Thursday, 14 July 2011

Butter versus Margarine: Why Butter is Better !

Heart disease was rare in America at the turn of the century. Between 1920 and 1960, the incidence of heart disease rose precipitously to become America’s number one killer. During the same period butter consumption plummeted from eighteen pounds per person per year to four. It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in statistics to conclude that butter is not a cause. Actually butter contains many nutrients that protect us from heart disease. First among these is vitamin A which is needed for the health of the thyroid and adrenal glands, both of which play a role in maintaining the proper functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system. Abnormalities of the heart and larger blood vessels occur in babies born to vitamin A deficient mothers. Butter is America’s best and most easily absorbed source of vitamin A.


  1. Who wants to 'eat' the goo that these margarine type spreads are. Mothers and grandmothers knew a thing or two. Butter is definitely best.

  2. In our house we have butter, the taste just tells you - its just got to do you good. I agree with the earlier comment who wants to have 'the goo' that the margarine and so called butter with olive oil type speads that seem to adorn the supermarkets these days. Do the consumers have a choice... you bet we do.

    BUT please choose the healthier option.

    "Butter is definitely best"

  3. Butter is definitely on our weekly shopping list and has been for some time now. Even the kids have got used to the better taste and although we got some grumbles because "it didn't spread so easily" we found one particular brand made by Kerrygold that suited us very well. However, for the past week or so wife and I have noticed that this 100% butter more easy to spread brand has disappeard from our local supermarket only to be replaced by a butter and olive oil mix one. I can understand companies wishing to have their new products tried out but do we as consumers have any say or choice in the matter. It seems we don't as now our other nearest leading supermarket have also replaced the 100% butter more easy to spread one with this new mix. It seems butter is getting a rare commodity.
    We have now gone back in time so to speak and started buying the 'hard' butter, it tastes great but if we forget to remove it from the fridge a short time before we need to spread it we are back with grumbles from the kids.
    Sorry kids you'll just have to be patient as we for one family are sticking with the much healthier option ... butter ... and not a chemical mix of margarine type spread.


  4. Kerrygold soft butter has gone from our local supermarkets. It's Lurpak slightly salted for us now. Tastes good but not easy to spread from the fridge.

    Butter leaves marg for dead regards taste and not full of chemicals.


  5. Interestingly the Irish can still buy Kerrygold softer butter, but they seem to think that everyone in the UK listens to the pap churned out by the MSM as part of the Government / BMA orthodoxy.

    Don't forget you can get this:

    and M&S have their own brand of soft butter.
    Boycott Kerrygold!

    I've just started up this facebook page:

  6. I was recently told by my doctor that I am bordeline diabetes. When I told my sister that she said her husband who is diabetic was told that he must use margarine. When I told her because of recent advice we were switching to butter it caused her concern. Would the advice her husband was given be because it was some years ago and so not recent?

  7. Butter a pure and honest food. Marg many chemicals and factory goo. We try to stay away from all factory produced foods ! Butter eaten for thousands of years. Marg, man made almost plastic food !


  8. There is such a wealth of interesting items on your blog, I was reading this one and just have to say thet butter has to be simply the best, the taste, no chemicls,it's simply superior.


  9. Thought people might like to know I recently bought 'ordinary' Kerrygold butter from my local supermarket unless it was a fluke this was the excellent Kerrygold softer spreadable butter they used to produce (not the new one with olive oil) I am going to buy some more to prove to myself it wasn't a fluke. Just wondered if anyone else had recently experienced this?


  10. "I am going to buy some more to prove to myself it wasn't a fluke"

    Not a fluke Doug, we noticed this appeared in our supermarket about a week ago. It's great. Butter, real butter !



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