The old Circus aka is one strange place. Just as one lunatic checks out (the jungle drums tell me a search for Ken in the members list results in 'does not exist' these days) a new one checks in. I dismissed the new one as a raver when I read one of his first posts.
“I have never subscribed to the notion that a diabetic has to have NON-diabetic numbers to prevent complications. Our T1's will prove again and again that you can live 30-40 years with A1'c even 7-8 or a little higher and have no complications. Science tells us that 'some diabetic retinopathies' can start even in the hi 5's with A1c - but the vast majority of complications don't present until there's a rampant lack of control for very long periods of time and very high A1c's”
I see he says he is low carb but not in the area of 30-50 carbs per day. Not healthy in his opinion, the science does not stack up evidently. He of course prefers to use insulin. A more recent post.
“For what it's worth - those gradations you give work for me and seem reasonable - except that <50 is WAY closer to <30 than it is to <130 -- so it very 'deservingly' gets the term I use 'extreme'. I don't want anyone to ge the idea that <50g of carbs/day is anywhere near 'something normal'. And the term 'lo carb' is just being applied too widely to everythings from <30 to <200. And that's a HUGE difference. As I've said a couple of times - all T2's include 'some level' of lowER carbing since I don't think any of us eat 300g or more anymore. I actually don't know anyone that eats 200g either? Pretty much 95% of us would probably fall from <50 to <200. From the manjority of the boards I've visited most tend to break it down:
>125 = normal non diabetic carbic intake - though 'lo carbers' as a 'movement' call it 'high carb'. (Interestingly - 'normal folks, and the South Beach people would see from here, 125g, to 300 as 'lower carbing - then 300+ as normal)”
I consider myself reasonably good at controlling type two diabetes, but the above post leaves me very confused.
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi you’re my only hope !
Yes, it does seem Cujo, sorry I mean Cugilla (I can't think why I thought of Stephen King's rabid dog character)is no more.
ReplyDeleteI agree that post is confusing. I notice that there are one or two sensible bits of advice slipping though unchallenged at the moment, let's hope sanity prevails.
I think "pianoman's posts on ketones are a case in point.
Every dictator needs his SS, (she without sugar) I see she's gone as well!
ReplyDeleteGood riddance!! Lets all continue to spread the low catb message, best as we can.
ReplyDeleteSlowly it is starting to get through here and there. Yesterday I had a type 2 diabetic woman on front of me desperate to reduce bg numbers. She said she carefully weighed out oats and skimmed milk as she adorrs hot cereal in the morning, before she tested at 8.7 fasting, 2hrs later still on 11.2!!
Did my pep talk, she agreed to try low carb for one week starting immediately. This morning after a low carb meal her fasting was 7.3 after Alisons (thanks for the recipe) flaxmeal porridge made with cream her bg was 7.5. She was all excited and said she definitely wants to carry on.
Even better when I tell you that her nurse who works in the same building as I do and knows my story suggested that we have a talk.
Karen chocfish
Does anyone know the kid kissing Ken?
'Are' 'you' 'trying' 'to' 'say' 'that' 'you' 'don't' 'appreciate' 'Newdestinyx's' 'debating' 'skills'?
ReplyDelete'They' 'don't' 'seem' 'very' 'annoying' 'to' 'me'.
I could listen to him go on and on 'forever'.
Nothing against his "debating skills" just the post contents which are confusing to say the least.
This blog is the top hit for a google search on Newdestinyx. FYI, he's a troll who's been banned from at least three diabetes forums. As a newbie he behaves, almost. After a while you'll see more and more deleted posts and locked threads, all sparked by ndx. He's an arsonist who delights in getting people flaming. To achieve this he'll invent science and experts, rewrite his personal experience, misrepresent the views of others and change his position and facts at will. He also has a bully's instinct for spotting vulnerable people. As threads burn he will loudly protest that he is the victim, not the villain. The end game is that he is banned.
ReplyDeleteMy advice: don't feed the troll.
NewdestinyX (aka NDX) has also been banned from an iPhone forum and an iPad forum.
ReplyDeleteNewdestinyX is also involved in pyramid selling schemes. That's fraud most places.
