Monday, 4 July 2011

Business as usual !


  1. My word - Ka-Mon is now saying in 'another ill-informed HCP' post that if you're not sure what's the matter with you and you have been sent home from A&E why not dial 999 and claim to be having a heart attack?!!!!

    This is then not really commented on apart from by Dilinger and he gets accused of being unsympathetic to the OP!

    Are the mods awake or able to read I wonder?

  2. I can't believe this is happening - am I going mad or is it absolutely fine to suggest that if you don't get what you want from A&E to then call out an ambulance on false pretence.

    I raised this with Ka-Mon and the moderator said

    "Can we stop arguing please and agree to disagree and keep this thread on topic."



  3. "Abandon all hope, ye who enter there."


  4. It seems ka-mon, who is particularly obnoxious, and the rest of the crew can say what they like and be as rude and stupid as they like without sanction. As soon as anyone argues with them, they attack.

    The poor soul who dared to talk sense is then admonished and ridiculed. At this point someone will get depressed/frightened/upset and get an attack of the vapours.

    Finally, a mod (upon recovering from their latest hypo/ hyper attack) joins in the fun,followed shortly afterwards by Admin.

    All we can do is keep on plugging away and, more importantly, get more good information onto this blog and support Eddie.

    Let's make this the "Go to" blog for diabetics.


  5. Hi Ray comment of the week !

    "Knobleheads tagline always raises a smile : A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials. It raises the Rab C Nesbiteque comeback of : Aye but you cannae polish a turd! F."


  6. Hear Hear Ray.

    Lets all make this the "Go to" blog for diabetics.

    For me it has interesting articles, great recipes and ideas with a bit of fun too.

    Keep up the good work



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