A philosophical shift is required says Peter Wennstrom, the branding and nutrition expert and president of the Healthy Marketing Team based in Sweden, a country that has a fine tradition in greater good-benefitting social programmes, but one that like most others, is being squashed by public diabetes treatment costs.
“Diabetes together with hypertension and elevated cholesterol is topping the list of diet-related illnesses that is killing people and also killing welfare budgets,” Wennstrom said.
“Eating wrong is one of the biggest threats to our lives. The best selling medicines of today are drugs that treat obesity, type 2 diabetes and high levels of cholesterol. And the welfare system cannot handle the increasing cost of medical treatment for diet-related problems. Especially chronic illnesses like diabetes.”
Wennstrom said unhealthy food choices and widespread nutrition ignorance among both governments and consumers was permitting a status quo, “where society prefers to medicate rather than educate.”
His solution: “Try to intercept the consumer between the supermarket and the emergency ward.”
Unfortunately it does seem so true that society does seem to want to medicate rather than educate. As has been said many times big pharma = big voices (in the various lobbies) = big money. It is up to us to keep shouting the good word Diet, diet and healthy eating i.e the low/ lower carb way. We know it makes sense so come'on everybody keep doing YOUR bit.