ReplyDeleteHow come this blog still scores so highly on a search for this troll?
"How come this blog still scores so highly on a search for this troll?"
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading the blog and your comment, but we have no idea why "NewdestinyX" should score so highly in a search.
The inter-net and searches do work in mysterious ways. We hope you enjoy reading some of the other articles the blog contains.
Interesting! Well I got to this page via Bing and a search for Newdestinyx + troll. A first I thought it must be because you seem to list just about all the secondary words that people might attach to a search for him, presumably in response to some local outrage on their forum .. so Newdestinyx + troll, banned, diabetes, low carb, iPhone, apple, fraud etc etc etc. They're all here. (btw what's the fraud one about?)
ReplyDeleteSo to test this theory i decided to type in a secondary word that I think is not commonly used about him. I decided on the very English term 'fruitcake' - as used to indicate someone several cards short of a full deck. I did not expect this to lead to you.
Surprise, surprise! The search for Newdestinyx + Fruitcake took me straight back to your blog and and a different entry about diabetes, dildos and sex toys. You really couldn't make it up! So I thought I'd share. :)
Thanks for sharing, the inter-net can be a spooky sort of place at times, but then at others brilliant. The wonders of the modern world
ReplyDeleteAll the best Jan
Hi from San Francisco. He's a human wrecking ball or troll. Take your pick, they both fit.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I know is that he really doesn't like being called 'Newdie'
He is back on another diabetes forum (Diabetes Daily) as "aox4121". Beware.
ReplyDeleteNo one does the pedantic lecturing thing like Grant.
That's him! Off-line on the forum for so long because, he says, been in remission ...
ReplyDeleteSo 'remission' and 'banned' are the same thing?
AOX4121 = Newdestinyx and the temperature on diabetes daily is rising. The mods are already deleting comments.
ReplyDeleteEddie, this is worth blogging about isn't it? The man's a serial troll now infiltrating a diabetes forum he's been banned from. Hel'll be back on if he thinks he can get way with it. Perhaps you could do that Private Eye thing of publishing two photos, naming them and asking if they are related?
Keep up the good work, Richard
He was also back on Diabetes Forums for a bit...he's been banned there, though. Apparently the mods there a bit more on the ball, or less forgiving. Which is perfectly fine in this instance. In my educated, studied, well read humble "opinion". Jes' sayin' :)
ReplyDeleteWith as much respect as I can muster, does anyone these days give a flying f**k for new destiny X.
I was wondering why he chose "aox"...and it struck me that the 'ao' part might refer to the "Alpha and Omega" (God), with the 'x' as the cross that can sometimes accompany the AO symbols?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it seems his tenure as a god might be over soon. Fingers crossed.
He's been banned from DD. I'm losing count of the number of diabetic forums he's been kicked out of.
ReplyDeleteLike many others I have been on the receiving end of aox4121 / newdesintyx's on-line misogyny but, unlike most people, I also live very close to him.
ReplyDeleteGrant Birchard is a sound engineer from Flourtown, near Philidelphia. He sometimes works as New Destiny Productions. He's Associate Director of Worship Arts at the Church of the Saviour in nearby Wayne, whose 1970s' founders shared an inability to spell key words like "savior".
The real-life Grant has much the same tortured logic, weird grammar and offensively patronising attitude to women as his cyber-self, but with less of the verbal diarrhea. I'm curious to know if the Church of the Saviour is as misogynist as its associate director. Do they condone his behaviour?
There are some OCD tendencies too. He has a dog called New Destiny. He played in a band called New Destiny. It's all starting to look a bit Old Destiny to me.
He has social inadequacy issues and tho' I'm not fully sure why, the phrase Idiot Savant comes to mind. In Grant's case that would be Savant-lite. I'm not saying he is, but there's something strange about him.
There were several on DD who thought maybe he has aspergers. I'm on the West Coast and don't see how you can do a diagnosis on the internet, but it seems that people do it all the time, so what do I know?
ReplyDeleteIf he gone away, I hope stays away.
There was an old troll called Newdie,
ReplyDeleteWho thought himself clever and godly,
But down at the forum,
His lack of decorum,
Offered nothing but lies and pomposity.