Monday, 18 July 2011

Becky Hand another Dietition that is clueless !

“In fact, the human brain depends exclusively on carbohydrates for its energy.”

“Becky is a registered and licensed dietitian with almost 20 years of experience. Through her company, An Ounce of Prevention, she makes nutrition principles practical, easy to apply and fun”
“Nutrition principles” eh, pity she appears to not understand the basic principles. Carbohydrates are not essential for any part of the body especially the brain. “Easy to apply and fun” she may be having fun, but what about her patients and clients ? How easy must it be to become a qualified dietition, it appears anyone with a pulse can reap havoc on peoples health. I have searched long and hard to find a dietition that has even a basic knowledge of the correct diet for a diabetic.

If someone knows of a website or blog run by a dietition that understands the effect of carbohydrates on blood glucose levels, and the damage elevated blood glucose and insulin levels bring about please let me know. Has anyone else noticed these lunatics are almost always women ! Heading for my bomb proof bunker.

Final word goes to Sir Heneage Ogilvie, former vice president of the Royal College of Surgeons, England.

"There are three kinds of foods--fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. All of these provide calories. But the carbohydrates provide calories and nothing else. They have none of the essential elements to build up or to repair the tissues of the body. A man, given carbohydrates alone, however liberally, would starve to death on calories. The body must have proteins and animal fats. It has no need for carbohydrates, and, given the two essential foodstuffs, it can get all the calories it needs from them."



  1. 'Registered and licenced', is she 007 in disguise?

    With 'almost 20 years experience' I dread to think of the damage to peoples health she has caused.

    With more finds like this article things seem to go from bad to worse. It is criminal that this woman can practise. Mind you it is criminal that a lot of dieticians are still in practise.

    I've seen it written on this blog (and other similar blogs) we have just got to keep spreading the word and trying to educate people to the best of our ability. Surely each postive turn of the stone/pebble we make will make a positive difference, we owe it to ourselves and other diabetics. Lets hope those that want to be educated will open their eyes and see.


  2. Finding a 'dietition' who understands carbs and talks sense?? Must be easier to find a needle in a haystack I am sure.
    I have known only one and she used to post in the low carb forum.
    Well done Sir Ogilvie!!
    Karen chocfish

  3. Glenys with advice such as this woman is giving let us hope that those who still have to be educated have eyes that can still see.
    I do agree with you though we must keep positive and spreading our good news.

  4. I think perhaps we are being a bit harsh, Dieticians like anybody have to learn their profession to the Establishment standards. If they dont, they risk losing a comfy livelyhood & salary. So if they loyally stick up for it they would appear to be safe.
    The Issue of Proof requires Diabetics or Anyone else who can show otherwise to present en mass to The Establishment in a way that is unavoidable. To that end at this time we are sadly a disorganised bunch whereas "THEY" are well organised and funded............... and perhaps more importantly motivated.

  5. Hi Dave

    We were only following orders, where have we heard that one before ! Dietitions are contributing big time to the horrendous statistics we see from the NHS. Dietitions are either so stupid they do not see real evidence in front of them, or they are prepared to allow people to suffer to keep their jobs, they can’t have it both ways. Telling diabetics to eat plenty of starchy carbs is equal to telling a drug addict to keep up the heroin. How does anyone with a conscience do the job ?

    Check out the link, how many times have we seen this horror story ?


  6. A very good question Eddie. How does anyone with a conscience do the job?

    Will anyone reply to this?

  7. In my reply ............. How does anyone with a conscience do the job ?, The simple answer is just that " Because it is a job" a way to make a few bob, A livelihood, a way to feed and clothe your family.Simple pragmatism.

    I Very Lo Carb and dont see myself changing that any time soon. My wanderings around the Web tell me that there is a tremendous untapped resource of similar people, the difference is that they are very fragmented and that history tells us isnt going to win the day

  8. Quote from Ally another clueless dietition!

    "I should copyright this as it will appear on a blog by 9."

    Just goes to show she's wrong again as it's now 11-45


  9. Hi Graham

    Another quality post from Ally. What an asset she has been over the last three years. Quality recipes, great nutritional information and compassion and empathy for people with a chronic life threatening disease. A true healthcare professional who works tirelessly for the benefit of all diabetics. The forum would be lost without her.


  10. Dave

    "Because it is a job" a way to make a few bob"

    That’s the trouble it’s just a job to them, a nine to five and going through the motions. Hand out a diet sheet guaranteed to increase BG numbers more dangerous med’s and complications.


  11. You have to be fair Eddie - you assured everyone she'll always give out a good photocopy on time!

    The contents of the document may be crap but you won't have to wait for it.

    The Nuremberg defence and punctuality seem to go hand in hand - something to do with trains running on time as I recall.

    That entire thread is a joke, I was going to chime in, but felt I'd stick out like a poo on a wedding cake as the troublemaker come to spoil the party! Let them enjoy their "love-fest". There will be a "Lets celebrate our high A1c results" soon no doubt

    What can you expect from CARBOHOLICS (there I've said it) in denial!


  12. Having just commented about the excellent Ashley Jacob, I took the time to re-read this article about Becky. Quite honestly it is frightening the number of so called trained professionals who just can't or don't want to see the damage they cause to peoples health.


