherub are just about the nastiest lot I have ever come across. Amazing that these people have not been banned.

    i would like to join a forum, but after lurking on diabetes.co.uk for some time, I must admit that I would be too frightened to post.
    I would feel safer in a snake pit.

    Mr Eddie, how about starting up a decent low carb forum?
    As for threats of legal action against you, what for? For telling the truth as it is? Ludicrous! Count me in if you require support re legal fees, nasty folk must not get away with what they have done.

  6. From "Basic Information for Newly Diagnosed Diabetics"

    "The main carbs to avoid OR reduce are the complex or starchy carbohydrates."

    Can anyone spot the deliberate mistake?

    I do wish they would correct this statement.

  7. I like Ken's new "I am the victim here" stance.

    Did all these people just randomly choose to start heckling Ken for no good reason? Or was it because he made such pig's ear of moderating?

    No, no. It wouldn't possibly be Ken's own fault.

    D.co.uk hopefully has a bright future now that it is free from the self-absorbed whims of this one particular individual. It was hijacked for far too long.

    I'm looking forward to some properly informative discussions where both the old-timers and newbies can actually learn something useful. This will be a welcome change from all the navel-gazing drivel that we've seen recently.

  8. Have you noticed how many hours of their time the clique members are dedicating to what they consider to be THEIR forum? Small wonder they become over protective and self-righteous, its practically their second home!
    Catherinecherub posts at 2.15am she came home from a night out, just decided to pop into the forum! Enough said, anyone else coming home at this hour of night would head straight for bed.

    Totally obsessed with the forum they are, sad really, they need to get a life.

    Their threats of legal action are laughable, it is them doing all the cyberbullying. The evidence is right there, in black and white, in the forum for all to see.
    Now they have people too scared to post, too scared to join up, people who really do need support and they are not getting it.
    The worst is, admin and moderator are turning a blind eye, they are not dealing with the issues that are important.

  9. Prize idiots at diabetes.co.uk forum banned me for supposedly setting up multi username accounts.
    Cyberbullying at its worst, those that ought to be banned are left to roasm freely in the place.

    Never been a member of any forum before, there surely is a need of a sensible low carb forum specifically for diabetics?


  10. Well, not with a bang, but with a whimper - it seems that Cugila and Sue have said goodbye, although typically in a rather cryptic way.

    Let's get back to posting good stuff; who knows we may be able to lure Fergus back...

  11. Prize idiots at diabetes.co.uk forum banned me for supposedly setting up multi username accounts.
    Cyberbullying at its worst, those that ought to be banned are left to roasm freely in the place.

    Never been a member of any forum before, there surely is a need of a sensible low carb forum specifically for diabetics?


    Don't you dare to come back either,DCUK definitely does not want a sock-puppet like you, especially not one who divides himself into two and posts under two different names.

  12. I presume you've all seen this thread:


    I see Admin have apologised to K & S for sacking them! What chance have we got?
    Now, I wonder what would happen a if a completely contrary view was posted - "Please don't stay, in God's name clear off!!"

    I bet that would start the whole thing off again.

  13. It is believed that the announcement of the new moderators, Mr Nek and Ms Eus, will be announced within the next 48 hours.

  14. From a previous comment.

    "Don't you dare to come back either,DCUK definitely does not want a sock-puppet like you, especially not one who divides himself into two and posts under two different names."

    cugila aka silver fox springs to mind!!!

  15. Silver fox I remember him well, it was him and the cherub! who combined with cugila to get me banned. Shortly after the ban not only my post was deleted but also the post by the silver fox, this is were it gets interesting if you check the the other posts by him you'll see to the right were the usual avatar, name and post count are the only thing remaining is the user name. A complete post cannot be removed by a member only edited, an example can be seen on posts by CarbsRok, this implies a member of the mod team must have been involved. I'll let you draw your own conclusions. Check out this thread: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/diabetes-forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=14824&hilit=silver+fox&start=15


  16. Ken and Sue were up to their necks in it.
    It was all down on the mod logs for the management to see. I was always a bit surprised that Dan and Co. let it go on for so long.

    Most fiascos involved Ken (or one of his sockpuppets) losing his temper and telling someone to go and drown in a lake. When the poster asked to complain to the management, they'd be banned as a troll. It would then usually be left for Sue to "tidy up" the posts whilst vehemently denying that anyone in the mod team had anger issues.

    D.co.uk deserved better.

  17. Well I have continued to monitor the d.co.uk jokers, the evil gang are still very much around, more often online than off. Sugarless Sue and cugila still very much around, though not posting themselves, I guess just to monitor posts, then to instruct sock puppets on how to respond. Whats really changed?
    All too much for poor sparkles, Ailz, Shy Girl, the three of them badly in need of support they are being driven underground by a whole set of control freak idiots.
    Dont be fooled, Dan is still around, and Benedict is right up his a**e if you ask me, or do you imagine for one single moment that Dan and Benedict are slugging it out in the office same as the members of the clique do with the nice, sensible posters in the open forum?
    Lets not be naive, please.
    It has been said before, I will say it again, Eddie, Graham, Karen, please, oh please give us low carbers a new forum where we can get information, hold open debate, get support, please give it some serious thought.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
