Monday, 11 July 2011

Hope Warshaw more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden ?

Until his recent demise in a US special forces operation Osama Bin Laden was arguably the most dangerous man on earth. The more I hear about Hope Warshaw the more I believe she should be placed on the FBI’s most wanted list. Over the top ? Well how many people do you have to kill before the guys from Quantico are on the case ? Check out some of the comments on the link below and tell me this woman is not one of the most dangerous people in America.

“Old Dogma: People with type 2 diabetes should follow a low carbohydrate diet.”
“New Reality: Nutrition recommendations for people with type 2 diabetes from the American Diabetes Association and other health authorities echo the recently unveiled U.S. 2010 Dietary Guidelines (1/31/11) for carbohydrate about 45 to 65 percent of calories. (Americans currently eat about 45 to 50 percent of calories as carbohydrate--not a "high carb" intake.)”

“Countless research studies do not show long term (greater than six months to a year) benefit of low carb diets on blood glucose, weight control, or blood fats.”

No Hope Warshaw



  1. This woman is deranged, she must be. she ought to be sectioned under the mental health act!
    She obviously hasnt got a clue, its all very well telling a diabetic you can eat your carbs, but then the meter tells you who is right in the end, those idiot dieticians or my meter?
    Carry out your own personal research using your meter and remember non-daibetic blood sugar levels is what you want to aim for.
    Karen chocfish

  2. Is she, perhaps, related to another well - known Dietician?

  3. "Though low carb, higher protein diets have been touted time and time again, the research (and there's more than ever before) shows that after about six months (and that is if you can even stay on the diet this long), most people don't lose any more weight using low carb than other approaches."

    More from No Hope Warshaw


  4. Quite so Karen! I don't know what it will take to get these people out of the media and shut them up.

    I know we're all supposed to be different, but we need to be a lot different from that idiot!

    Referring to Eddie's post, I wonder how many people she and her kind have actually killed?


  5. "Referring to Eddie's post, I wonder how many people she and her kind have actually killed?"

    I now have some idea of her mortality rate. At the bottom of her pages, there's the legend: "Website By: The Medium"

    I have to assume this is how she contacts her clients!


  6. So according to Hope it's actually healthy to eat a 30-50 gram carb bagel...and when my meter goes into the 300s and starts flashing warnings can I tell it to call Hope??


    I dont understand the world anymore, this woman promotes a carby diet, and in the forum we have cathereinecherub telling all and sundry the good news about Januva, next they will tell us its health food!
    Unreal - you dont need that toxic rubbish, just cut out the carbs, eat fresh, healthy food and fats, it cant get more anti-inflammatory if you tried.
    Karen chocfish

  8. Hi, I agree 100%. Anyone who believes drugs are the best way to control type two diabetes are already on too many drugs !


  9. You guys are causing quite a stir there's even anther blog that appears to be dedicated to you, though I have to say it's not very complimentary.LOL

    Keep up the good work.


  10. Hi Ged

    While the antis bleat about this blog, they comment around the clock on another blog. The leader of this other blog describes himself as a “Carb loving person“, and appears to be an Orlistat salesman. His defects and crew always post as anonymous, too gutless to post even their made up forum names. As you can imagine, we quake in our boots about these gutless chumps and rejects.

    Some say he is obsessed with me and is secretly in love with me, who knows ? As they say we are all different !


  11. She looks good to me. Healthy and attractive. For a long weekend not too bad, for sound advice, forget it.

  12. Re Januvia.

    Maybe people should read this commentary

  13. This woman is unbelievable "new reality" whatever next?

    My reality is that if I even attempted to eat what she suggests my meter would very quickly tell me the reality. I do not want readings of 7 and way above. No thanks I will stick with low carb and low readings. I want to keep my health, good eyesight and healthy limbs.


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The best of health to you and yours.