  13. I'm in school to become a nutritionist right now, and I was researching An Ounce of Prevention when I found this. Please, please, please don't be disheartened by those RD's who are giving out the crappy information! There are good people in the profession who care about their patients and want to heal them. I don't know where you're from, but UAB Hospital has some wonderful Nutrition Specialists who can help you, successfully, and they aren't just going to hand you a sheet of paper and wish you luck! Give me your email address and when I graduate(2014) I'll find you and help you! It makes me so sad that this is happening. Please don't think that everyone is just out for money. I promise that there are those of us who genuinely want to help!


  14. Thanks for your comment and good luck and health to you and yours.

    contact us at

    Regards Eddie

  15. she has been spouting this garbage for 5 years already ( that i could find ) if not longer

  16. I just randomly came across Becky Hand's article and was yelling at her through my computer. Use protein for energy? Please tell me what mutant form of human has that capability? Next I typed in Becky Hand is an idiot and was very happy and relieved to find this post. At one point I sold diabetes supplies and I met many dietitions/nutritionist. While many might suggested that keeping carb intake low is challenging (I agree)I have never met one that would spout this nonsense. I realize the last comment on this discussion was months ago but thanks to all commenters for lowering my blood pressure.

  17. Eddie- your body does need carbs. you are ridiculous! relax.

  18. Anonymouse said...
    "Eddie- your body does need carbs. you are ridiculous! relax"

    Eddies away fishing and relaxing so suppose I'll have to respond:

    Your wrong the body can function without carbs, but fat and protein are essential.

    Your not a dietition are you! I remember one ridiculous RD who said potatoes were a staple for diabetics.


  19. A dietition that never started a sentence with a capital letter, came from Wales, thick as a plank.

  20. Becky Hand's articles are generally a load of nonsense. Here is a recent one penned by Becky which links back to this article you've written about above:

    You'll notice that the article I've linked here is very confrontational in its tone and the words Becky chose. When it was first published, "myths" was actually "lies", but that has been changed since there was a fair bit of complaining going on by some of the SparkPeople members who found it offensive. There was no apology or retraction, it was just quietly changed to "myths" after a couple days of complaining on personal blogs and the SparkPeople message boards.

    At the end of that article there is a poll. More than half the people who answered apparently restrict carbs for one reason or another, yet the site insists on pushing these outdated and just plain wrong ideas about carbohydrate intake. Low carb diets are "fad diets", "not sustainable", "unhealthy", "dangerous", you name is really tiresome and demeaning for those of us who have found out that we thrive when we limit our intake of carbohydrates. If we announce any sort of progress we've made, it's not congratulated or seen as being significant. It's always "well, that's water weight" or "that weight will all come right back as soon as you eat some carbs!" etc. The site's "experts" are very attached to the idea that one must eat "heart healthy" grains, and with every meal. If you mention that you don't eat grains and are feeling great/getting healthier because of it, posts will follow accusing you of being disordered, stupid, a liar, etc. and I mean from both the "experts" and the general membership at the site. However nobody has ever been able to explain to me how a cup of any sort of grain is healthier for me than a cup of kale.

    Another thing to mention: that article I gave you a link to originally had a comment thread at the bottom where members were respectfully sharing their views. Some were cheering for Becky, while others were complaining about the article as a whole, or about certain points. Some people politely posted links to studies for Becky Hand to read. Well, the comment thread quickly vanished. The entire thing was deleted, with no explanation from Becky or the site. I don't know if this article you linked to had comments on it as well at one time. I suspect it did, and that they too were removed.

    It's become very clear to me that SparkPeople is more concerned with their corporate sponsors than they are with providing health and diet information that is actually sane and correct. With that imbalance in mind, I can't recommend the site to friends or family members who are looking for health/weight loss community.

  21. Thank you for your comments Liver.

    I will be using your post on our new blog as a new topic today. I may also post it on our new forum later.

    Thanks again Eddie.

  22. Well, you know that old saying: "You don't have 20 years of experience, you have one year of experience 20 years in a row."

  23. Dave P, you probably haven't been reading her that much if you think this blogpost is harsh. When I first saw some examples of her behavior, I thought it was just a one-time thing, but then another [redacted]people peep told me, no, it is a pattern. My friend was right. [redacted]people has kicked a bunch of low carb people off the side, and many others left after they saw what was happening to their low carb pals.
    You can read some of the e-mails they sent to me on my blog.

  24. I've come to the conclusion that Becky Hand must be on the payroll of the food industry, but Spark People doesn't require disclosure of conflict of interest. I think it would make an interesting investigative article. I've never read an article by her that struck me as insightful or cutting edge--mostly just platitudes from an era of nutrition that will be remembered as just flat-out wrong. The latest was on artificial sweeteners, which she largely lets off the hook, when there is plenty of evidence to suggest they range from not helpful to dangerous.

  25. I understand this post is old but i was happy to see it. I thought i was the only one who could see she is clueles. But if you are looking for a dietitian who truly understands how the body works especially relating to diabetes, check out she focuses on pregnancy, but she really knows her stuff and a lot of the information can be used for anyone dealing with blood sugar issues.


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The best of health to you and yours.
